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God Behaving Badly? – Introduction

By Timothy Fox “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal,...

Can God Balance Mercy and Justice?

By Al Serrato In a recent post, I addressed the issue of whether Christ’s death constituted a sacrifice. For many skeptics, Christ’s death, resurrection, and atonement for our sins constitute a major stumbling block. In response to that post, one challenger commented...

¿Quién escribió las cartas de Pedro?

Por Brian Chilton En los últimos meses, hemos estado investigando a los autores y los antecedentes de los libros del Nuevo Testamento. En este artículo, veremos las cartas atribuidas a Pedro. Hacia la parte posterior del Nuevo Testamento, uno encontrará dos cartas...

Exposing Atheist Contradictions

Frank exposes several contradictions that are unavoidable if one holds to a materialistic, atheistic worldview. There seems to be a mismatch between their beliefs and reality, and we should point this out. Learn more about this by reading "Stealing from God: Why...

Historic Heresies Related to the Nature of Jesus

Over the centuries, believers have sometimes struggled to understand the nature of God and the great mystery of Jesus. The Bible describes Jesus as having the nature and power of God, and the Gospel of John tells us that He existed before the universe began (He was,...

Resentment Tests Worldviews

By Luke Nix Introduction A few months ago, an article on Lifehacker with some financial advice caught my attention. In today's materialistic (financially speaking, not philosophically speaking) society, resentment towards those who spend more than we do is a real...

Objections to the Existence of the Soul

By Jacobus Erasmus In a recent blog post, Professor Keith Parsons offers three reasons for why (he thinks) the soul does not exist. (You might recall that Parsons debated William Lane Craig in 1998). Since Parsons’ objections to substance dualism (for simplicity, I...

Is Christianity at War with Science?

The claim that Christianity is at war with science is one of the most common claims I hear from young people today. In fact, the belief that Christianity is opposed to modern science is one of the top reasons young people cite for leaving the church.[1] That’s why in...

What Is The Cup That Jesus Asked The Father To Take Away?

By Evan Minton "Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, 'Pray that you will not fall into temptation.'  He withdrew about a stone’s throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, 'Father, if...

¿Quién escribió el libro de Hebreos?

Por Brian Chilton A lo largo de las últimas semanas, hemos estado explorando quiénes fueron los autores de los libros del Nuevo Testamento. Ya hemos visto que hay buenas razones para apoyar la visión tradicional de que los apóstoles Mateo y Juan escribieron los...

Does an Objective Moral Compass Point to God?

By Tim Stratton Question Hey Tim, A question from your fellow Nebraska Reasonable Faith chapter director! When discussing the Moral Argument with my Reasonable Faith chapter in Omaha, I received some pushback from one of our members, who just so happens to have his...

Was Christ’s Death A Sacrifice?

By Al Serrato The blood-curdling scream signaled that she had not yet given up. Hours of pushing and the baby had still not descended. The OB was weighing her options, while dad wiped mom’s forehead and encouraged her on. She screamed again, pushing and puffing and...

Evidence That Demands a Verdict with Sean McDowell, Ph.D.

Frank interviews the co-author of the modern apologetics classic that started it all and is now completely revised and updated—the truth of the Bible doesn’t change, but its critics do. With the original Evidence That Demands a Verdict, bestselling author Josh...

Can There Be One Right Religion?

Recently I was in a conversation with a friend, and he asked how I could say that Jesus is the only way. I simply responded, “I’m not saying it. Jesus said it. Take it up with him.” He certainly didn’t expect that response. And I didn’t mean to be rude or abrupt. My...

Who Wrote the Book of Revelation?

By Brian Chilton As a teenager, I remember being a bit frightened of the book of Revelation. The smell of acne face cleanser filled the room as I dove into mysterious depictions of four-faced angels, beasts from the sea and land, of massive angels, and 100-pound...

¿Escribió Pablo las trece cartas atribuidas a él?

Por Brian Chilton En el Nuevo Testamento, se atribuyen trece cartas al apóstol Pablo. Pablo es, por supuesto, el individuo que había perseguido a la iglesia, pero se convirtió en un misionero cristiano después de un encuentro con el Jesús resucitado en el camino a...

Can Reason Lead Us To A Relationship With God?

By Al Serrato Most atheists feel confident that they have “reason” on their side. As a result, many are surprised when a Christian apologist takes an evidentialist, or reason-based, approach to matters of “faith.” Not long ago, the issue arose in a conversation I was...

Finding Purpose in Faith

By Al Serrato Many skeptics maintain unquestioned faith that science will solve the world’s problems. Seeing the evidence of chaos throughout the world, often the product of religiously-inspired violence, they conclude that religion is somehow the problem. Authors...

7 Insights from Traveling to Israel

Last week I had the chance of visiting the beautiful land of Israel. My wife and I went with Israel Collective, an organization dedicated to peace-making in Israel. We saw remarkable sites, met unique people (Israelis, Palestinians, Druze), heard powerful lectures,...

Should We Let Science Influence Our Doctrine Of Creation?

By Evan Minton Science is an amazing thing! It's enabled us to transcend so many of our previously existing barriers, from being able to walk on the moon to being able to carry on a live conversation with someone on the opposite side of the planet, from helping us...

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