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45 Quotes About Relativism vs. Truth

By Luke Nix "When it comes to truth, the outcome affects not only individuals but nations and even civilizations. What starts looking like a small abstract issue ends with titanic, public consequences for all who love freedom and justice." Os Guinness, Time For Truth:...

New Tactics with Greg Koukl

There are many places you can learn evidence for Christianity.  There are very few places you can learn easy ways to share that evidence.   Greg Koukl’s classic book Tactics is simply the best place to go to learn how to share the hope you have within you.  Now, ten...

Un caso contra el teísmo (Parte 2)

En este artículo abordaré la segunda de cuatro objeciones que nos presentaron hace unos meses. Puedes encontrar la primera parte aquí. Randy afirma que cualquier argumento empírico (kalam, ajuste fino, diseño) no es evidencia de Dios, ya que este aplicaría también...

What a Non-Christian Taught Me about the Gospel

By Dr. Dave Oldham A number of years ago, a young woman came to our church for counseling and talked to me. She poured out her story of disappointment with her husband’s unfaithfulness, his unwillingness to change, and the mess her life had become, not only because of...

¿Por qué no soy Fideísta? Parte III

Por Xavier González Parte I: Definición e historia del Fideísmo. Parte II: La historia de cristianos con una fe razonable. Promotores de la Fe Razonable Como vimos anteriormente los primeros cristianos no fueron fideísta, y eso va en total contradicción con los...

Is Chick-fil-A Chicken? And your questions

Jesus said that you can’t serve both God and money.   It looks like Chick-fil-A may be sacrificing God for money.  Under pressure from LGBTQ activists, they’ve decided to stop supporting the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  They say they want...

Was Apollonius of Tyana a Jesus Parallel?

By Ryan Leasure Bart Ehrman is the most popular skeptic in America today. Writing at super-sonic rates, his books seem to find their way on the New York Times Bestseller list about every other year. Because of his rapid output and wide popularity, his views are...

¿Por qué no soy Fideísta? Parte II

Por Xavier González Parte I: Definición e historia del Fideísmo. Fe Razonable, ¿Histórica? Este apartado no es un comercial para el ministerio del popular filósofo americano William Craig. Lo que se pretende es indagar sobre la historia de la iglesia primitiva, esto...

Guilty by Reason of Insanity with David Limbaugh

How do you get informed as to what is going on in our crazy political discourse right now? I can’t keep up with it all. I not only can’t keep up with it all, but I also forget what happened politically last week, and last month, and last year. I need someone to...

The Works of Jesus in the Nicene Creed

By Mikel Del Rosario Jesus: The Essential Works What are the essential truths Christians believing about the things Jesus did? As defenders of the faith, we need to know which beliefs about Jesus’ deeds are essential and why we should believe them. I had a...

¿Por qué no soy Fideísta? Parte I

Por Xavier González No les ha pasado que cuando están debatiendo con un ateo e intentas dar sus mejores argumentos, un hermano en Cristo o un desconocido que se meten en la discusión y comienza a dar sus argumentos. Pero cuando te das cuenta es pura tontería lo que...

You Might Be a Deist

By Brian Chilton Atlanta native Jeff Foxworthy made a name for himself as a stand-up comedian doing a routine called “You might be a redneck.” Some of these classic one-liners include, “If you have a set of salad bowls and they all say Cool Whip on the side, you might...

The Devil’s Delusion with Dr. David Berlinski

Frank interviews one of his favorite authors, the provocative and articulate Dr. David Berlinski. Dr. David Berlinski is an author, thinker, professor, and self-described secular Jew, who with wit and elegance dismantles the assumptions and assertions of Darwinists...

How to Work through Doubt and Uncertainty

By Matthew Slama In the guide to Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement from JCGM, it defines uncertainty as meaning doubt. It specifically defines uncertainty of measurement as meaning doubt about the validity of the result of a measurement. I recently presented at...

Racism, Racial Reconciliation & The Gospel

By Carter Keller In recent years, America has once again become susceptible to racial prejudice on a cultural scale. It is difficult, however, to determine how widespread racism is in the nation. Especially since those currently in the spotlight, politicians, media,...

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