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When Is “Good” Good Enough?

By Al Serrato Your son walks in test paper in hand. You glance over and wince, seeing the big “60” in red ink at the top. “Don’t worry,” he says, “I did good on this test.” You ignore the faulty grammar. One problem at a time, you think, mulling over in your mind just...

Talking with Your Kids about Jesus with Natasha Crain

Jesus of Nazareth is not only the most influential human being in history but God incarnate.  Do you know how to talk with your kids about Him?  You will after you hear this podcast because author and apologist Natasha Crain is Frank’s guest.  Natasha...

Secularism, COVID-19, & the “Non-Essential” Church

By Rich Hoyer Many have asked the question, “Why are churches considered ‘non-essential’ during the Coronavirus shutdown and places like restaurants considered ‘essential’? Why are churches closed while grocery stores and restaurants remain open (at least for...

La ciencia y el nuevo ateísmo son incompatibles

Por Shadow To Light Uno de los argumentos centrales del movimiento del Nuevo Ateismo insiste en que la ciencia y la religión son «incompatibles". Los científicos no deben ser religiosos y si alguien realmente valora la ciencia, se supone que deben abandonar su...

The Separation Doctrine Between Church And State

By Jason Jiménez In 1830, upon arriving to North America from France, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, “The religious aspect of the country was the first thing that struck my attention; and the longer I stayed there, the more I perceived the great political consequences...

Does Love Require Approval?

The culture says, “To love me you must approve of what I do.”  Is that true?  Does love require approval? Many so-called Christians are claiming the answer is yes— that we must approve of what people want to do in order to love them.  Frank shows why...

Why Religious Freedom Should Matter to Absolutely Everyone

By Mikel Del Rosario Religious Freedom in a Pluralistic Society Why should religious freedom matter to everyone? Because the value we put on religious liberty shows how much we really care about freedom. If you’re going to be able to work for the common good—with...

EPS Panel Discussion On Divine Simplicity

By J. Brian Huffling In November of 2018, I was on a panel with Richard Howe, Stephen Davis, and William Lane Craig at an Evangelical Philosophical Society session hosted by the American Academy of Religion. The topic was “Divine Simplicity.” It can be...

6 Ways Atheism Is A Science-Stopper

By Luke Nix Introduction: Science vs. Christianity? It is commonly claimed that Christianity is a science-stopper. What is usually put forth to justify this claim is that many Christians are content to look at nature and say, "God did it," without looking further to...

Philosophy is more Certain than Science

How can philosophy be more certain than science?  How can morality be more certain than science?  That goes against the common wisdom.  Join Frank as he uses COVID 19, as an illustration, to show we know philosophy and morality at least as well if not...

Is Earth Just A Pale Blue Dot?

By Ryan Leasure  In his book Pale Blue Dot, the late astronomer Carl Sagan had this to say about the above photograph taken aboard Voyager I: Because of the reflection of sunlight... Earth seems to be sitting in a beam of light as if there were some special...

God Uses Our Dreams and Disasters to Accomplish the Impossible

By Natasha Crain  If you’ve read my books or followed my blog for a while, you know that the focus of my writing is to equip parents with an understanding of how to make a case for and defend the truth of Christianity so they can pass that knowledge on to their kids....

Conservatives on Campus with Charlie Kirk

Why should Christians be interested in politics? What political principles should they advocate? Is anyone teaching the principles of political freedom, free markets and limited government on high school and college campuses? Charlie Kirk is the founder and president...

Don’t the Resurrection Narratives Contradict?

By Erik Manning The apostle Paul said that if Christ hasn’t risen, Christianity is a sham. (1 Corinthians 15:17) Many atheists agree and will happily point to the gospel accounts. Just how seriously should they take the claim of the resurrection? After all, aren’t the...

What Is Salvation All About?

By Jason Jimenez Ever wish you had a backup plan? Well, God did. Of course, that doesn’t imply God made a mistake. God is perfect, and everything He created was perfect (Gen. 1-2). He perfectly and freely made Adam and Eve perfect in His image. And yet, Adam and Eve...

It’s Logically Impossible To Avoid Logic

By Alex McElroy The only foundation upon which one should build their life is the truth. The truth should be sound, logical, and justifiable. Most, if not all, people would agree with that sentiment. However, the factors that one uses to determine what is true and...

The World On The Other Side of This Pandemic

By Bob Perry The world is an unpredictable place. But we pretend it isn’t. We like to envision our future and plan our steps, pretending we know how we’ll get there. But the stories we write for ourselves rest on assumptions about how the world works and our place in...

The Most Influential Life in History

Who was the most influential person in history?  It was a person who never led an army, never held office, never wrote a book, never traveled more than 200 miles from where he was born.  Yet today, he’s the center of humanity.  How so?  Because Jesus of Nazareth rose...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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