By (Josh Klein) If God is so good, why did he command the Israelites to utterly destroy everyone and everything in the Old Testament? Is God a moral monster?[i] Particularly in the conquest of the land of Canaan? God calls for the complete and utter destruction of...
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Confrontando la homosexualidad en una cultura de identidad (parte 3)
Por Josh Klein Al entrar en la sección final de la crítica de las objeciones a la visión ortodoxa de la actividad homosexual como un pecado, es importante señalar, de nuevo, por qué estoy gastando una cantidad significativa de tiempo en estos puntos particulares. El...
A Rebel’s Manifesto | with Sean McDowell
Do you ever feel like you're on complete information overload? Don't know where to turn for help while dealing with all the bad ideas that are being thrown at you from social media? Should we be concerned when a big-name actor like Tom Holland, who seems to "have it...
Confrontando la homosexualidad en una cultura de identidad (parte 2)
Por Josh Klein Anteriormente, examinamos la dicotomía entre lo que significa declarar la actividad homosexual como un pecado y cómo lidian con ella los que creen en la ortodoxia cristiana. Abordamos las raíces del movimiento cultural actual e introdujimos la idea de...
What did Jesus think about the Old Testament?
By Ryan Leasure It’s not uncommon for Christians to throw shade on the Old Testament. These Christians say they love Jesus, but they could do without those primitive Jewish texts. In fact, many Christians suggest that much of the Old Testament is ahistorical. Events...
Why Do Some Christians Say “All Sins Are Equally Bad” And “Everyone Is Equally Guilty”?
By Wintery Knight We were having a discussion about whether the Bible teaches that sex before marriage is morally wrong, and someone said “impure thoughts counts as adultery… there isn’t a virgin among us.” Regarding her point that lust is equal to adultery, and so no...
Does God Treat Women like Second-Class Citizens in the Old Testament?
By Ryan Leasure Perhaps the most scathing statement ever made about the God of the Old Testament came from the pen of Richard Dawkins. He famously snarled: The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it;...
5 Signs Your Church Might be Heading Toward Progressive Christianity
By Alisa Childers Several years ago, my husband and I began attending a local Evangelical, non-denominational church, and we loved it. We cherished the sense of community we found among the loving and authentic people we met there, and the intelligent, "outside the...
How to Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much
By Natasha Crain Black Lives Matter activists cornered a woman at a restaurant in Washington D.C. this week because she wouldn’t raise her fist in solidarity with their chants that “white silence is violence.” If you watch the clip of this happening,...
How Should The Church Engage Those With Same-Sex Attraction Or Gender Dysphoria?
By Ryan Leasure How should the church engage those who experience same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria? In response, I want to highlight seven basic principles that the church must embrace. Affirm The Divine Image Genesis 1 is clear that everyone, without...
Marx Attacks!
By Phil Bair If I were to ask you who the most influential philosopher of the 21st Century is, what would your answer be? The correct answer might surprise you. It is Karl Marx. Karl Marx believed that class struggle would occur naturally on its own without the help...
Is Homosexual Behavior Consistent With The Bible’s Teachings?
By Wintery Knight Here’s a post from Christian writer Terrell Clemmons about efforts by gay activists to redefine Christianity so that it is consistent with homosexual behavior. This particular post is focused on Matthew Vines. She writes: In March 2012, two...
Jeff Hester Debates William Lane Craig On The Topic “Is Belief In God Rational In A Scientific Age?”
By Wintery Knight I was very excited to see a recent debate by Christian philosopher William Lane Craig against atheist astronomer Jeff Hester. When I summarize a debate, I do a fair, objective summary if the atheist is intelligent and informed, as with Peter...
The Redefinition of Love—Resulting From the Loss of Truth
By Rich Hoyer Most people agree that we should love one another. But what does it mean to love others? Love can’t mean what our culture says it means. It can’t be untethered from a transcendent moral standard (i.e., God’s word and natural Law) and left to be defined...
Secularism, COVID-19, & the “Non-Essential” Church
By Rich Hoyer Many have asked the question, “Why are churches considered ‘non-essential’ during the Coronavirus shutdown and places like restaurants considered ‘essential’? Why are churches closed while grocery stores and restaurants remain open (at least for...
White-Knuckling It
By Brady Cone As a man who loves Jesus, is in a heterosexual marriage and still experiences some same-sex attraction that is lingering from my previous gay life, I spend a lot of time talking to Christian men about what life as a same-sex attracted (SSA) Christian man...
Does The “Legacy of Slavery” Explain Black Women’s 72% Out-Of-Wedlock Birth Rate?
By Wintery Knight I don’t like Calvinist theologian James White at all, but at least he’s willing to defend the moral teachings of the Bible against the woke identity politics that is taking over Christian churches. A few months ago, he tweeted something very...
The Problem with Christian Celebrity
By Robby Hall The backlash against Lauren Daigle for her comments on homosexuality sparked debate amongst Christians who both defend and critique her. John Crist, a Christian comedian, recently posted a video on his Instagram feed condemning those who judged her for...
¿Cuál fue el pecado de Sodoma y Gomorra?
Por Greg Koukl ¿Por qué Dios destruyó a Sodoma y Gomorra? ¿Fue verdaderamente por causa del pecado de la inhospitalidad y no por la homosexualidadel el juicio más grande que se encuentra en la Biblia aparte del libro de Apocalipsis? La gente encuentra lo que quiere en...
25 Quotes On Tolerance
By Luke Nix "Most of what passes for tolerance today is not tolerance at all but actually intellectual cowardice. Those who hide behind that word are often afraid of intelligent engagement and don't engage or even consider contrary opinions. It's easier to hurl an...