Ever wondered how the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, became a Christian? Millions of fans came to know and love Phil Robertson and the entire Duck Dynasty clan during the show's 11-season...

Ever wondered how the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, became a Christian? Millions of fans came to know and love Phil Robertson and the entire Duck Dynasty clan during the show's 11-season...
What are the rules for engaging a teenage or adult child who is now identifying as trans, deems you toxic, and then threatens to completely cut you off? The natural reaction to freak out usually...
Have you talked with Jesus yet today? No, I’m not talking about your morning prayers. I’m talking about the new Text-With-Jesus app. This is a downloadable smartphone app that will put you in a...
Do Christians really know the Bible as well as we should? If we're being honest, reading an ancient set of documents from a culture we don't understand can be quite intimidating. With that being the...
If God truly is loving, is He obligated to save those who have never heard the Gospel or choose not to accept it? Many non-Christians ask this LOADED question without realizing that it's a moral...
People always tell me not to look at the comment section of a social media post. I didn’t listen. We just promoted the new kid’s curriculum Let’s Get Real: Examining the Evidence for God, based on...
What do you call a Christian that denies the Virgin Birth, the Divinity of Christ, the Second Coming, miracles, the Atonement, and the Resurrection? They're called "Progressive" Christians. But if a...
Have you ever noticed that most of the disputes we have in our culture and even in the church, are morality based? Whether it's abortion, marriage, transgenderism, climate change, vaccines,...
In part 1 of this series, we looked at a few Old Testament passages that people often misinterpret. In part 2 we shift to the New Testament. It’s worth noting that sometimes the error is just an...
When a fellow Christian confides in you that they're "deconstructing", what do you say and what kind of advice do you give them? Or even worse, what if YOU aren't sure what to believe anymore? It...
What's the ONE attribute that has the power to change your life, your relationships, and your career? In this midweek episode, homicide detective and best-selling author, J. Warner Wallace returns...
"You can't trust the New Testament writers because they were Christians!" How many times have you heard that objection? Atheists and skeptics often claim that the life of Jesus has been embellished...
Are you possibly underestimating your ability to go out and make disciples? Imagine if every Christian invested in the spiritual growth of just one other person. How could that affect our local...
Does the New Age movement offer a "higher level" of Christianity? Often used interchangeably, New Age and New Thought have appealed to the masses, both in secular society as well as within Christian...
Why is it that all societies throughout human history have been plagued by and confronted with universal guilt? That is to say that guilt, which can be defined as the result of violating a moral law...
Do you know how to have meaningful conversations with atheists or how to answer their concerns when it comes to science, morality, and evil in the world? Navigating through faith conversations with...
How can you increase the chances that your child won't walk away from the faith when they get older? Most young people who are raised as Christians receive some form of discipleship training within...
Most people believe in God. The question is, which God? Who is this God? Is He personal? Impersonal? An “it”? A vague source or amorphous energy? It’s important to think this through because if God...
Why is it more culturally acceptable to have Drag Queen story hour at a public library than it is to read faith-based books that introduce children to Christian values such as kindness, love, and...
What could be worse than being cut off by your adult children (and subsequently grandchildren) because you hold a Christian or conservative worldview? As cancel culture continues to rear its ugly...
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