Why has antisemitism exploded on college campuses and around the world? In the aftermath of the horrifying Oct. 7th Hamas attack on Israel, students and even faculty members of some of our most...
Is Your Church A Personality Cult, Part 2
In part one, we looked at how “cult” can refer to a group’s heretical theology (“theological cult”) or to its dangerous practices (“sociological cult). A personality cult is the second type, with...
What Babylon Teaches The Church About Discipleship | with Shanda Fulbright
Who (or WHAT) is discipling you and your family? We often talk about discipleship in Christian circles, with most of us instinctively associating it with some form of ministry training. While this...
What Babylon Teaches The Church About Discipleship
When you hear the word “disciple” does your mind go back to the first century where a group of twelve men followed Jesus and helped him pass out baskets full of loaves and fish? The word “disciple”...
Can Mathematics Be Used to Detect Design in Nature? | with Dr. William Dembski
How do we know that life is designed? Would it surprise you to know that it can be done mathematically? You see, things like biological systems, specified complexity, and probabilistic hurdles leave...
Deconstructing Critical Theory | with Krista Bontrager & Monique Duson
What does the Bible teach us about race, ethnicity, unity, and justice? When Krista Bontrager (a conservative wife, homeschool mom, and Biola graduate) formed a close relationship with Monique Duson...
Soon vs Suddenly: An Important Distinction on Jesus’ Return
The word “soon” can be quite ambiguous, if not misleading. When asked about homework, a teenager might reply that they expect to finish sometime soon. In my family, that word could equal 30 seconds...
Introducing the KINGDOM AI PROJECT
What is the eternal message of hope that we are privileged to have here in the United States (and other parts of the West) that many people around the world don't have? It is the Gospel--the saving...
How Biochemistry Led Me to the Creator | with Dr. Fazale “Fuz” Rana
How in the world did a biochemist with a Muslim father find his saving grace through Jesus Christ? Fazale “Fuz” Rana is president, CEO, and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe (RTB), an...
Only God is Above the Law
“No one is above the law.” So the popular saying goes, and no truer thing was ever said in a mere six words. This thought, and our Western system of justice which sprang from it, stands as a...
Inside Noah’s Ark with | Dr. Tim Chaffey
Can we REALLY believe in Noah's ark? Practically speaking, the idea of a massive flood, a giant ark, a rainbow covenant, and the preservation of animals through the care of one small family on an...
Weathering Climate Change | with Dr. Hugh Ross
What (if anything) can the Bible teach us about climate change? Arguably, the most controversial aspect of the climate change debate seems to be whether it's occurring naturally or as a result of...
Is it Biblical to Be a Gay Christian?
Imagine a porcupine. He’s waddling around with his long pointy quills. He’s harmless, even cute until he gets scared or offended. Then he becomes an angry pincushion. Now image this porcupine is...
Faith Examined | with Professor Clark Bates
This show will bless you if you have ever supported CrossExamined.org (and even if you haven’t). Just two weeks ago at the Unshaken conference in Nashville, TN, Frank was both shocked and honored to...
Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy? – Part 2
Do evangelical Christians hold political views that are "wildly extreme"? If the sanctity of human life and the institution of marriage being solely between one man and one woman are extreme, then...
Is Your Church a Personality Cult? Part 1
Sometimes cults are easy to spot. Most everyone knows about the Jim Jones cult (People’s Temple), or David Koresh’s group in Waco, Texas (Branch Davidians). Those cults are easy to spot because...
Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy?
Are Christian politicians plotting to turn America into a theocracy? That's precisely what the woke media outlets want you to think, often accusing Christians of trying to violate the “separation of...
Ossuaries, Tombs, and Archaeological Evidence for the New Testament | with Joel Kramer
How much does archaeology actually reveal about the claims made in the New Testament? The four Gospels give us key details into the life and ministry of Jesus, the disciples, and the culture of...
Why Did God Put That Tree in the Garden of Eden?
God created humans in a state of sinless perfection, but all of that changed when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “The Lord God took the man and...
5 AMAZING Archaeological Finds from the Old Testament | with Joel P. Kramer
What can recent archaeological discoveries tell us about the historicity of the Bible? The miraculous destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the equally miraculous fall of Jericho seem far-fetched to...