If you say the wrong thing about race, even innocently, there's a pretty good chance you'll be convicted and cancelled in the court of public opinion and maybe even the church. In fact, the election...

If you say the wrong thing about race, even innocently, there's a pretty good chance you'll be convicted and cancelled in the court of public opinion and maybe even the church. In fact, the election...
In the mid-1990’s a Theology professor at Duke Divinity School, named Richard Hayes, wrote a book called The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary...
What impact has CORE Apologetics made since its launch just a year ago? At last year’s SES Steadfast conference, CrossExamined Board Member Dan Hodges sat down with Dr. Ben Shaw, CORE's president...
One of the questions that people ask when they read through the Old Testament is “did those little statues that people worshipped actually have any power behind them?” Many scholars agree that...
Why do people remain shocked that a majority of Christians (and the nation) voted for Donald Trump? How is that voting like Jesus? This week, Frank invites Pastor Josh Howerton of Lakepointe Church...
How should Christians understand the Old Testament? Since the birth of Christianity, this has been a topic of hot debate, and to this day many Christians don’t really understand how their faith in...
Is the Shroud of Turin a genuine relic of Christ’s burial or an elaborate medieval forgery? One of the most fascinating artifacts tied to Christianity, this ancient cloth continues to puzzle...
A clip from Skillet frontman John Cooper has recently been making the rounds on social media. In it, Cooper is heard saying that “it is time to declare war on this idolatrous deconstruction...
What could the election of the nation of Israel and the 2024 U.S. presidential election possibly have in common? This week, we're diving into both! Join Frank as he talks with investigative...
Sean McDowell, professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, on his blog, lists the top ten apologetic books for beginners with short descriptions of each. He includes: Mere Christianity,...
Feeling anxious about the 2024 presidential election? Take heart! God's Word has wisdom for us on all the big issues—government, leadership, rebellion, sovereignty, anxiety, and prayer. Listen as...
The DNA replisome is one of the most remarkable molecular machines, involving a complex of different proteins, each of which is very specifically crafted to fulfill its role in the process of...
Don’t think the government will ever take your child? Think again. Laura Bryant Hanford, contributing writer to The Federalist, returns to the podcast to expose how the government is overriding your...
You have probably heard it said, “You have to prove that scientifically.” Or even in news reports that “studies have shown . . . ” Or maybe you have heard that science is the final or ultimate...
Is Neo-Darwinism DEAD? Why are some prominent biologists and macro-evolutionists admitting that Darwinian evolution is in trouble and what’s fueling this newfound skepticism—even among Darwin’s...
Before I go any further, I must state that this is not an attempt to apply guilt or condemnation to any woman who has had an abortion, or any man who has encouraged it. The Good News is that grace...
Frank responds to listener questions and a charge that he is ignoring facts. He also exposes media deception in this election cycle, and shows the shocking connection between the abortion pill and...
Frank responds to listener questions and a charge that he is ignoring facts. He also exposes media deception in this election cycle, and shows the shocking connection between the abortion pill and...
Editor’s Note: This post from Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon was originally posted on October 14, 2024 at FreeThinking Ministries, in the form of an open letter to everyone who is tempted to abstain from...
Can you believe in biblical inerrancy AND hold to the old earth creation model? There's been an intramural debate brewing between old earth and young creationists, and some evangelical scholars say...
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