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The Wisdom Chronicle is designed to bring nuggets of wisdom from the dozens of books I read every year. I endeavor to share the best of what I have gleaned. The determination of relevance lies with you. Blessings, J. Whiddon

  1. TEENAGERS I saw this sign in a restaurant once: “Teenagers, are you tired of being harassed by your stupid parents? Act now! Move out, get a job, and pay your own bills while you still know everything!”

Excerpt From: Turek, Frank. “Stealing from God.”

  1. POT BRAIN DAMAGE “During the first decade of life, brain growth occurs mainly in the gray matter (neurons and dendrites) and during the second and third decades, it occurs primarily in the white matter (connectivity). Exposure to neurotoxins during the brain’s developmental period can permanently alter the brain’s structure and function.

That is what marijuana does to the teen brain: it alters the structure and function. Because of a vicious cycle that numbs the reward and pleasure responses in the brain, more and more is required to obtain such pleasure—or such a high. This is but one reason marijuana users are much more likely to try harder drugs than those who never initiate marijuana use.

Excerpt From: William J. Bennett & Robert A White. “Going to Pot.”

  1. POT LUNG DAMAGE “There are 33 cancer-causing chemicals contained in marijuana. Marijuana smoke also deposits tar into the lungs. In fact, when equal amounts of marijuana and tobacco are smoked, marijuana deposits four times as much tar into the lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.”

Excerpt From: William J. Bennett & Robert A White. “Going to Pot.”

  1. BIBLE AND FOUNDERS “In 1984, University of Houston political scientists Donald Lutz and Charles Hyneman wrote about the sources that most influenced the development of American political thought during our nation’s Founding Era, 1760–1805.

After analyzing some fifteen thousand items published during that forty-five-year period, Lutz and Hyneman isolated 3,154 direct quotes cited by the Founders, identified the source of these quotes, and discovered that 34 percent came directly out of the Bible. French legal philosopher Baron Charles de Montesquieu was quoted 8.3 percent of the time. Sir William Blackstone, a renowned English jurist whose Commentaries on the Laws of England were highly accepted in America, was next at 7.9 percent, and English philosopher John Locke was fourth with 2.9 percent.

Three-fourths of the biblical citations in the 1760 to 1805 sample came from reprinted sermons (one of the most popular types of political writing during these years), and only 9 percent came from secular literature. These statistics clearly reflect the Bible’s impact on the Founding Fathers.

Excerpt From: Lee, Richard. “In God We Still Trust: A 365-Day Devotional.”

  1. INDECISION “Men who succeed reach decisions promptly, and change them, if at all, very slowly. Men who fail, reach decisions, if at all, very slowly, and change them frequently, and quickly. Indecision and procrastination are twin brothers. Where one is found, the other may usually be found also. Kill off this pair before they completely “hog-tie” you to the treadmill of FAILURE.”

Excerpt From: Hill, Napoleon. “Think and Grow Rich.”

  1. SELF-CONTROL “Intemperance in sex habits is just as detrimental as intemperance in habits of drinking and eating. In this age in which we live, an age which began with the world war, intemperance in habits of sex is common. This orgy of indulgence may account for the shortage of great leaders. No man can avail himself of the forces of his creative imagination, while dissipating them. Man is the only creature on earth which violates Nature’s purpose in this connection. Every other animal indulges its sex nature in moderation, and with purpose which harmonizes with the laws of nature. Every other animal responds to the call of sex only in “season.” Man’s inclination is to declare “open season.”

Excerpt From: Hill, Napoleon. “Think and Grow Rich.”

  1. WHY LIFE SO HARD? C. S. Lewis said, “sometimes you only look up when you’re on your back.”

Q:”I believe it is best for me to let my child decide for himself on matters related to God. Wouldn’t we be forcing our religion down his throat if we tell him what he must believe?”

A: There is a brief period during childhood when youngsters are vulnerable to religious training. Their concepts of right and wrong are formulated during this time, and their view of God begins to solidify. As in the case of the gosling imprinting his mother goose immediately after birth, the opportunity of that period must be seized when the child is ready developmentally. Permanent attitudes can be instilled during the first seven vulnerable years.

The absence or misapplication of instruction through the prime time period may place a severe limitation on the depth of a child’s later devotion to God. When parents withhold indoctrination from their small children, allowing them to decide for themselves, the adults are almost guaranteeing that their youngsters will decide in the negative. If parents want their children to have a meaningful faith, they must give up any misguided attempts at objectivity. Children listen closely to discover just how much their parents believe what they preach. Any indecision or ethical confusion from the parent is likely to be magnified in the child.

After the middle-adolescent age (ending at about fifteen years), children sometimes resent heavy-handedness about anything—including what to believe. But if the early exposure has been properly conducted, they should have an anchor to steady them. Their early indoctrination, then, is the key to the spiritual attitudes they carry into adulthood.”

Excerpt From: Dobson, James. “Your Legacy.”

  1. WOULD YOU DIE? “According to a popular legend surrounding the Declaration of Independence, John Hancock signed his name largely and distinctly so King George could read it without his spectacles. While that may not be true, it is true that Mr. Hancock put his life on the line with that signature. If the revolution were lost or he were caught, he would be hanged by the British.

Each of the fifty-six signers knew the risk: “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

Excerpt From: Lee, Richard. “In God We Still Trust: A 365-Day Devotional.”

  1. MOST TOYS “He who does with the most toys dies anyway.” A lifetime invested in the accumulation of worldly possessions will have been wasted if that turns out to be your primary reason for living. When all has been said and done, it won’t matter.”

Excerpt From: Dobson, James. “Your Legacy.”

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