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The New Cultural Christianity

A few months ago I wrote an article on the West’s move towards a post-Christian culture (Post-Christianity: What’s That?). Since the article’s publication at least two prominent atheists decried the fall of Christianity in the West. One claims to have converted to...

Andy Stanley’s Unbiblical ‘Affirming’ Stance

In the following piece, I will discuss the ongoing controversies surrounding Andy Stanley and the recent Unconditional Conference held at North Point Church — outlining clear departures from the scriptural teachings found in the Bible. I will spotlight three key...

How Censorship Endangers You | with Seth Dillon

How is today's censorship trend affecting your job, your child's education, and your medical healthcare of all things? And what about the political right? Are they as guilty of imposing censorship on society as the far left? For this midweek podcast episode, Seth...

Censoring the Babylon Bee? | with Seth Dillon

What exactly constitutes "free speech" and falls under the protection of the First Amendment? As the political left increasingly advocates for (and often achieves) unconstitutional censorship, the line between what's permissible and what's not in public dialogue...

Our Children: The Greatest Mission Field

Be assured that when the knock comes at your door, it will be unannounced, it will be warrantless, and it will come at the most inconvenient time. The social service worker will be polite, but cool and business-like. Despite your confusion, fear, and even anger, you...

Pronoun Mania

If you haven’t had a chance to freshen up on the latest gender pronoun trend, be sure to do so by visiting a Starbucks near you. There you’ll be warmly greeted by your barista, who might be your standard he or she but could be he/they, she/they, or they/them. On...

5 Fatal Flaws in Transgender Ideology

Many people who support transgender surgery and cross-sex hormones may be well-intentioned, but the transgender ideology behind those intentions is fraught with fatal flaws. Here are just five of many. Contrary to transgender ideology: 1. The Design of the Body Proves...

10+ Questions to Ask Your Woke Boss

What happens when your job asks you to do something that conflicts with your religious beliefs? Do you just give in because it's easier than rocking the boat? The same people who say they are fighting for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) often punish...

The 5 Flaws of Transgender Ideology

How much truth can you tolerate? That may sound like a strange question, but people often have the tendency to suppress the truth when it doesn’t align with our own personal desires. Why? Because as Paul said in Romans Chapter 1, we want to go our own way! In this...

Is Telling the Truth Transphobic? + Q&A

You want controversy? We've got it! In this midweek podcast episode, Phoenix Hayes joins Frank to discuss the expanded third edition of his book, 'Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism'. The transgender movement has seemingly...

In Defense of Marriage

Language is complex. Language provides the building blocks for communication in society.  What certain words or phrases mean within a given context helps to shape the understanding of the culture at large. Words, and their definitions, are what organize society. Words...

5 Casualties of the Court’s LGBTQ Sex Ruling

"Sex" in civil rights law now legally means sexual orientation or whatever gender you think you are. That's the result of a surprising Supreme Court decision (Bostock vs. Clayton County) from Justice Neil Gorsuch. Problem? Yes, here are five casualties of this ruling:...

Why Would God Make Me a Lesbian?

Could there be any more sensitive and provocative question in our culture today?  (Since we posted this video on YouTube two days ago it has averaged nearly 2,000 views per hour.)  A student posed the question at Towson State University.  Here is our four-minute...

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

As Frank quite often says, the new religion in America is the religion of sex, an old religion resurrected. The leading topics of controversy and conversation today are Abortion and the LGBTQ agenda. In this dialogue, our dear friend, colleague, and CIA Instructor Dr....

God and the Transgender Debate: Book Review

The transgender debate is threatening to rip apart our culture. And it is raising a deep divide within the church. How should Christians respond? I recently picked up a copy of the new book by Andrew Walker entitled God and the Transgender Debate. It has significant...

LGBTQ Contradictions

“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive,” said Blaise Pascal. Indeed, attraction, not reason, is the engine of the LGBTQ movement. Otherwise it wouldn’t be riddled with contradictions...

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