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Jesus and Elon Musk

Can you get an interview with the richest man in the world and then talk about Jesus? Our friends at the Babylon Bee did—the hilarious Christian news satire site. Elon Musk, who is a fan of the Bee, sat for a wide-ranging interview last month that lasted nearly two...

The Top Ten Questions to Ask Skeptical Friends

How do you get a spiritual conversation started? Can you do it without appearing awkward? Should your goal be to bring someone to the foot of the cross in every conversation you have? Join Frank as he reveals the Top Ten questions that will help you have effective...

Por qué es un error decir que todas las religiones son iguales

Por Al Serrato Todos los años se producen en Estados Unidos miles de delitos en los que no hay testigos ni apenas pruebas. A veces, el autor del delito deja una impresión dactilar -una huella latente- en algún lugar del escenario del crimen. En el pasado, estas...

What Would It Take To Prove That God Doesn’t Exist?

By Al Serrato Atheists who feel certain that there is no God are staking out a rather interesting position. As a corollary of their position, they are of course also convinced that those who believe in God are engaging in a form of wishful thinking, that their desire...

How the Chain of Custody Affirms the Biblical Jesus

We don’t possess the original New Testament papyrus scrolls. They deteriorate too quickly to have survived this long. So how do we know that the manuscripts we have now are accurate representations of the originals? Is it reasonable to believe that they have been...

¿Quién es la persona de mayor relevancia?

¿Por qué nos interesan tanto los asesinatos?  Algunos de los podcasts, vídeos y titulares de noticias más populares tratan sobre homicidios de alto perfil.  A menudo nos consume el principal sospechoso al que la policía suele llamar "persona de interés".  ¿Ahora...

Artless Similarities: More Evidence for Gospel Reliability

By Erik Manning While reading the gospels, you’ll notice similarities between the characters portrayed across the different stories. Parallels between the gospels concerning character depictions are unlikely to be the result of mere chance. And these correspondences...

Por qué la gente odia ser juzgada

Por Al Serrato "No me juzgues" parece ser un refrán cada vez más pronunciado, y aceptado, en nuestra sociedad, que refleja lo que parece ser una tendencia humana universal y profundamente arraigada. Incluso los cristianos, que deberían saberlo mejor, parecen subirse...

Who is your authority?

As we enter 2022, how do you make decisions about the biggest issues in life? Who or what is your authority? What doctrines are you following? Everyone believes in certain doctrines—truths about reality. Even atheists. These doctrines govern not only what we think but...

Why God May Place More on Us Than We Can Endure

By Brian Chilton Have you ever heard the phrase, “God will not place more on you than you can endure.” Another way of phrasing the statement is by saying “God will not place more on you than you can bear.” Christians are known for such platitudes. These cliches are...

How We Got Our Bible: Old Testament Canon and Apocrypha

By Ryan Leasure This is part three of a nine-part series on how we got our Bible. Part one addressed the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. Part two explained the formation and preservation of the Old Testament text. This post will address issues surrounding the...

God and Evil

By Tony Williams Evil, or some derivation of it, is one of the more popular reasons people cite when they walk away from believing in God or choose not to believe in Him in the first place. The most popular atheists who have most recently driven the conversation on...

Why Grace is the True Meaning of Christmas

What is the true meaning of Christmas? As Christians, we know it has little to do with trees, presents, and reindeer. But what is it really about? Why is there a Christmas at all? Frank goes to an unlikely place to highlight why Christmas exists — the book of...

3 Reasons Why Jesus Is The Only Way

By Tim Stratton Sermon Outline Riddle me this: What’s black and white and RED all over? I remember the first time my dad posed that question to me when I was a young child. Even as a little boy – untrained in philosophy – I knew something was amiss. I intuitively...

What is the Difference Between Miracles and Magic

By Justin Angelos Seven years ago, I was the manager at a Men’s tailored clothing store. Part of my job was, counting the money each morning that was put into the safe the night before. One of the ladies I use to work with was an expert in spotting counterfeit money....

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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