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¿Deben los cristianos perseguir el éxito personal?

Por Mike Taylor ¿Alguna vez has visto la vida de alguien en las redes sociales y te has preguntado cómo puede hacer todo lo que hace? Vemos a personas en Instagram que se toman vacaciones, compran coches, abren negocios, dejan sus trabajos y hacen otras cosas...

Fertility Matters

By Bob Perry Nicholas Eberstadt, the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise Institute, is a demographic expert. He has identified some sobering trends that are cause for concern for the future of America. In his article, “Can America Cope...

What You Might’ve Missed About the Mount of Transfiguration

by Erik Manning  Does John’s Gospel give us a much higher view of Jesus than what we find in Matthew, Mark and Luke? Bart Ehrman certainly thinks so. He says: If Jesus went around Galilee proclaiming himself to be a divine being sent from God…could anything else that...

¿Por qué la Iglesia necesita la apologética?

Por Mía Langford La apologética está momento  un retraso en su momento de protagonismo, gracias en parte a los desafíos que supone la influencia de los medios de comunicación en la cultura. El Dr. Ray Ciervo, apologista, pastor y ex alumno de SES, se une a nosotros...

How We Got Our Bible: History of the English Bible

By Ryan Leasure In this post, we will consider the history of the English Bible. The Bible, after all, wasn’t written in English but in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. In fact, English didn’t even exist when the Bible was written! So how did the Bible end up in our...

Salvation in Christianity Vs. Salvation in Buddhism

By Melissa Dougherty “Buddhism has much more to offer than Christianity does!” “How do you figure? What you’re suggesting is impossible. It’s unattainable. Isn’t that the point?” I was listening to two of my friends have a lively conversation about their beliefs, and...

Viviendo en la cultura de la Post Verdad

Por Bob Perry  He demostrado que la verdad, la bondad y la belleza son propiedades objetivas del mundo en que vivimos. Espero que esos tres artículos hayan sido de tu interés. Por favor, no vayas a pensar que lo que leerás son doctrinas o puntos de vista sin...

Truth, Perception, and Reality

By Brian G. Chilton Is truth found in personal perceptions or is it grounded in an independent transcendent reality? Multiple businesses and even churches have used the phrase “perception is reality” when referencing the importance of meeting customer needs. If a...

Why God Does Not Need Praise

By Al Serrato Christians claim that God is a perfect Being. By perfect, of course, we mean that God has every possible attribute in an infinite and complete way. In other words, God possesses everything, lacks nothing and needs…nothing. Why then, the skeptic will...

Darkroom Faith | with Mary Jo Sharp

Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. But a recent study suggests that "there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin...

¿Tienes fe?

Por Al Serrato Estando en el tráfico el otro día, vi una vez más la calcomanía en el parachoques "¿Tienes fe?". Es pegadiza, en cierto modo, y en esta época de frases gancho, puedo adivinar por qué la gente la encuentra útil. Tal vez sea un buen generador de debates,...

How To ‘Stay Alert’ Until Christ Returns

By Jason Jimenez According to the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24-25; Mk.13; Lk. 21), Jesus prophesied that the world would grow darker before returning for his Bride, the church. We see the escalation of deception and confusion consuming the world and the ensuing threats...

Why Believe? | with Dr. Neil Shenvi

Why believe in Christianity? Why believe that God exists? Aren't there reasons NOT to believe in God? Reasons like: Evolution Evil Divine hiddenness For centuries, skeptics have disputed the claims of Christianity―such as the belief in an eternal God and the...

Reality Rules: The Transgender War on Women

By Bob Perry Back in the good ‘ole days of 2015, the fight over allowing transgender women to use the women’s bathroom in Charlotte, North Carolina, took center stage in the national political debate. At the time, only a Chicken Little would suggest that mixing gender...

The Pendulum Problem: A Warning of Extreme Beliefs

By Melissa Dougherty I have a dog and a cat. Max is my dog whose personality is likened to a lovable, furry, hyperactive toddler. As an anxious dog, nobody is safe from his “watchful” eye. When the doorbell rings, my ferocious dog barks an explosive cry so loud that...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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