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Are Miracles Impossible Because They Violate Natural Laws?

Are miracles possible? Many academics have ruled miracles out completely, claiming that miracles are a violation of the laws of nature. But is that conclusion reasonable? In this week's podcast episode, Frank provides reasonable arguments to defend the possibility of...

What Does It REALLY Mean to Love Your Neighbor? Plus Q&A

How can you witness to someone who is apathetic about Christianity? Those who are apathetic to Christianity often have an “I don’t know, and I don’t care” attitude. What’s the best approach to engage in conversation with them without being a nuisance? In...

What Does it Mean That “God Won’t Let You Down?”

We often hear in popular Christian songs and from pulpits that “God is never gonna let me down!” or “God hasn’t failed me yet!” Besides the tragedy of grammar (I mean, how does God not fail you yet?), what does that mean? What does the Bible actually say about this?...

10+ Questions to Ask Your Woke Boss

What happens when your job asks you to do something that conflicts with your religious beliefs? Do you just give in because it's easier than rocking the boat? The same people who say they are fighting for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) often punish...

How Much Punishment Is Enough?

Many people reject the possibility of an eternal Hell because they feel that “the punishment doesn't fit the crime.” Some atheists focus on this perceived inequality between the sins we commit here on Earth and the unending punishment we face in the life to come. One...

The 5 Flaws of Transgender Ideology

How much truth can you tolerate? That may sound like a strange question, but people often have the tendency to suppress the truth when it doesn’t align with our own personal desires. Why? Because as Paul said in Romans Chapter 1, we want to go our own way! In this...

Is Telling the Truth Transphobic? + Q&A

You want controversy? We've got it! In this midweek podcast episode, Phoenix Hayes joins Frank to discuss the expanded third edition of his book, 'Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism'. The transgender movement has seemingly...

What is Apatheism?

Apatheism was a term coined by the late philosopher Robert Nash.[1] It’s meant to describe the indifference or apathy some people have toward the question of whether God or gods exist. To be an apatheist is to be spiritually indifferent about the subject matter of God...

Is the God of the OT the Same God of the NT?

There’s no shortage of accusations claiming the Bible depicts a vision of two Gods: the grumpy, moody, and often volatile, curmudgeon like God of the Old Testament, and the mushy, judge free, glorified sugar daddy God of the New Testament. Is this the case? Does the...

We Will Not Be Silenced | with Dr. Erwin Lutzer

What's behind the current 'unraveling of America'? And how should we respond? We're living in unprecedented times when Christians can either choose to stoop to the pressures of cultural demands or stand for the truth of Christ. Which one will you choose? This...

Three Ways to Recognize False Guilt

Lord knows we have enough true guilt going around that we hardly need to concern ourselves with this extra layer of toxic false guilt, which is seemingly all too ready to accuse us. But how can we know whether the guilt we are experiencing is true or false? What are...

Who is Nefarious? | with Steve Deace

There certainly has been something nefarious going on with the making of the movie 'Nefarious'. Sicknesses, accidents, technical difficulties, and much more disrupted the production of the new film (reminiscent of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters) released on April 14th....

Mis cielos – no están en las estrellas

Por Josh Klein Los Cuatro Jinetes del ateísmo irrumpieron en la escena cultural, filosófica y espiritual a principios del siglo XXI. Sus posiciones dogmáticas ateas (o incluso antiteístas, según con quién se hable) se popularizaron de inmediato. El difunto Christopher...

Can You Explain the 5 M’s? – Part 2

What worldview can best explain the major aspects of reality? And why do they even exist in the first place? What's the purpose and meaning behind it all? Grab your notebook and join Frank on this midweek podcast episode as he continues to go through the 5 M's that...

Jesus Wasn’t a Refugee

It seems that every few years, Christians must deal with a new cultural narrative about who Jesus is and what He came to do. Contextualizing turns into syncretism. Jesus’s name is mixed in with the “gods” of the people. Suddenly we have different versions of Jesus...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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