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Unconditional Love or Unconditional Affirmation?

Human origin is a fascinating area of research today. With all the different models for the origins of humanity being proposed, I see an increase in the discussions, both scientific and theological. For everyone reading this post, this area of research should be of...

Hope Matters

Hope in the Promise Throughout Scripture, we acknowledge God as a promise-keeper. What he says will happen will always comes to pass in his perfect timing. Because of this truth about God’s heart, believers are drawn to extravagant hope in all circumstances. Upon sin...

Show Us A Sign: The Cross And The Death Of Blind Faith

Each Easter season, approximately 400,000 churches across the U.S. gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus: one story portraying the faith of over two billion people globally. But have we grown ignorant of a driving factor behind the eternally preordained plan?...

Post-Christianity… What’s That?

There has been a new term floating around the Evangelisphere (if that’s a word, if it’s not, let’s coin it) in the last few years: “post-Christian.” FreeThinking Ministries[i] recently changed some verbiage on the website to indicate that the mission of the ministry...

A Christian Response to a Viral Deconversion Post

By Natasha Crain Social media has been a popular place to share deconversion stories over the last few years, and sometimes so many people resonate with those posts that they go viral to some extent (being liked and shared by thousands of people). There’s one that’s...

A Student is Not Greater Than His Teacher

I still have nightmares about being in college. It usually has something to do with a math final and being unable to graduate without passing it. Why does it always have to be math? I wake up vowing I will never go back to college. One thing that was sure to make or...

Has God Warmed Up to Religious Pluralism?

We live in an age of a prevailing belief known as “Religious Pluralism”, which says no one religion (especially Christianity) holds the exclusive title to “absolute truth.” Religious pluralism says all religions ultimately lead to one nebulous God, the Creator and...

Escaping Twin Flames – A Netflix Docuseries

While searching for some light entertainment one Saturday evening, I stumbled upon the exact opposite by way of a new 3-part docuseries on Netflix titled ‘Escaping Twin Flames’. With only a brief description to go by and a short preview that showed former members...

Making Sense of Christmas

The Christmas season has a way of quickening the senses, doesn’t it? The taste of a kiss under a mistletoe tree, the flavor of nursing steamed Ghirardelli hot chocolate, or the sheer ecstasy of biting into that freshly made batch of flaky peanut brittle. Then there...

Is Christmas Pagan?

Tree decorating. Repetitive Christmas music on the radio. Sleigh bells ringing. Chestnuts burning. (Like, what does this even mean? Do people actually do this?) And the incessant cyber throat-punching over Christians who celebrate Christmas are actually celebrating an...

Soon vs Suddenly: An Important Distinction on Jesus’ Return

The word “soon” can be quite ambiguous, if not misleading. When asked about homework, a teenager might reply that they expect to finish sometime soon. In my family, that word could equal 30 seconds for one child or 30 minutes for another. But despite these variations,...

Only God is Above the Law

“No one is above the law.” So the popular saying goes, and no truer thing was ever said in a mere six words. This thought, and our Western system of justice which sprang from it, stands as a testament, and a tribute, to the philosophy that gives humanity its best...

Inside Noah’s Ark with | Dr. Tim Chaffey

Can we REALLY believe in Noah's ark? Practically speaking, the idea of a massive flood, a giant ark, a rainbow covenant, and the preservation of animals through the care of one small family on an ancient ship sounds outlandish at best. But are there legitimate answers...

The Danger of Promising Universal Salvation

If you’re going to contend that universalism is true, i.e., the belief that everyone will eventually end up in heaven, then you best beware of the consequences of doing so. Evacuating a Dying Planet To illustrate. Imagine you live on a planet called Elpis (in Greek...

The Shocking Effects of Grace

  In his book Rumors of Another World, Philip Yancey shares how Nelson Mandela, after coming into power as president of South Africa, took drastic measures to heal his apartheid-torn nation. Mandela appointed Archbishop Desmond Tutu to head the Truth and...

Dangerous Homefront, part 2: NT Prooftexts we Know and Love

In part 1 of this series, we looked at a few Old Testament passages that people often misinterpret. In part 2 we shift to the New Testament. It’s worth noting that sometimes the error is just an innocent mistake. It’s not always from bad intentions, or false teachers,...

As Long as It Doesn’t Hurt Anyone Or does it?

Watching classic TV recently I ran across one of my favorite episodes of the Twilight Zone series. Fans of that show will probably remember the classic episode “To Serve Man.” In the story, aliens from a distant world come to Earth with they offer “to help.” Initially...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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