By Wintery Knight You might remember Peter Millican from the debate he had with William Lane Craig. I ranked that debate as one of the 3 best I have ever seen, along with the first Craig vs. Dacey...
God’s Origin Story
By Timothy Fox In my last article, I compared superhero origin stories to the beginning of the universe. Every superhero needs an origin story, and so does the universe. We need a reason why it...
Comics and Cosmic Origins
By Timothy Fox Every superhero has an origin story. Spider-man was bitten by a radioactive spider. Batman’s parents were murdered before his very eyes as a child. Superman’s parents sent him on a...
Why the Problem of Evil is a Problem
by Aaron Brake “If you hate evil, hate sin.” —Clay Jones— Introduction The so-called problem of evil is one of the most common objections raised against the Christian faith. Perhaps no one has more...
Apathy, Atheism, and the Absurdity of Life Without God
by Aaron Brake Here is a statement that may seem controversial at first but upon reflection the truth of which becomes more apparent: If God does not exist and there is no life after death, then...
Why Yahweh? Why Not Zeus? Why Not Thor? Why Not Zoidberg?
By Evan Minton One common question atheists often ask Christians like me is why we believe in the God of The Bible as opposed to all of these other gods in all of these made up religions. They will...
Why Don’t Brilliant Scientists Like Stephen Hawking Believe in God?
by Natasha Crain The famous physicist, cosmologist, and author Stephen Hawking died this week. He was widely known as one of the most brilliant scientists of our time. He was also widely known as an...
Book Review: The Creator and the Cosmos
by Luke Nix Introduction Several years ago, when I was struggling with science/faith issues, I stumbled upon astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross' book "The Creator and the Cosmos." He had released the...
5 Reasons Why I Believe in God
By Brian G. Chilton Last week, notable physicist Stephen Hawking died. Hawking was known for his brilliant work as a physicist, especially working with black holes, the big bang, and for his...
Science, Stephen Hawking, And Free Minds
By Terrell Clemmons Last night my 11-year old daughter Sally asked me if I’d like to watch “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking” with her. How could a mom refuse that invitation? So we cozied up...
Darwin’s Quantum Leap
By Terrell Clemmons The Quantum Leap Early in 2009, the International Year of Darwin got underway in Shrewsbury, England, the birthplace of Charles Darwin. As part of the celebration marking both...
Mythos, Logos, And Revelation
By Terrell Clemmons The Wall Street Journal ran an article in its Life & Style section a few weeks back called, “Man vs. God.” They had commissioned Karen Armstrong and Richard Dawkins to...
If You’re Sick of Thoughts and Prayers Because Shootings Still Happen, You Don’t Understand Christianity
By Natasha Crain In response to the latest tragic school shooting, social media is on the warpath against anyone who dares to offer “thoughts and prayers” for the situation. Popular articles feature...
Bart Ehrman & the God of Christmas
By Tim Stratton One of the most well-known New Testament scholars to graduate from Moody Bible Institute is Bart Ehrman. He has a powerful influence on many young minds today as he is a professor...
Is The Universe A Computer Simulation?
Por Evan Minton Some atheists, in an attempt to avoid the conclusion that The Big Bang origin of our universe was caused by a spaceless, timeless, immaterial, uncaused, powerful, supernatural Being...
Should God Reveal Himself More Clearly?
By Al Serrato God gave us free will so that we can freely choose Him, for freedom of choice is essential to love. But, the skeptic counters, many people do not believe God is real. Why doesn’t God...
The “Hardware” of Life Argument
By Steve Williams “I can see the fingerprints of God when I look at you I can see the fingerprints of God and I know its true you’re a masterpiece that all creation quietly applauds and you’re...
How the Ontological Argument Proves the Existence of God
By Al Serrato The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” If this passage from Psalms is correct, then many people today are fools, for they insist that God does not exist. But the ranks of...
If Evolution is True, Atheism is False
By Tim Stratton Atheists often appeal to evolution in an attempt to explain the primate complexity we observe today without a need for an Intelligent Designer — God! Indeed, many say the reason they...
Can Reason Lead Us To A Relationship With God?
By Al Serrato Most atheists feel confident that they have “reason” on their side. As a result, many are surprised when a Christian apologist takes an evidentialist, or reason-based, approach to...