For this special edition midweek podcast episode, Dr. Owen Anderson returns to expose more of what's going on at Arizona State University and how it's specifically singling out Christian and...
The Early Martyrs Were Cross Examined to Death
Skeptics often challenge believers by claiming that the "evidence" for Christianity would never hold up in a courtroom. It’s hearsay, they contend, and since these witnesses can’t be cross-examined,...
Christian Professor Fights DEI “Whiteness” Discrimination at Arizona State University | with Dr. Owen Anderson
Are Christian professors being discriminated against at public universities because of their faith? And when did it become unacceptable for Christians to teach students about the historic Christian...
What If I Don’t Like Either Candidate?
If you’re like me, this upcoming election feels like a choice between which electric outlet to jab a fork into. I’m not a big fan of either candidate. It may be tempting to just sit-out this...
Have We Lost Our Minds? | with Dr. Stan Wallace
What's the correlation between the soul, the brain, and the mind? Many Christians today struggle to grasp the concept of an immaterial soul and how it impacts us physically and mentally. For this...
The Scandal of Elite Evangelical Compromise
A blogger I read regularly alerted me to Megan Basham’s new book Shepherds for Sale, subtitled How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda. It was released [at the] end of July. I...
How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics | with Wintery Knight & Desert Rose
What's the best way to love your neighbor? Christians have a biblical responsibility to love their neighbors by being politically engaged, which is why we're kicking off a series of very important...
Becoming Skeptical of Modern Skepticism
Some skepticism is warranted. None of us want to live within a paradigm of naivety. No one wants to blindly accept every foolish notion that comes down the pipeline. A quick glance at social media...
Beware of People-Pleasing Christians – Plus Q&A
We were made to be the "salt and light" of the world, but if you find yourself getting too much praise from the culture are you really living your life for Christ? Last week, Frank tackled the...
Voting as a Kingdom Ambassador
During the presidential elections there are many voices “crying out in the wilderness,” as it were, proclaiming all sorts of weird ideas. One of those ideas is the thought that within this seemingly...
Is It Wrong for Christians to Call Out Shepherds?
Should we criticize our fellow Christians? And when, if ever, is it appropriate to call out trusted pastors when they get something wrong? Contending for the faith can sometimes be seen as divisive,...
The Ethics of AI in Writing
When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, I’m a luddite. I’m analog over digital. Forget Pandora® and Spotify® or even CD’s. Vinyl LP’s rule them all. I grew up playing outside, climbing trees,...
Why Aren’t Christians Better People? + Politics Q&A
If Christianity is true, why aren’t Christians better people? Why are there so many hypocrites in the church? Why haven’t they been transformed by Christ? Skeptics often question how transformative...
In the Gospels, Jesus is Pro-Life
When you encounter Jesus in the gospels, it’s not hard to see why the world would be a better place if everyone was more like him. And in the gospels, Jesus is pro-life. In fact, life is the issue...
How Philosophy Helps Theology & Apologetics | with Dr. Richard Howe
Do Christians really need to understand philosophy? Can't we just read our Bibles and share the Gospel? The answer depends on how successful you want to be at doing both of those things! This week,...
The Probability of a Past Event is One
In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the issue...
3 Tips for Dealing with Harsh Comments and Criticism | with Alisa Childers
What can Christian influencers do to prepare for the inevitable avalanche of criticism that comes along with doing ministry online or even speaking out in the public square? Vocalizing your faith in...
5 Important Reasons Christians Should Study Apologetics
All Christians should study apologetics. Christians should study apologetics may sound like a bold claim if you’ve barely even heard of apologetics, but I promise you apologetics has been the most...
5 EASY Biblical Issues the Culture Gets Wrong | with Greg Koukl
Do you ever get the sense that there's growing confusion among Christians on issues we should all agree on? Young Christians today seem especially vulnerable when it comes to discerning right from...
Dealing with Hurt and Trusting God: Biblical Tips for Overcoming Pain
Life presents numerous trials and challenges, many of which result not from our own actions but from the behavior and transgressions of others. Betrayal, injustice, or rejection can inflict profound...