By Natasha Crain In my last article, Christian Naivety is Harming the Church’s Engagement with Today’s Culture; I identified four ways that I’ve seen many Christians respond with...
The Woke-ing Dead and the Futility of Reason
By Tim Stratton The COVID-19 “quarantine” wasn’t all bad. Sure, no one likes being sentenced to “house arrest,” but I enjoyed spending some extra time with my wife and 17-year-old son (I did not...
Why It Is Foolish To Insist There Is No God
By Al Serrato “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” If this passage from Psalms is correct, then many people today - including numerous scientists and other well-educated folks -...
Was Jesus a Jerk? A Response to the Friendly Atheist
By Erik Manning A few weeks ago, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon said: “But here’s the thing, Jesus Christ, if that’s who you believe in Jesus Christ, admittedly was not perfect when he was here on the...
Don’t Lose the Person When Winning an Argument
By Brian Chilton 1 Peter 3:15 is a classic prooftext for the defender of the faith, otherwise known as the Christian apologist. Peter writes, “But in your hearts regard Christ the Lord as holy,...
Battling a Disease More Infectious & Deadly Than COVID-19
By Adam Tucker As hundreds of thousands of people battle COVID-19 following thousands of deaths, lockdowns, and much fear, the world eagerly awaits a proven treatment plan to cure this dreaded...
Busting One Of Bart Ehrman’s Favorite Bible Contradictions
By Erik Manning Skeptics say that the gospels are riddled with contradictions and therefore are not reliable historical sources. And these same skeptics say that some of these contradictions are...
What Does Paul Say About Homosexuality?
By Ryan Leasure In this post, we’re asking the question: What does Paul say about homosexuality? To find out, we need to investigate Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10. Let’s...
Book Review: How Reason Can Lead To God by Joshua Rasmussen
By Stelman Smith Jr. “I write for a specific sort of person. You value reason, science, and independent thinking. You question beliefs propped up by ‘faith’ without sufficient evidence. Maybe you...
God is the Good
By Brian Chilton At our church, we often say, “God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.” But do we really contemplate what that means? What is the good? What does it mean to say that...
An Accurate Picture Of The World
By Bob Perry Jesus is the Logos. The Logos is a combination of truth, goodness, and beauty. Truth, goodness, and beauty are the references that give us a grounded Christian spirituality. That’s...
We Know Moral Truths Better Than We Know Many Scientific Claims
By Erik Manning I recently came across this article "10 Things You Should Know About Scientism" by Christian philosopher JP Moreland, and he dropped a truth-bomb that is too good to not share. But...
Why We Can’t Know If The Universe Created Itself
By Al Serrato In the beginning, was… not the Word …. but the singularity event occurring in absolute nothingness and timelessness that spontaneously created all we see in the universe around us. So...
How Jesus “Emptied Himself”
By Ryan Leasure Few biblical texts receive as much attention as Philippians 2:5-8. It reads: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God,...
Were There No Camels During the Time of Biblical Patriarchs?
By Mikel Del Rosario Camels in the Bible? Engaging skeptical challenges to the Old Testament and Camels in the Bible Most people I knew growing up had no problem saying most Old Testament stories...
An Intro to Arguments for God’s Existence
By J. Brian Huffling Does God exist? This has been one of the most asked questions in history with the most profound implications. As Norman Geisler used to say, our view of God’s existence is most...
The Best Kind of Love
By Tim Stratton Question: Dear Dr. Stratton, In your interview with Jorge Gil on Cross Examined’s Hope One, you attempted to answer “all the problems of evil” by appealing to love. In fact, you said...
Have You Thought About Marriage Lately?
By Bob Perry Have you spent much time thinking about marriage lately? You should. It doesn’t matter if a wedding is something in your future or in your past. It doesn’t even matter if you have no...
Without Training, The Church Will Create More Jon Steingards
By Erik Manning Recently Jon Steingard made headlines after he announced over Instagram that he had lost his faith. Steingard was the lead vocalist of the Christian music group Hawk Nelson, which...
Society in the Hands of an Angry God
By Brian Chilton On July 8, 1741, Jonathan Edwards, famed pastor and theologian of colonial America, delivered one of his most famed messages of all-time at a church in Enfield, Connecticut. The...