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Why Grace is the True Meaning of Christmas

What is the true meaning of Christmas? As Christians, we know it has little to do with trees, presents, and reindeer. But what is it really about? Why is there a Christmas at all? Frank goes to an unlikely place to highlight why Christmas exists — the book of...

Finding God’s Will for Your Life

How do you find God’s will for your life? God sends you hints and nudges so you know what school to go to, what job to take, and who to marry. After all, God’s sheep “hear his voice”, we are “led by the Spirit”, and God gives us “peace” when we discover his will...

Chesterton’s Gateway

About a century ago the editor of the London Times asked his readers to write in to answer the question, “What’s wrong with the world?” G.K. Chesterton wrote back two words: “I am.” Chesterton was a Christian writer, poet, illustrator, and debater who went on to write...

Eternal Hell for Temporal Sins?

How is it just for God to punish people for eternity when they’ve only committed temporal sins? Isn’t that overkill? Is Hell just temporary? Is it loving for God to “send” people to Hell? Frank answers those questions and others on this sensitive topic. Plus, he dives...

Bullies and Saints | with Dr. John Dickson

Atheist Christopher Hitchens once wrote, “religion poisons everything”, and he included the Christian religion in that assessment. When you look at the behavior of some claiming to be Christians over the centuries— when you look at church history— you realize that...

Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox

One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has disproven atheism. How can that be? The Great Dr. John Lennox, Professor at...

Should You Criticize Moral or Religious Beliefs?

Is it wrong to criticize someone’s moral or religious beliefs? Many people think so. Frank takes this assertion head on and reveals that it is self-defeating, impractical, and unbiblical. For example, those who claim we can’t judge anyone’s moral beliefs are judging...

Is Atheism Dead? | with Eric Metaxas

Best-selling author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer, Luther, Amazing Grace, Miracles) joins Frank to reveal highlights of his new book Is Atheism Dead? Eric covers the discoveries pointing to God from science and archaeology, and he does so by telling the stories leading to...

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality

The top apologetics book over the past two years on Amazon has been Hillary Morgan Ferrer’s Mama Bear Apologetics (yes, I think it's sold even more than Mere Christianity). Well, Hillary is back with an equally great new book called Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to...

The Case for Heaven with Lee Strobel

Is there really an afterlife? Is there any evidence outside the Bible that we live on after death? What will Heaven be like? The great Lee Strobel is back on the show with another wonderful “case" book, this one is called The Case for Heaven. Frank asks Lee several...

Are You a Moody Christian?

Are you a Moody Christian? Do you rely on your feelings about Christianity or the evidence for Christianity? Should you have certain feelings that confirm you are saved? Frank answers those questions and offers some practical insights from C.S. Lewis on not only how...

What is faith? And why everyone has it!

• What is faith? • Is faith blind? • Doesn’t the Bible say that faith is the conviction of things not seen? • What is the difference between "belief that" and "belief in"? • Did Jesus use evidence to prove who he was? • What is the relationship between faith and...

Person of Interest | with J. Warner Wallace

Detective Wallace is back to show us through his new book, Person of Interest, the monumental and unparalleled impact Jesus of Nazareth has had on the entire world.  But this isn’t a softball interview.  Frank plays devil’s advocate with Jim to see how he responds to...

Do You Trust Science?

Do you trust experts? Do you trust science? Why do we get conflicting advice from experts and scientists? Frank investigates those questions by citing the bogus papers Dr. Peter Boghossian published in academic journals which exposes that experts, like the rest of us,...

Is There Really a Tree of Life?

When evolutionist Richard Dawkins was asked for the most powerful evidence for evolution, he cited the tree of life. We see it in all the textbooks— all living things are ancestrally related in a tree of life. But what is the evidence for that tree of life? Is there...

Why is everything political?

Why is everything political? How much should the Christian be involved politically? The truth is, like many other endeavors, we can be involved too much or too little. Frank pulls insightful points from a WWII C.S. Lewis sermon to encourage us to do our civic duty...

A Short History of Islam

Frank brings Bill Federer back to take us on a fascinating historical ride from the founding of Islam right up to the present day. Along the way Frank and Bill (mostly Bill!) provide insights into questions like: Why don’t our leaders understand the beliefs of groups...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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