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A Myth Come True

By Bob Perry If you’re anything like me, you probably associate the word “myth” with an ancient fairy tale. The Greek and Roman pantheon of gods comes to mind — magical spells, curses, and multi-headed monsters. But myths are more than just old-fashioned fantasies....

Healing from Institutional Abuse

By Brian Chilton A cabin was nestled near the top of a mountaintop in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. This cabin served as a vacation home for my family and me. The evening was humid and muggy. Thus, we decided to take in a show in Pigeon Forge rather than...

The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis

The most influential apologist of the 20th century was once a hardened atheist. How did C.S. Lewis convert to become such a force for Christianity? Max McLean, writer and star of the brilliant new movie, "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis"...

If God, Why Evil?

If God is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He stop evil? Maybe it’s because an all-good and all-powerful God doesn’t actually exist! That’s what some atheists will claim. In this show, Frank addresses that claim and these questions: Does evil disprove God? If...

Cómo enseñar a tus hijos a identificar un falso evangelio

Por Alisa Childers Cuando mi hija era pequeña, le preparaba " waffles " de quinoa, avena y semillas de lino, y le encantaban. No fue hasta que estuvimos de visita con la familia en California que experimentó la barra de desayuno del hotel y exclamó en voz alta: "Mamá,...

4 Questions to Show that Christianity is True

With so many people skeptical about God and the Bible, how can you actually show Christianity is true? In this podcast, Frank will show you how by summarizing the case he normally gives in his “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist” presentation. The 4 questions...

10 Reasons Why Socialism Fails

What is socialism and why doesn’t it work? In this special podcast, Frank shows that socialism doesn’t work because it ignores economics 101 in ten ways. It ignores basic truths about: Private Property (it drives economics) Rule of Law (necessary for a robust economy)...

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Love is Not a Feeling

In this special show done on Valentine’s day, Frank unpacks the difference between “being in love” and loving someone. Too many people think that once the feeling of “being in love” is gone that the relationship is over and they need to find someone else. But if we...

Should Christians Have Blind Faith?

By Levi Dade A few months ago, I sat with a close friend in one of the booths of our university’s coffee shop. My friend, whom I will call Tom, is an atheist. Tom is a genuine truth-seeker, and he would be a Christian if he thought Christianity was “actually true.”...

Faithfully Different and 4 False Beliefs

What are four major false beliefs that many people in our culture believe and are now creeping into the church? Beliefs that are so pervasive, you might not even recognize that you believe them! Natasha Crain joins Frank to reveal those four false beliefs and to...

Rob Bell y la Biblia: ¿Libro humano o de inspiración divina?

Por Alisa Childers Permítanme empezar diciendo que me gusta Rob Bell. (No pensaste que iba a decir eso, ¿verdad?) Como parte de una investigación que estoy haciendo sobre el Cristianismo Progresista, he pasado bastante tiempo con él últimamente, —escuchando...

How We Got Our Bible: New Testament Canonical Grid

By Ryan Leasure This article is part four in a nine-part series on how we got the Bible. Part 1 looked at biblical inspiration and inerrancy. Part 2 considered the development of the Old Testament. And Part 3 investigated the Old Testament canon and the Apocrypha. In...

9 Things That Science Will Never Explain

With all our technological advances, won’t science one day answer all of our questions and give us all of our knowledge? Saying God did something doesn’t get us anywhere. That’s God of the gaps reasoning! We just have to give science more time to figure everything...

What Doctrinal Differences Tell Us

By Al Serrato Challenges to Christianity don’t always come from the outside, from atheists committed to removing every vestige of religious faith from society. Challenges can also come from committed Christians, whose beliefs are influenced, and often shaken, by...

It’s Biology, not Bigotry

Do you think a school teacher should be able to recruit your daughter to become sterile without your consent? That's happening in America today, as are many more disturbing developments. Frank was stunned when he read a recent speech by Abigail Shrier, author of...

¿No me crees? Confírmalo tú mismo

Por Andrew Cowley Cuando tenía 14 años, negaba públicamente (y con sinceridad) la existencia de Dios.  Estaba totalmente convencido de que Dios no existía y que los que creían en Dios eran ilusos, poco inteligentes, ingenuos y emocionalmente débiles. Creer en Dios era...

Part 2: Overcoming

By Jason Jiménez This article is adapted from Jason’s book Abandoned Faith. “Inevitably we carry some amount of parental regrets. Freedom from regret comes when we admit our weaknesses before Jesus. No one is perfect. Our imperfections, though, shouldn’t become a wall...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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