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Grab your FREE CHEAT SHEET summarizing the Four-Point Case for Christianity (scroll to the bottom)

I used to think I knew how to talk with kids about Jesus to help them establish a lasting faith. It seemed simple enough. Read the Bible. And absolutely, the Bible is where we should begin. Reading the Bible together regularly is the best way to open a dialogue with your kids about Jesus. Everything about Jesus must begin with the Bible because that is how God chose to reveal His truths to us about Himself, the world, and Jesus.

But, that isn’t as simple as it used to be. My parents taught me that the Bible was truth, and that was that, until college, where I first faced atheism as the predominant worldview. (And my faith was shaken – but more on that later). But we didn’t have the internet. I know, I’m ancient.

Kids Today. . .

Today, children are confronted with atheist perspectives at younger and younger ages. In an information age, we must contend for the faith of our children in new ways. Holding fast to the accuracy and inerrancy of the Bible isn’t as simple as because I said so anymore. Starting to talk with kids about Jesus has to begin with why we believe the Bible is the word of God. We have to start to talk with kids about Jesus by establishing the Bible as a credible source.

Establishing the Bible as a credible source proves our faith is based on truth. Without that foundation, religion is simply a preference, as of little importance as a favorite flavor of ice cream. By teaching our children the Bible is a reliable historical document inspired by God, we prepare them to live a life built on the solid rock of Christ. And they will be able to answer many common atheist objections for themselves and others.

Quick Responses on the Reliability of the Bible

The Old Testament is reliable because it was copied carefully and contains accurate predictions. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls verifies that the Bible we have today matches the ancient documents from thousands of years ago.

We also know that Jesus believed the Old Testament was reliable. He quoted from it often in His teaching. So, if the New Testament accounts about Jesus are reliable, the OT is as well.

But is the New Testament really reliable?

Yes! And you don’t have to spend years studying apologetics to be able to demonstrate the reliability of the New Testament to your children.

Many Christian scholars have already done the heavy lifting for you! Just a few of the MANY worth following (click names for NT related content) are Gary HabermasNatasha CrainJ. Warner Wallace of Cold Case ChristianitySean McDowellGreg Koukl and Stand to Reason, and MamaBear Apologetics.

We have to establish that the New Testament is reliable because it is through the text we come to know the real, historical Jesus.

And that brings us back to the Bible. We have to teach our children sound doctrine and theology. It’s not helpful to ask WWJD (What would Jesus do?) if we don’t know what He would do! As Christians and parents, we have to know what Jesus did and said and how that relates to what we believe.

So, as you read the Bible together, talk to kids about Jesus by using some critical reading skills.

  • What did Jesus do here?
  • Is there any religious or historical context we need to understand for this passage?
  • What did Jesus say?
  • Who was His audience?
  • What did Jesus mean by what he said? How can we know that?
  • What did the disciples think or ask about the situation?
  • Are there other Bible passages that relate to this topic?
  • Does Jesus appear in the Old Testament? If so, where? (Spoiler alert – He totally does!)

What if you don’t feel prepared to talk to kids about Jesus? It’s okay to learn alongside your kids! You don’t have to be an expert to get them thinking. You just have to be one step ahead to help someone follow along. And there are so many great resources available to you!

Books can be great resources to open conversations or to explain complicated concepts.

Any parent can be prepared to answer most of the primary questions about Jesus or the main atheist objections to Jesus with one easy to use resource, Talking with Your Kids about Jesus by Natasha Crain.

I was on the launch team for this book and it is AMAZING! I’ve already seen my daughter’s faith grow through the conversations we’ve had while reading this book.

Talking With Your Kids About Jesus

First, Talking with Your Kids About Jesus is like an apologetics 101. If you’ve never even dipped a toe into the waters of apologetics, this is where to start. While all about Jesus, the way Natasha explains each subject, she addresses many basic defenses for Christianity as a whole as well. It really is a great entry into learning how to defend our faith from the world’s skepticism.

The book is broken into 30 brief chapters. I can easily read one or two sitting in the doctor’s waiting room.

Some of the topics Natasha covers are:

  • Is Jesus real?
  • Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?
  • Is Jesus God? Did he claim to be?
  • Is Jesus the only way to salvation?
  • Is Hell real?
  • Why did Jesus have to die and what was the purpose of His death?
  • What evidence do we have for the empty tomb and Resurrection?

Each chapter begins with a relatable situation that identifies the main question she will answer. Then she gives a basic survey of the evidence and information we have on that topic. The information is well-organized so it is easy for busy parents to digest. I love how each chapter ends with real examples showing ways to talk with your kids.

Natasha’s writing style is totally relatable as a woman and mom. Her funny and poignant anecdotes make the lessons very accessible.

I only wish I had this book years ago for my own faith! TWYKAJ truly covers almost every objection to Jesus I’ve ever heard and clarifies the primary beliefs of the Christian faith.

I would recommend TWYKAJ for anyone, but the conversations are going to be the most impactful if your children are old enough to understand the concepts, ages 7 and up would be my best estimate. My daughter is 9 and grasps the basics of each chapter. Make sure to tailor your resources to the age of your kiddos.

Your Kids Can Handle More Than You Realize

But don’t underestimate them. They spend all week at school being taught complicated history lessons and challenging math or science concepts, but are coloring pictures in Sunday School, singing songs about the Arky Arky.

Our kids can handle much more than we expect. Plus, there are amazing resources available for any age level.

A couple years ago, I started my daughter’s apologetic’s journey with a set of picture books. They use fictional stories to explain the creation of the universe, objective morality, and the resurrection of Christ.

And she loves the Cold Case Christianity for Kids books. God’s Crime Scene for Kids is all about the creation and fine-tuning of the universe, while Cold Case Christianity for Kids focuses on examining Jesus like a detective.

How important is it to talk with kids about Jesus? Crucial. Remember how I first encountered real atheism in college? I heard objections to Christianity that I’d never heard before. And because I had never heard them, they sounded very damning of Christianity.

When I learned there are more discrepancies between copies of the New Testament than there are words, I didn’t know how to keep believing it was true. So I walked away from living like it was true for most of the next two decades. But God never let me go. He kept coming after me until I turned my heart back to Him.

Thankfully, it was then I found apologetics and discovered answers for all my questions. I learned those text discrepancies can be accounted for through copy errors. We can easily reconstruct the original text from the thousands of copies we have. Not a single error affects any important Christian belief or doctrine. Apologetics totally rebuilt the foundation of my faith.

But, I don’t want my daughter to spend time lost in the wilderness of rebellion like I did. I want her to have the answers to all the questions now. And know that we have answers for almost every question.

She doesn’t need to doubt God’s love or Jesus’s existence like I did. She can know Jesus clearly and deeply from the beginning. She’ll still have to choose to follow Him for herself, but she will have a solid foundation.

If you want your children to have a real faith that will withstand the challenges of life and atheist objections, you need to have these kinds of conversations with your kids about Jesus. And you might be surprised at how much they will inform and bolster your faith as well.

Recommended Resources: 

Counter Culture Christian: Is the Bible True? by Frank Turek (Mp3), (Mp4), and (DVD)        

How Can Jesus be the Only Way? Mp4, Mp3, and DVD by Frank Turek

Defending Absolutes in a Relativistic World (Mp3) by Frank Turek

Another Gospel? by Alisa Childers (book)


Jennifer DeFrates is a former English and Social Studies teacher turned homeschool mom and Christian blogger at Heavennotharvard.com and theMamapologist.com. Jennifer is a 2x CIA graduate (the Cross-Examined Instructors Academy) and volunteers with Mama Bear Apologetics. She has a passion for discipleship through apologetics. Her action figure would come with coffee and a stack of books. She is also the reluctant ringleader of a small menagerie in rural Alabama.

Originally posted at: https://bit.ly/49PVw7w


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