By Mark McGee I was comfortable as an atheist. I could do anything I wanted to do (or could get away with) and laugh at the masses of people stuck in the merry-go-round of belief in a “higher...
5 Common Objections to the Moral Argument
By Paul Rezkalla The Moral Argument for the existence of God has been graced with a long tradition of defense from theistic (and atheistic!) philosophers and thinkers throughout the history of...
Does It Matter Whether God Exists?
By Eric Chabot After talking to hundreds of college students for several years about spiritual beliefs, one thing that comes up from time to time is whether the existence of God is even relevant. In...
Approaching the Existence of God
By Eric Chabot How do we know God exists? In the past when I was asked this question I used to automatically jump to an argument for God. I would sit down and try to explain it in detail to the...
Evolution and the “Convictions of a Monkey’s Mind”
By Tim Stratton In my last article, I made the case that evolution cannot account for human rationality unless it could explain genuine free will. In the Freethinking Argument Against Naturalism, I...
Do Your Kids Know Why They Need God?
By Natasha Crain A few months ago, my 6-year-old daughter asked a question that has had me thinking ever since: Mommy, why does God matter so much? It was the most fundamental of questions, really....
If Your Kids Are Someday Shocked by the Claims of Skeptics, You Didn’t Do Your Job
By Natasha Crain Popular Christian rapper Jahaziel made the news when he released a statement renouncing his faith (you can read the full message here). As I read his statement, I was really struck...
Is Belief In God A Rational Position?
By Ryan Pauly Is it a rational position to believe that there is an all-powerful God who created the world and gives us purpose? This question has become the topic of many debates over the years....
Was Belief in God a Science-Stopper? Not for Newton
I'd like to call attention to a couple of excellent blogs by Luke Barnes correcting some historical blunders that Neil deGrasse Tyson made. Tyson argued that Newton failed to discover the stability...
Do Objective Moral Truths Exist in Reality?
The moral argument for God’s existence is often presented as follows: Premise 1: If God does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist. Premise 2: Objective moral values and duties...
God’s Crime Scene
It’s about 2 a.m. on an August morning in 1979. A beautiful young nurse by the name of Lynne Knight is living in a bungalow behind a larger house in Torrance, California. As two police officers...
Could solar eclipses be evidence for God? — Premier Christianity
This morning I published a guest article at the Premier Christianity blog (associated with the UK's Premier Christian Radio). In it, I elaborate on solar eclipses as part of a cumulative body of...
Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life and Is This Evidence for God?
Sometimes people ask about fine-tuning and I created this overview to just provide links to all of my fine-tuning blogs on I’ll update this as I add to this. I defend this...
Are you Skeptical of the Bible Because it Reports Miracles?
In a previous blog I defended the rationality of believing in the possibility of miracles if God exists –miracles are no less ridiculous than implications of some science-related theories that are...
Are Creationists Stupid?
It is quite common in Internet circles to attack the intelligence and even sometimes the integrity of anyone believing in creation. An unfortunate strategy among some leading atheists is to group...
New Proofs for God’s Existence
Such was the name for a talk recently given at UT Dallas by Robert C. Koons, a philosophy professor from UT Austin. Actually, Koons is currently a visiting scholar at Princeton but took time out of...
Godbuster: A Debate With Elliot George
This past week I engaged in a radio debate with an atheist on Unbelievable on Premier Christian Radio (which you can listen to here). My interlocutor was a British atheist, a retired biology teacher...
Coarse-Tuning vs. Fine-Tuning
I attended an interesting debate last Saturday night between Justin Schieber and Blake Giunta. Blake used the fine-tuning evidence as one argument for God’s existence and Justin countered by...
Jesus on Trial by David Limbaugh
When David Limbaugh let his friend Steve know that he had doubts about Christianity, he was surprised by Steve’s response. Instead of a blast of arrogant judgmentalism, Steve responded like a...
Still Haven’t Found What You’re Looking For? C.S. Lewis, Bono and the Argument from Desire
For better or worse I was a child of the 80’s, and during that time a new rock band came on the scene that changed pop music, both in Britain, America and eventually the world. I immediately...