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Four Questions about Same-Sex Marriage

Now that the California Supreme Court has usurped the will of the people by striking down their democratically-decided law,  there is sure to be a debate over the next few months about the merits of Same-Sex Marriage.   The issue may even make it to the ballot box in...

What if the God of the Christians was real?

Frank will be back in the US anytime soon, so he'll be taking back the helm shortly. So as he returns, I'd like to ask our Atheist fellow travelers in search of truth this question: Atheist readers, what if you were to suddenly find out tomorrow that the God of the...

Obscuring Clear Statements with "Clarifications"

Thomas Sowell continues his brilliant insights into the current presidential campaign.  Speaking of Barack Obama's comments on how average folk in small towns are "bitter" and "cling to guns or religion," Sowell points out: In politics, the clearer a statement is, the...

Google: Religious Pro-Lifers Need Not Apply

Seems like the Google we all love has some very one-sided rules when it comes to advertizing.  While Google accepts ads in support of abortion, they don't allow "abortion and religion-related content." This is from the UK's Daily Mail: [Google's]  Dublin-based...

The Jesus Freak Resource Center

More from the witty Mike Adams about our experience with the faculty at UNC Wilmington (I'm glad he has tenure-- he doesn't hold back at all.  It's like he's from New Jersey!).

Sex Education: A Hypocrite vs. a Teacher

Now that the Center for Disease Control has revealed that 1 in 4 high school girls have a sexually transmitted disease, do you think it's time to emphasize abstinence as the only 100% certain way to avoid the negative consequences of pre-marital sex?  Of course,...

"Expelled" is a Must See: Freedom is the Victim

I just had the privilege of attending an advance screening of Expelled:  No Intelligence Allowed, starring Ben Stein.  The movie, which opens April 18, is a must-see for any American interested in freedom (that should be all of us!).   Expelled uses the Berlin Wall as...

Scandal at Planned Parenthood?

Planned Parenthood ripping off the state of California?  That is the allegation by it's former vice president of finance and administration.   Read about all the details in the California Catholic Daily.   To see how the drive-by media covers it, see the paltry...

Obama, Clinton Message: Class Warfare and Unity?

As I watched the debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I couldn't help but notice the inherent contradiction in their message (they both have the same message-- they were both nodding in agreement with each other all night).  They both say they want to...

New Stem Cell Discovery Not Pro-Abortion Enough

When President Bush announced in the State of the Union address his support for research on embryonic stem cells that are created without destroying life (by means of a new discovery), Republicans leapt to their feet and applauded.  Most Democrats sat with their hands...

An Apologetic against Christian Apologetics?

Last week I was taking questions during an "I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" seminar on the campus of Olivet Nazarene University.  One question challenged the legitimacy of Christian Apologetics.  It was half question, half critique and it went something...

Free Speech or Hate-Crime Laws: Can’t Have Both

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council points out in his January 9 email that so-called "hate-crime" laws are having a chilling effect on free speech in Canada (BTW, aren't all crimes "hate" crimes?).  Mark Steyn is under attack for writing some unflattering...

Abortion, the Primaries, and the One Issue Voter

As the presidential campaign heats up (Obama? Clinton? Guiliani? Edwards? McCain? Romney? Huckabee? Thompson?), the media is likely to show disdain for what they call "one-issue voters."  The disdain will be for those who are pro-life and will not settle for a...

The Seeker Church: Is Anyone Making Disciples?

Bill Hybels , the unofficial father of the seeker movement in the United States, recently admitted that seeker churches have done a very poor job of making disciples.  This is damning because making disciples is what Jesus commanded us to do!  Why has the seeker...

Romney and Huckabee Don’t Want a Theocracy

In disussing Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, Sam Donaldson makes the common mistake of confusing religion and morality.  Donaldson seems to think that anyone with traditional moral views (such as Romney and Huckabee) is trying to set up a Christian "theocracy."   But...

Suppressing the Truth on Stem Cells

If we could find a way to create embryotic stem cell lines without destroying human embryos, advocates of the old ESCR method would immediately embrace such new technology and the ethical debate would end, right?  One would think so-- unless careers, money, and...

George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

After reading this proclamation from George Washington and those from subsequent Presidents, we should realize that mention of God by our government is perfectly constitutional (despite what the ACLU says).   Have a blessed thanksgiving everyone! By the President of...

Giuliani, Abortion and Logic

People on both sides of the abortion debate are frustrated with Rudy Giuliani (Giuliani vexes audiences with abortion views).  On one hand, he says he thinks abortion is wrong, but on the other hand, he thinks it should remain legal.  On still a third hand, he'd like...

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