What can Christian influencers do to prepare for the inevitable avalanche of criticism that comes along with doing ministry online or even speaking out in the public square? Vocalizing your faith in...
5 Important Reasons Christians Should Study Apologetics
All Christians should study apologetics. Christians should study apologetics may sound like a bold claim if you’ve barely even heard of apologetics, but I promise you apologetics has been the most...
5 EASY Biblical Issues the Culture Gets Wrong | with Greg Koukl
Do you ever get the sense that there's growing confusion among Christians on issues we should all agree on? Young Christians today seem especially vulnerable when it comes to discerning right from...
Dealing with Hurt and Trusting God: Biblical Tips for Overcoming Pain
Life presents numerous trials and challenges, many of which result not from our own actions but from the behavior and transgressions of others. Betrayal, injustice, or rejection can inflict profound...
Love Shamed: 5 BIG Lies LGBTQ+ Uses to Silence Christians | with Dr. Bobby Conway
How can Christians effectively share the good news of the Gospel with the LGBTQ+ community? Or should we just mind our own business? This week, Christian apologist and founding lead pastor of Image...
How To Help Muslims Think Deeply and Differently About the Deity of Christ
I was in a Global Studies conference a few months ago when a retired minister asked me an interesting question. He told me, “I like to take Christian young men to the local mosques so they can learn...
What To Do When Culture Hates You | with Natasha Crain
Why are Christians facing so much hostility when we speak up on political issues? Simply advocating for life in the womb or opposing far-left agendas like Marxism and "gender-affirming care" often...
The New Cultural Christianity
A few months ago I wrote an article on the West’s move towards a post-Christian culture (Post-Christianity: What’s That?). Since the article’s publication at least two prominent atheists decried the...
Is Gentle Parenting Crippling the Next Generation? | with Brett Kunkle
Is the so-called "gentle parenting" movement producing a generation of narcissists? Many Christian parents are ditching the Bible's model for childrearing and instead opting for modern-day secular...
Character Matters
Character and morality often intersect in their definitions. Even for the non-Christians, all people are given a moral compass from the time of our birth. As image bearers of God, a person is able...
LIVE from CIA! – Fallen Pastors, Hypocrisy, and 5 Trinity Fails | with Allen Parr
CIA 2024 is here ladies and gentlemen! And this year we're kicking off our annual apologetics workshop with a much needed conversation surrounding church leadership, accountability, and the doctrine...
Are Proponents of ID Religiously Motivated, and Does It Matter?
Recently, someone asked me to comment on an article, published in 2017, by John Danaher, a lecturer in the Law School at the University of Galway, Ireland. He is widely published on legal and moral...
Progressive Powerbrokers & Corruption in the American Church | with Megan Basham
Pastoral leadership in America is under attack and Christians need to be aware of what's going on behind the scenes! That's why Daily Wire journalist, Megan Basham, returns to talk more about her...
Is Social Justice Hijacking the Gospel?
Progressive Christian blogger and author John Pavlovitz wrote, "We believe that social justice is the heart of the Gospel..." Is he right? And what exactly is social justice? I recently posted an...
Shepherds for Sale | with Megan Basham
Could your favorite celebrity pastor or even your church's leadership be compromising the truth in exchange for cultural approval (and a BIG paycheck)? Many prominent evangelical leaders have become...
Promise of Genuine Immortality: AI or the Divine
Do we have a genuine promise of immortality? This is a question that impacts all of us. When I was growing up as a kid, I wanted to be taken seriously. Therefore, I could not wait to grow up to have...
Why Didn’t God Create a Universe Where Everyone Believed?
Is faith in God a personal choice, or is it something that God forces on people against their will? Misinterpretations of Romans 9 have led many Calvinists to read this narrative into the...
“The Anxious Generation”: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness
“The more I make my life, my well-being, my enlightenment, and my success primary, the farther I step from reality. Thus the hell-bound do not travel downward; they travel inward, cocooning...
What Does Romans 9 REALLY Mean?
If God is sovereign like the Bible says, then how can human beings have free will? Those who subscribe to certain sects of Calvinism might say that humans can't possibly have free will because God...
The Assassination Attempt: 5 Questions We All Need to Answer
Where were you on Saturday, July 13, when the shocking news broke that former President Trump had been shot? This weekend, we came terrifyingly close to losing a former U.S. president, facing civil...