Can stones give you insights into the past? What do they tell you? When I encountered the Rosetta Stone at the British Museum, I was surprised that a stone could say so much. Archaeological pieces...
How My Son’s Confession of Faith (Nearly) Broke Twitter
For almost a week in late 2020, my 11-year-old son practically went viral on the Internet, and he doesn’t even know it. Let me tell you why. You see, he had walked out onto our back deck and, cool...
How to Talk with Kids about Jesus
I used to think I knew how to talk with kids about Jesus to help them establish a lasting faith. It seemed simple enough. Read the Bible. And absolutely, the Bible is where we should begin. Reading...
Humbly He Came
There are a lot of things that are true but are hard to believe, but the fact that the Creator of our universe has pooped in a diaper is a big one. I mean, really think about that. And if your first...
Historical Bias, Objectivity, And The Truth Of Christianity
“Historians are biased and choose what they report. As such, history can’t be known.” That’s a typical objection to the ability to know history. If such objections prove that we can’t know history,...
Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin? Does It Matter?
"It doesn't really matter if Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit or by Joseph's seed. What matters is that Jesus came to earth, died, and was resurrected." This is more or less what was said in a...
Jesus: Santa Claus for Adults?
It’s common for atheists to be a “Grinch” over the Holidays and exclaim that Jesus is just a “Santa Claus for adults!” When I hear that claim, I immediately respond with a question: “What do you...
Do you Dare to Really Know Jesus?
If you would consider to dare to know Jesus, I invite you to give Him some serious thought today. Whether you’re a Christian or not, you probably claim to know Jesus, at least in broad strokes. In...
Biblical Archaeology: Bethsaida, Birthplace of Jesus’ Apostles
The possible birthplace of three of Jesus’s disciples has been discovered. Or, at least, revised. The city is Bethsaida. Besides being another place-name mentioned in the Bible, this town was also...
The Widening of God’s Mercy – Book Review
In the mid-1990’s a Theology professor at Duke Divinity School, named Richard Hayes, wrote a book called The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation, A Contemporary...
Do Oral Cultures Operate the Same as the Telephone Game?
Secular scholars, especially those who attack the historicity of the New Testament, claim it is difficult to establish historical knowledge that is valid and reliable because of the infallibility of...
Were the Gospel Accounts Reliably Recorded?
A common challenge to believers is the contention that the gospel accounts we read today are not particularly reliable. Referring to the “telephone game,” the skeptic will claim that since the...
The Early Martyrs Were Cross Examined to Death
Skeptics often challenge believers by claiming that the "evidence" for Christianity would never hold up in a courtroom. It’s hearsay, they contend, and since these witnesses can’t be cross-examined,...
Becoming Skeptical of Modern Skepticism
Some skepticism is warranted. None of us want to live within a paradigm of naivety. No one wants to blindly accept every foolish notion that comes down the pipeline. A quick glance at social media...
The Probability of a Past Event is One
In recent posts (here and here), I considered some of the difficulties inherent in defining what constitutes a miracle or recognizing an event as miraculous. The skeptic usually approaches the issue...
How To Help Muslims Think Deeply and Differently About the Deity of Christ
I was in a Global Studies conference a few months ago when a retired minister asked me an interesting question. He told me, “I like to take Christian young men to the local mosques so they can learn...
Why the Best Explanation Can Be a Miracle
By Al Serrato We all intuitively seek the best explanation for a set of facts or circumstances. It’s called abductive reasoning. Detectives make use of this method of reasoning when endeavoring to...
Andy Stanley’s Unbiblical ‘Affirming’ Stance
In the following piece, I will discuss the ongoing controversies surrounding Andy Stanley and the recent Unconditional Conference held at North Point Church — outlining clear departures from the...
Recommended Books on Historical Apologetics for The Gospels & Acts
I am often asked which books I recommend for defending the reliability of the Gospels/Acts and Christianity in general, so here is my list. It is not exhaustive, but it will definitely give you a...
Evidence for the Book of Esther
My family recently took the opportunity to attend a live theater production of The Book of Esther in Branson, Missouri. The Sight and Sound Theater production was riveting, and I was not prepared...