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The Christmas season has a way of quickening the senses, doesn’t it? The taste of a kiss under a mistletoe tree, the flavor of nursing steamed Ghirardelli hot chocolate, or the sheer ecstasy of biting into that freshly made batch of flaky peanut brittle. Then there are the smells. Oh, the smells. The smell of Gingerbread houses, hot caramel apple pie, and the dreaded Turkish Delight. We cannot forget the sounds. The sounds of Christmas carolers, holiday bells and our favorite seasonal hymns and not so favorite ones too, like, Last Christmas. It’s also a sight fest. The sight of homes bedecked with multi-colored lights, lawns graced by nativity scenes, and Salvation Army volunteers ringing their bells for coins in the coffer. And of course, we cannot forget the touch of holding that long-awaited for gift as it is first unwrapped. Oh, how I loved unwrapping those Lego sets, or tearing open my new Star Wars action figures. Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader. Stormtroopers. Chewbacca. Yoda. Hans Solo. Keep them coming.

Alright, enough of that. We’re getting a little too sappy here. So, here’s my point. While it’s true that the Christmas season touches the chord of our senses, it’s also true that the heightened sensory extravaganza can numb us to the essential meaning of Christmas, making it even difficult for some to make sense of Christmas with all the added hoopla. As we inch toward this season, let us make sense of the season once again. But before we do, let me set an objection aside. Some might contend that since we don’t know the day on which Jesus was born, then we should avoid a collective celebration of Christmas altogether. While I’d agree, despite some who claim otherwise, I don’t think we can know Jesus’s D.O.B. But that’s to miss the point. We can still reserve a time to celebrate Christ’s incarnation, regardless of a fixed date, we can still revel in his descent to rescue us. Besides, it’s the event, not the date, that counts. It’s the Christ, not the calendar that we worship in remembrance.

Now to the event. The incarnation. The virgin birth. The very infleshing of the Logos. This is an event that’s hard to digest. We’re talking about God becoming flesh. It’s to this event that great sage from many decades ago, Mr. C.S. Lewis himself, referred to as, “The Grand Miracle.” Think about what so grandly entails this pivotal event. Or better yet, try and imagine it for a moment. We’re talking about God in gestation. I know, that’s a lot. On one level you can see the problem. And it’s this. In one sense, we can never make full sense of it. That’s because incarnation thinking boggles the brain. And yet, just the thought of it for the believer should humble our hearts in worship. We’re reflecting on a God who fastened himself in the Person of Christ to human flesh for all time. Knowing that God is Spirit, you’d think after Christ’s death He’d ditch the bodily experience throughout eternity, but no, it was a physical/bodily resurrection. It’s one thing to assume our nature for an earthly sojourn and another thing to assume our nature for an eternal sojourn.

As we seek to make sense of Christmas this year, make sense of this. Christ came to identify with us. To share in our nature. But there’s more. Much more. And yet, space permits me to carry us much farther. So, I’ll close with a few final reflections to feast on for December. First, Christmas is a time to remember that God became man so that man could be one with God. Yes, Christmas reminds us that God is a reconciling God. A rescuing God. A saving God. A relational God. Second, Christmas is a time to remember that God came to earth so that we could go to heaven. This is good news. No, it’s great news. By attaching ourselves to Christ we gain much more than forgiveness of our sins, removal of our guilt and the elimination of our shame. That’s because Jesus came down so we can go up. He came to earth, so we can go to heaven. And finally, Christmas is a gift, and the best gifts are meant to be shared. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. The gift that we will never finish unwrapping. The gift that’s meant to be given away. Christmas is a time for sharing. For sharing the Greatest Story Ever Told. It’s a time to remember that there are miracles and there is The Grand Miracle. That Light came into the world of darkness so that a world of darkness could enter His everlasting light. Selah.

Recommended resources related to the topic:

Miracles: The Evidence by Frank Turek DVD and Mp4

Early Evidence for the Resurrection by Dr. Gary Habermas (DVD), (Mp3) and (Mp4)

Reflecting Jesus into a Dark World by Dr. Frank Turek – DVD Complete Series, Video mp4 DOWNLOAD Complete Series, and mp3 audio DOWNLOAD Complete Series


Bobby serves as lead pastor of Image Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is well known for his YouTube ministry called, One Minute Apologist, which now goes by the name Christianity Still Makes Sense. He also serves as the Co-Host of Pastors’ Perspective, a nationally syndicated call-in radio show on KWVE in Southern California. Bobby earned his Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, his Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary, and his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from the University of Birmingham (England), where he was supervised under David Cheetham and Yujin Nagasawa. Bobby’s also written several books, including The Fifth Gospel, Doubting Toward Faith, Does God Exist, and Fifty-One Other Questions About God and the Bible, and the forthcoming Christianity Still Makes Sense, to be published by Tyndale in April 2024. He’s married to his lovely wife Heather, and together they have two grown kids: Haley and Dawson.


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