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Top 10 Philosophical Challenges Christian Students Face at Secular Universities with Dr. Owen Anderson

Top 10 Philosophical Challenges Christian Students Face at Secular Universities with Dr. Owen Anderson

Every college student faces difficult situations, but Christian students at secular universities often encounter unique challenges designed to dismantle their faith. How can these students (and Christians everywhere) stay strong and defend their beliefs in environments that are hostile to their worldview? A few episodes ago, Frank sat down with Arizona State University Professor Dr. Owen […]

Open Borders: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | with Hedieh Mirahmadi

Open Borders: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | with Hedieh Mirahmadi

How do you express concerns about illegal immigration without sounding like a racist? And is it irrational to be Islamophobic? Speaking out against open border policies can get you canceled, but should that fear outweigh the risks of unvetted, undocumented immigrants flooding into the country? Is the real goal of unchecked immigration to weaken Christianity? […]

Where Do Democrats Stand on Major Issues? | with Wintery Knight and Desert Rose

Where Do Democrats Stand on Major Issues? | with Wintery Knight and Desert Rose

Christian apologists Wintery Knight and Desert Rose return to the program to continue their conversation on ‘How to Love Your Neighbor Through Politics.’ On the last episode, Knight and Rose discussed socialism, abortion, and the past voting record of Kamala Harris. Today, they cover in rapid-fire-succession where the Democratic platform stands on other “important matters […]

Christian Professor Fights DEI “Whiteness” Discrimination at Arizona State University | with Dr. Owen Anderson

Christian Professor Fights DEI “Whiteness” Discrimination at Arizona State University | with Dr. Owen Anderson

Are Christian professors being discriminated against at public universities because of their faith? And when did it become unacceptable for Christians to teach students about the historic Christian worldview from a biblical perspective on a secular campus? Something strange is happening behind the scenes at Arizona State University and a tenured (Christ-following) professor is now choosing to fight […]

Have We Lost Our Minds? | with Dr. Stan Wallace

Have We Lost Our Minds? | with Dr. Stan Wallace

What’s the correlation between the soul, the brain, and the mind? Many Christians today struggle to grasp the concept of an immaterial soul and how it impacts us physically and mentally. For this midweek podcast, Frank sits down with Dr. Stan Wallace to discuss his book, ‘Have We Lost Our Minds?: Neuroscience, Neurotheology, the Soul, […]

Beware of People-Pleasing Christians – Plus Q&A

Beware of People-Pleasing Christians – Plus Q&A

We were made to be the “salt and light” of the world, but if you find yourself getting too much praise from the culture are you really living your life for Christ? Last week, Frank tackled the subject of calling out shepherds that we know are in the wrong (be it theological, political, etc.). For this […]

Is It Wrong for Christians to Call Out Shepherds?

Is It Wrong for Christians to Call Out Shepherds?

Should we criticize our fellow Christians? And when, if ever, is it appropriate to call out trusted pastors when they get something wrong? Contending for the faith can sometimes be seen as divisive, so how do you discern when to speak up and when to remain silent? Megan Basham’s new book, ‘Shepherds for Sale‘ continues […]

Why Aren’t Christians Better People? + Politics Q&A

Why Aren’t Christians Better People? + Politics Q&A

If Christianity is true, why aren’t Christians better people? Why are there so many hypocrites in the church? Why haven’t they been transformed by Christ? Skeptics often question how transformative Christianity truly is when they see Christians behaving badly. But is this a fair critique of the faith itself? When a musician plays Beethoven poorly, […]

How Philosophy Helps Theology & Apologetics | with Dr. Richard Howe

How Philosophy Helps Theology & Apologetics | with Dr. Richard Howe

Do Christians really need to understand philosophy? Can’t we just read our Bibles and share the Gospel? The answer depends on how successful you want to be at doing both of those things! This week, our friend, CIA Instructor, and Southern Evangelical Seminary professor, Dr. Richard Howe, sits down with Frank to explore why philosophy is a MUST […]

5 EASY Biblical Issues the Culture Gets Wrong | with Greg Koukl

5 EASY Biblical Issues the Culture Gets Wrong | with Greg Koukl

Do you ever get the sense that there’s growing confusion among Christians on issues we should all agree on? Young Christians today seem especially vulnerable when it comes to discerning right from wrong according to God’s Word. What’s causing this gap between biblical Christianity and how it’s lived out in the modern world? And what […]

What To Do When Culture Hates You | with Natasha Crain

What To Do When Culture Hates You | with Natasha Crain

Why are Christians facing so much hostility when we speak up on political issues? Simply advocating for life in the womb or opposing far-left agendas like Marxism and “gender-affirming care” often gets us labeled as “Christian Nationalists.” Should we let this backlash silence us, or propel us to become even more outspoken? This week, our […]

Is Gentle Parenting Crippling the Next Generation? | with Brett Kunkle

Is Gentle Parenting Crippling the Next Generation? | with Brett Kunkle

Is the so-called “gentle parenting” movement producing a generation of narcissists? Many Christian parents are ditching the Bible’s model for childrearing and instead opting for modern-day secular parenting techniques. What are some of the issues that are arising from this shift, and what worldview underpins these new secular methods? If you’re a parent, a grandparent, […]

LIVE from CIA! – Fallen Pastors, Hypocrisy, and 5 Trinity Fails | with Allen Parr

LIVE from CIA! – Fallen Pastors, Hypocrisy, and 5 Trinity Fails | with Allen Parr

CIA 2024 is here ladies and gentlemen! And this year we’re kicking off our annual apologetics workshop with a much needed conversation surrounding church leadership, accountability, and the doctrine of the Trinity. In this podcast episode, Frank sits down with our good friend, author, and Christian YouTuber, Allen Parr about what’s going on with pastors in Dallas, and which analogies […]

Shepherds for Sale | with Megan Basham

Shepherds for Sale | with Megan Basham

Could your favorite celebrity pastor or even your church’s leadership be compromising the truth in exchange for cultural approval (and a BIG paycheck)? Many prominent evangelical leaders have become more and more outspoken in questioning the Bible’s clear teachings on political issues like natural marriage and life in the womb, leading to confusion and concern […]

Why Didn’t God Create a Universe Where Everyone Believed?

Why Didn’t God Create a Universe Where Everyone Believed?

Is faith in God a personal choice, or is it something that God forces on people against their will? Misinterpretations of Romans 9 have led many Calvinists to read this narrative into the Scriptures, but what are they missing and what does the context of Romans 9 actually reveal about its intended meaning? For this […]

What Does Romans 9 REALLY Mean?

What Does Romans 9 REALLY Mean?

If God is sovereign like the Bible says, then how can human beings have free will? Those who subscribe to certain sects of Calvinism might say that humans can’t possibly have free will because God does all the choosing. But is that what Paul was really getting at when he penned the book of Romans? This week’s podcast episode dives into a […]

The Assassination Attempt: 5 Questions We All Need to Answer

The Assassination Attempt: 5 Questions We All Need to Answer

Where were you on Saturday, July 13, when the shocking news broke that former President Trump had been shot? This weekend, we came terrifyingly close to losing a former U.S. president, facing civil unrest, and even approaching the real possibility of a civil war. With so many unanswered questions about the assailant’s motive and the […]

End the Stalemate | with Dr. Sean McDowell

End the Stalemate | with Dr. Sean McDowell

When was the last time you had a REAL and MEANINGFUL conversation with someone who disagreed with your Christian worldview? We live in a divisive culture that has led to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement. Many Christians no longer feel […]

Q&A About Roman Catholicism, Bible Translations, Trump, Biden, and Transgenderism

Q&A About Roman Catholicism, Bible Translations, Trump, Biden, and Transgenderism

You’ve got questions, and for this midweek podcast, we’ve got answers! Tune in as Frank dives into your listener questions on Roman Catholicism, Bible Translations, the impact of “gender-affirming care” on transgender patients, and the presidential debate and related issues. During the episode, Frank will address questions like: Why did he leave the Roman Catholic Church? […]

Should Christians Support Israel? | with Dr. Jeff Myers

Should Christians Support Israel? | with Dr. Jeff Myers

Does the Bible promise prosperity to those who bless and support Israel? In the wake of the October 7th attacks on Israel by the Hamas terrorist group, antisemitism in the West is shockingly at an all-time high. What’s driving this sudden surge in antisemitism, and what can we glean from the Old Testament scriptures in relation […]

63+ Million Reasons to Join The White Rose Resistance | with Seth Gruber

63+ Million Reasons to Join The White Rose Resistance | with Seth Gruber

Does today’s culture value human life in the same way that our Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, did when he penned the Declaration of Independence? According to statistics compiled by the National Right to Life organization, there have been approximately 63+ million abortions performed in the United States since 1973. While there’s no doubt that Jefferson was […]

Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus: EVEN MORE “Third Day” References in the Old Testament | with Dr. Chip Bennett

Jacob, Joseph, and Jesus: EVEN MORE “Third Day” References in the Old Testament | with Dr. Chip Bennett

Is the whole of Scripture just a disorganized collection of conflicting documents? Some scholars think so, claiming it to be a battleground for historical contradictions. But what if it’s actually a carefully orchestrated thread, woven together and preserved by the Divine Author Himself? Just a few episodes ago, Dr. Chip Bennett wowed listeners with his insights into the resurrection […]

The 1916 Project | with Seth Gruber

The 1916 Project | with Seth Gruber

How did things like third-trimester abortions, infanticide, euthanasia, critical race theory, transgender ideology, and drag queen story hour become embedded in modern American culture? In an age where children are exposed to pornographic material in their own school libraries and concerned parents are labeled as “domestic terrorists”, where can we find the root cause of the underlying […]

What Does Biblical Inerrancy REALLY Mean? | with Dr. Mike Licona

What Does Biblical Inerrancy REALLY Mean? | with Dr. Mike Licona

Is it possible that the Bible actually contains errors? And if so, how would these errors impact the message of the Gospel? These are fair questions that some Christians may be afraid to ask. But does an error or two discredit the overall authenticity and reliability of the Scriptures or the historicity of the Resurrection? […]

Jesus, Contradicted | with Mike Licona

Jesus, Contradicted | with Mike Licona

Do most Christians have the wrong definition of inerrancy? You may have noticed some pretty significant discrepancies between the different Gospel accounts in the New Testament–discrepancies that skeptic Bart Ehrman didn’t hesitate to point out during past debates with Dr. William Lane Craig, Jimmy Akin, AND today’s guest! Is there a way for Bible believing Christians […]

The BIGGEST Misconceptions Protestants Have About the Catholic Faith with Jimmy Akin

The BIGGEST Misconceptions Protestants Have About the Catholic Faith with Jimmy Akin

Do most Protestants have a good grasp on Roman Catholic theology or are they largely misunderstanding some of its core doctrines? While Protestants and Catholics share certain beliefs, there are also key doctrinal differences that have led to numerous church councils and theological debates throughout Church history. What are some of the most common misconceptions that many Protestants have […]

Debating Bart Ehrman About the Gospels with Jimmy Akin

Debating Bart Ehrman About the Gospels with Jimmy Akin

When Christians suggest that the Bible is without error, what does that actually mean? And are there really good reasons to believe that the Bible, (specifically the New Testament) is both historically reliable and inerrant? Critics like Bart Ehrman raise challenging and thought-provoking questions about contradictions in the Gospels and Jesus’ resurrection, but are they true contradictions or […]

What Harrison Butker and Football Teach Us About Right and Wrong

What Harrison Butker and Football Teach Us About Right and Wrong

Were Harrison Butker’s bold statements during his recent Benedictine College commencement speech worth all of the public backlash he received in response? Although many are now hailing the Super Bowl winning NFL kicker as a hero for speaking up, others are calling for him to be fired from the league altogether. What exactly did he say that […]

Who Is Living Inside Your Kid’s Head? | with Shanda Fulbright

Who Is Living Inside Your Kid’s Head? | with Shanda Fulbright

Why do your kids believe what they believe about the world and the purpose of life? Are you equipping them to make good decisions now and in the future when you’re no longer there to protect them? Will their knowledge of truth, logic, and God’s Word ultimately prevail against the conflicting (and sometimes hidden) messages […]

The #1 Surprising Rule of Life | with J. Warner Wallace

The #1 Surprising Rule of Life | with J. Warner Wallace

Can Christians learn to love the same way God loves? Cold-case homicide detective turned Christian apologist, J. Warner Wallace, answers that question for us in his brand-new book ‘The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life.’ But how exactly did researching some of his own murder investigations lead him […]

The Truth in True Crime with J. Warner Wallace

The Truth in True Crime with J. Warner Wallace

Have you ever wondered why America is so obsessed with death and murder, or why some of today’s most popular podcasts, shows, and TV networks are all centered around the topic of true crime? What’s the reason for our curiosity with murder and what life lessons can we learn from studying even the worst of […]

How Censorship Endangers You | with Seth Dillon

How Censorship Endangers You | with Seth Dillon

How is today’s censorship trend affecting your job, your child’s education, and your medical healthcare of all things? And what about the political right? Are they as guilty of imposing censorship on society as the far left? For this midweek podcast episode, Seth Dillon, CEO of The Babylon Bee, returns to speak more about the issue […]

Censoring the Babylon Bee? | with Seth Dillon

Censoring the Babylon Bee? | with Seth Dillon

What exactly constitutes “free speech” and falls under the protection of the First Amendment? As the political left increasingly advocates for (and often achieves) unconstitutional censorship, the line between what’s permissible and what’s not in public dialogue becomes increasingly blurred. In this age dominated by social media and cancel culture, who ultimately holds the authority […]

The Fuel Behind the Fire: Anti-Israel Protests & American Universities

The Fuel Behind the Fire: Anti-Israel Protests & American Universities

What’s driving the anti-Israel protests storming college campuses all across America? Schools like Columbia University, UCLA, Emory, Harvard, and Yale have been hit with massive pro-Palestinian mobs that have led to hundreds of arrests and violent threats against the Jewish student populations. Why are these angry (yet seemingly sophisticated) mobs targeting college campuses and how […]

Does Christianity Still Make Sense? | with Dr. Bobby Conway

Does Christianity Still Make Sense? | with Dr. Bobby Conway

If God exists, then why are there so many church scandals? Why does racism exist and why are Christians so hypocritical? When it comes down to it, why does evil exist at all? In other words, does Christianity still make sense? This week Frank talks with author, philosopher, CIA instructor, and pastor of Image Church, Dr. Bobby […]

Why Objections Don’t Defeat the Truth of God

Why Objections Don’t Defeat the Truth of God

If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? And if God wants us to trust Him and love Him, why does He stay so hidden? Those are two of the most powerful objections to Christianity. But even if you couldn’t come up with answers to these questions, is that reason […]

How to Answer the Toughest Arguments for Abortion | with Scott Klusendorf

How to Answer the Toughest Arguments for Abortion | with Scott Klusendorf

This week, author of ‘The Case for Life‘ and pro-life expert Scott Klusendorf returns to unpack the implications behind the most popular pro-choice arguments. Are pro-lifers fighting for a theocracy? How can Christians refute “pro-choice” arguments without using the Bible? Will women die from illegal abortions if abortion is banned? What should you do if you attend […]

Is Donald Trump Helping or Hurting the Pro-Life Movement? | with Scott Klusendorf

Is Donald Trump Helping or Hurting the Pro-Life Movement? | with Scott Klusendorf

What are we to make of Donald Trump’s recent statements on abortion? Are pro-life Americans winning or losing the battle to protect the rights of unborn children? What is the way forward? This week, author of ‘The Case for Life‘ and leading pro-life expert, Scott Klusendorf, joins Frank to analyze and unpack former president Trump’s statements regarding abortion […]

How to Stop Wokeness and Stand for Truth | with Dr. James Lindsay

How to Stop Wokeness and Stand for Truth | with Dr. James Lindsay

Are there any practical ways that Christians and conservatives can stop the encroachment of woke ideology in our schools, businesses, and local communities? While the recent push for DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), critical theory, and transgender ideology may seem impossible to overcome, all hope is not lost! In the last podcast episode, Frank’s guest, international speaker, author, and […]

One Nation Under Wokeness | with Dr. James Lindsay

One Nation Under Wokeness | with Dr. James Lindsay

Is there an all out assault on common sense in the West? Over the last decade or so, proponents of “wokeness” have asserted crazy ideas like “men can get pregnant”, “whiteness is evil”, the extermination of Jews “from the river to the sea”, and kids should be sterilized through “gender-affirming care.” Where are these bizarre […]

7 Archaeology Discoveries Associated with the Life (and Death) of Jesus | with Dr. Titus Kennedy

7 Archaeology Discoveries Associated with the Life (and Death) of Jesus | with Dr. Titus Kennedy

What historical evidence is there for people like Peter, Simon of Cyrene, Pontius Pilate, Jesus, Caiaphas, and other key figures in Jesus’s crucifixion? Seven people who had something to do with the trial of Jesus have been found through archaeology! Moreover, excavations in Israel have unearthed numerous archaeological finds that corroborate precisely what’s recorded in the Bible. […]

He is Risen! Examining the Evidence for the Resurrection with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie

He is Risen! Examining the Evidence for the Resurrection with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie

How did an itinerant preacher, born into poverty and raised in an obscure village, a man who never wrote a book or had a formal education, who was betrayed by his friends and ultimately crucified on a rugged cross, rise to become THE central figure in human history? Jesus of Nazareth has left an undeniable mark on the world and all of western society, surpassing the […]

Is America Becoming a Police State? with Dinesh D’Souza

Is America Becoming a Police State? with Dinesh D’Souza

Is the U.S. government deliberately targeting patriotic Americans with conservative values? In a post 9/11 America, the necessary push to prevent Islamic terrorism opened the door for justice agencies to shift their focus to what they now call “domestic terrorists”. But what if your conservative, Christian beliefs have the potential to put you on the government’s […]

Can We Really Believe the Bible is Inerrant? Plus More Q&A

Can We Really Believe the Bible is Inerrant? Plus More Q&A

Do you have to believe that the Bible is completely without error to be a true Christian? If you don’t agree with the Bible, you ultimately find yourself at odds with the teachings of Jesus and that’s never a good idea. But if both the Old and New Testaments have discrepancies, why should we consider our Bible to be inspired? This week, Frank dives into the […]

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God with Justin Brierley – Part 2

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God with Justin Brierley – Part 2

Can a purely materialistic worldview account for concepts like human dignity, moral absolutes, or objective meaning? In a surprising (and encouraging) turn of events, many who once held to an atheistic worldview are beginning to see that a search for meaning without God is ultimately futile. As this realization continues to permeate the minds of prominent intellectuals within the new atheist movement, will this spark a new interest […]

The Lazy Approach to Evangelism | with Eric Hernandez

The Lazy Approach to Evangelism | with Eric Hernandez

Is it necessary to have all the answers to complex theological or cultural questions when talking to non-Christians? Absolutely not! But the fear of not having a response, let alone a convincing one, can be overwhelming, leading many Christians to shy away from sharing their beliefs. When you feel trapped in such situations, is there […]

Living in the DAZE of Deception | with Jack Hibbs

Living in the DAZE of Deception | with Jack Hibbs

Have you ever believed something that you discovered later on just wasn’t true? In an upside down world where lies are well-packaged and truth is constantly suppressed, it’s no wonder that both Christians and non-Christians alike have fallen prey to mass deception. But if the Church is struggling to recognize truth from error, what hope […]

The Top 10 Hasty Generalizations That Plague Our Society Today

The Top 10 Hasty Generalizations That Plague Our Society Today

Have you ever had someone jump to false conclusions about you based on a single comment or tweet? That’s what you call a hasty generalization, and people on both sides of the political and theological aisle have been guilty of committing this logical fallacy, many times resulting in the marginalization of whomever is on the receiving end of the accusation. In this […]

Is America Headed for Disaster? | with Eric Metaxas

Is America Headed for Disaster? | with Eric Metaxas

Is America headed down a dark path similar to that of Nazi Germany? If history has shown us anything, it’s that bad things happen when Christians don’t collectively speak out against evil. The German Church of the 1930’s is a great example of what NOT to do in a tumultuous time of political crisis, but has the American Church fallen into the same […]

10 Salvations and Takin’ it to the Streets with Tytus Jones

10 Salvations and Takin’ it to the Streets with Tytus Jones

It’s a busy week here at CrossExamined! In this midweek podcast episode, Frank reports on the biggest campus event in the history of our ministry and several opportunities for you to get involved in apologetics wherever you are. Then, Phoenix Hayes and Tytus Jones show how we can effectively engage urban communities with the Gospel. […]

The Deconstruction of Christianity | with Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett

The Deconstruction of Christianity | with Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett

What is this thing called “deconstruction” that has disrupted, dismantled, and destroyed the faith of so many people? Is it really a quest for truth, or is this radical spiritual makeover motivated by something else? As the deconstruction movement continues to grow in popularity, families and faith communities are often blindsided by individuals who leave […]

How to Evangelize Muslims | with Dr. Brady Blevins

How to Evangelize Muslims | with Dr. Brady Blevins

What are the major “Do’s and Don’ts” of witnessing to Muslims? On last week’s podcast, Dr. Brady Blevins from Watchman Fellowship gave listeners some great advice on how to have effective faith conversations with Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. This week, Brady returns to the program to discuss how Christians can effectively engage in conversations with Muslims about Jesus and the […]

Tackling the Top 5 Objections Young People Have to Christianity | with Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle – Part 2

Tackling the Top 5 Objections Young People Have to Christianity | with Cliffe and Stuart Knechtle – Part 2

How can Christians defend the faith in light of today’s most common objections from young atheists and agnostics? America’s “best and brightest” have a bone to pick with God and the Christian worldview, which means evangelizing this demographic is of the utmost importance. But how can Christians effectively reach young people when factors like the […]

The History of Modern-Day Israel with Bill Federer – Part 2

The History of Modern-Day Israel with Bill Federer – Part 2

What are the historical and ideological factors that have shaped the modern state of Israel and the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Religion, corruption, and even money laundering cannot be overlooked when having a nuanced discussion on what has happened and is happening in that region. But with the complexity of this ongoing war of ideologies and […]

Harvard, Heresy, and Near Death Experiences – Plus More Q&A

Harvard, Heresy, and Near Death Experiences – Plus More Q&A

Is Harvard ready to embrace THE truth or is it doubling down on President Claudine Gay’s “truth”? Just a couple weeks ago, Frank discussed the rising antisemitism on college campuses like Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and MIT. During this midweek episode, Frank continues the conversation and briefly addresses President Gay’s plagiarism scandal and the […]

Have You Joined the Rebellion Against Jesus Because of Leftist Infiltration? | with Megan Basham

Have You Joined the Rebellion Against Jesus Because of Leftist Infiltration? | with Megan Basham

Have you unknowingly joined the rebellion AGAINST Jesus? You’ve probably noticed that there’s no shortage of faith leaders and church denominations that have departed from biblical teachings to follow the political and moral positions of the culture instead. But with this secular societal backdrop, how can Christians remain faithful and avoid selling out to the whims of the […]

My Truth vs. THE Truth at Harvard

My Truth vs. THE Truth at Harvard

Why has antisemitism exploded on college campuses and around the world? In the aftermath of the horrifying Oct. 7th Hamas attack on Israel, students and even faculty members of some of our most prestigious institutions have gone on record to support the senseless and evil slaughtering of innocent Israeli citizens. As blatant acts of bullying […]

Deconstructing Critical Theory | with Krista Bontrager & Monique Duson

Deconstructing Critical Theory | with Krista Bontrager & Monique Duson

What does the Bible teach us about race, ethnicity, unity, and justice? When Krista Bontrager (a conservative wife, homeschool mom, and Biola graduate) formed a close relationship with Monique Duson (a self-proclaimed former social justice warrior, international missionary, and Biola graduate), both women discovered that even in their shared love for Jesus, their views on […]

Introducing the KINGDOM AI PROJECT

Introducing the KINGDOM AI PROJECT

What is the eternal message of hope that we are privileged to have here in the United States (and other parts of the West) that many people around the world don’t have? It is the Gospel–the saving grace of Jesus Christ. And it was Jesus Himself who told us to go and make disciples of […]

How Biochemistry Led Me to the Creator | with Dr. Fazale “Fuz” Rana

How Biochemistry Led Me to the Creator | with Dr. Fazale “Fuz” Rana

How in the world did a biochemist with a Muslim father find his saving grace through Jesus Christ? Fazale “Fuz” Rana is president, CEO, and senior scholar of Reasons to Believe (RTB), an organization dedicated to communicating the powerful scientific case for God’s existence and the Bible’s reliability to both Christians and non-Christians. Though he initially embraced the evolutionary […]

Inside Noah’s Ark with | Dr. Tim Chaffey

Inside Noah’s Ark with | Dr. Tim Chaffey

Can we REALLY believe in Noah’s ark? Practically speaking, the idea of a massive flood, a giant ark, a rainbow covenant, and the preservation of animals through the care of one small family on an ancient ship sounds outlandish at best. But are there legitimate answers to some of the most common objections raised by […]

Weathering Climate Change | with Dr. Hugh Ross

Weathering Climate Change | with Dr. Hugh Ross

What (if anything) can the Bible teach us about climate change? Arguably, the most controversial aspect of the climate change debate seems to be whether it’s occurring naturally or as a result of human technological advances. But with an issue as polarizing and politicized as it’s become over the last few decades, is there a rational way to work towards a […]

Faith Examined | with Professor Clark Bates

Faith Examined | with Professor Clark Bates

This show will bless you if you have ever supported (and even if you haven’t). Just two weeks ago at the Unshaken conference in Nashville, TN, Frank was both shocked and honored to learn that a group of graduates from the CrossExamined Instructor Academy (CIA) began a book project back in 2019 called, ‘Faith Examined: New Arguments for Persistent Questions, Essays in Honor […]

Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy? – Part 2

Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy? – Part 2

Do evangelical Christians hold political views that are “wildly extreme”? If the sanctity of human life and the institution of marriage being solely between one man and one woman are extreme, then the answer is a resounding yes! Jihadist terrorism on the other hand? Not so much. Since when did defending basic human rights, freedom […]

Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy?

Are Christian Politicians Trying to Set Up a Theocracy?

Are Christian politicians plotting to turn America into a theocracy? That’s precisely what the woke media outlets want you to think, often accusing Christians of trying to violate the “separation of church and state”. They also accuse Christians of trying to legislate morality. But if Christians and conservatives don’t have the “right” to legislate morality, who does? […]

5 AMAZING Archaeological Finds from the Old Testament | with Joel P. Kramer

5 AMAZING Archaeological Finds from the Old Testament | with Joel P. Kramer

What can recent archaeological discoveries tell us about the historicity of the Bible? The miraculous destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the equally miraculous fall of Jericho seem far-fetched to modern-day skeptics and Bible critics. But is it reasonable to discount what’s written in the Bible when excavation findings have consistently corroborated events recorded in […]

The Mission and Vision of Core Apologetics | with Dr. Ben Shaw

The Mission and Vision of Core Apologetics | with Dr. Ben Shaw

Has the idea of biblical inerrancy gone out of style? In today’s modern church we’ve seen far too many professing Christians and even pastors struggle with biblical illiteracy, some choosing to abandon the biblical worldview altogether. As hostility towards the Christian faith continues to grow and commitment to the Gospel continues to decline, how can […]

What No One Ever Told You About “Gender Affirming Care” | with Dr. Jay Richards

What No One Ever Told You About “Gender Affirming Care” | with Dr. Jay Richards

What are the ins and outs of so-called “gender affirming care?” Although it’s a well-known FACT that it’s biologically impossible for anyone to change their sex, the process for sex trait modification (which can include hormonal drugs, experimental surgeries, and a long list of life-altering and even deadly complications), continues to be promoted by the left as a […]

Where Did Gender Ideology Come From? | with Dr. Jay Richards

Where Did Gender Ideology Come From? | with Dr. Jay Richards

Is gender ideology (a form of cultural Marxism) actually about saving “trans” kids, or is there an underlying sinister motive behind it? Somehow this specific brand of critical theory has managed to make its way into public schools, pediatric medicine, and now the White House of all places! But is there anything that Christians, conservatives, and concerned citizens can […]

Hamas vs. Israel: It is NOT About Land

Hamas vs. Israel: It is NOT About Land

Was Hamas most recent barbaric treatment of the Israelis just the result of an age-old land dispute? That’s exactly what radical leftist groups like Black Lives Matter want you to believe, but they couldn’t be more wrong! What if this horrific massacre against innocent civilians by Hamas is giving us a glimpse into the true heart of Islam and the […]

Hamas vs. The Canaanites: Same Kind of Evil? | with Dr. Paul Copan

Hamas vs. The Canaanites: Same Kind of Evil? | with Dr. Paul Copan

How can you negotiate with people who are intent on your destruction and are even willing to commit demonic acts to do so? The world watched in horror as the terrorist organization, Hamas, carried out the brutal attacks against innocent and defenseless Israeli citizens this past weekend, mercilessly slaughtering entire families, raping women, and dismembering young infants and children. Can these heinous crimes that we’ve witnessed offer […]

Critical Dilemma | with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer – Part 2

Critical Dilemma | with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer – Part 2

Are racial discrimination and systemic racism widespread problems in America? The horrific tragedy of George Floyd seemingly caused a resurgence of critical (race) theory into mainstream media, which eventually led to an infiltration into public schools, institutions of higher learning, and even churches! But on what grounds should Christians reject it as a viable solution to social issues like racism and sexism? In this midweek […]

Critical Dilemma with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer

Critical Dilemma with Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer

Has anyone at your church ever claimed that “whiteness is wickedness”, “sin is oppressive”, or “the Bible was written from the perspective of the oppressed?” Outlandish statements like these are a product of what’s called critical theory. You’ve increasingly heard the term used in the media within recent years, but what exactly is critical theory, […]

How to Deal with Doubts? + Q&A

How to Deal with Doubts? + Q&A

Is it normal for Christians to experience seasons of doubt? The truth is, doubt can hit any believer at any time, even Christian scholars like Gary Habermas! But are you prepared to do the hard work of combating those false ideas to seek the truth, when so many people in our culture today are jumping […]

The Blind | with Phil and Al Robertson

The Blind | with Phil and Al Robertson

Ever wondered how the Duck Commander himself, Phil Robertson, became a Christian? Millions of fans came to know and love Phil Robertson and the entire Duck Dynasty clan during the show’s 11-season run, where the family’s Christian faith remained on full display without compromise. But now that the Duck Commander’s backstory is about to hit […]

“Approve of Me or Else!” What Do You Say?

“Approve of Me or Else!” What Do You Say?

What are the rules for engaging a teenage or adult child who is now identifying as trans, deems you toxic, and then threatens to completely cut you off? The natural reaction to freak out usually makes things much worse. But if this happens in your family, how do you work to salvage the relationship without compromising your faith? Far too […]

The Bible From 30,000 Feet | with Dr. Skip Heitzig

The Bible From 30,000 Feet | with Dr. Skip Heitzig

Do Christians really know the Bible as well as we should? If we’re being honest, reading an ancient set of documents from a culture we don’t understand can be quite intimidating. With that being the case, how exactly should Christians go about getting familiar with the Bible without feeling overwhelmed and discouraged? With only 19% […]

How Can Jesus Be the Only Way?

How Can Jesus Be the Only Way?

If God truly is loving, is He obligated to save those who have never heard the Gospel or choose not to accept it? Many non-Christians ask this LOADED question without realizing that it’s a moral question that assumes a moral standard. But with the presence of so many different religions and opposing worldviews, do Christians […]

Hijacking Jesus | with Jason Jimenez

Hijacking Jesus | with Jason Jimenez

What do you call a Christian that denies the Virgin Birth, the Divinity of Christ, the Second Coming, miracles, the Atonement, and the Resurrection? They’re called “Progressive” Christians. But if a person rejects the essentials of the faith, are they progressing, or regressing? And are they even Christians at all? The level of confusion and distorted […]

Are Christians Too Involved in Politics?

Are Christians Too Involved in Politics?

Have you ever noticed that most of the disputes we have in our culture and even in the church, are morality based? Whether it’s abortion, marriage, transgenderism, climate change, vaccines, sexuality, etc., they all have to do with some standard of morality. The question is, what standard are we using to make our assessments on those […]

How to Handle a Faith That is Set Adrift | with Dr. Sean McDowell

How to Handle a Faith That is Set Adrift | with Dr. Sean McDowell

When a fellow Christian confides in you that they’re “deconstructing”, what do you say and what kind of advice do you give them? Or even worse, what if YOU aren’t sure what to believe anymore? It can be normal to wrestle with lingering doubts, but this slow and steady process of disillusionment often causes many people in our […]

The ONE Attribute That Heals Relationships | with J. Warner Wallace

The ONE Attribute That Heals Relationships | with J. Warner Wallace

What’s the ONE attribute that has the power to change your life, your relationships, and your career? In this midweek episode, homicide detective and best-selling author, J. Warner Wallace returns to talk about the healing power of humility and how he and his wife Susie are helping police officers save their marriages and recover from past trauma […]

The New and Improved Cold-Case Christianity | with J. Warner Wallace

The New and Improved Cold-Case Christianity | with J. Warner Wallace

“You can’t trust the New Testament writers because they were Christians!” How many times have you heard that objection? Atheists and skeptics often claim that the life of Jesus has been embellished throughout the centuries and that the eyewitness testimonies recorded in the Gospels are biased. But is it reasonable to believe that the New […]

How to Make Disciples in the 21st Century | with Allen Parr

How to Make Disciples in the 21st Century | with Allen Parr

Are you possibly underestimating your ability to go out and make disciples? Imagine if every Christian invested in the spiritual growth of just one other person. How could that affect our local churches, local communities, and ultimately the spreading of the Gospel? In this midweek podcast episode, popular Christian influencer and author of the new book ‘Misled‘, Allen Parr, sits […]

Shining a Light on the New Age Deception | with Melissa Dougherty

Shining a Light on the New Age Deception | with Melissa Dougherty

Does the New Age movement offer a “higher level” of Christianity? Often used interchangeably, New Age and New Thought have appealed to the masses, both in secular society as well as within Christian churches. If New Age practices have somehow managed to creep into your church, can you identify them? Who better to ask about the New Age than someone […]

What Does Guilt Tell Us About God? | with Dr. Bobby Conway

What Does Guilt Tell Us About God? | with Dr. Bobby Conway

Why is it that all societies throughout human history have been plagued by and confronted with universal guilt? That is to say that guilt, which can be defined as the result of violating a moral law that God has put in place, is cross-cultural. But many today suppress their guilt. How can Christians effectively preach […]

Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges | with Greg Koukl

Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges | with Greg Koukl

Do you know how to have meaningful conversations with atheists or how to answer their concerns when it comes to science, morality, and evil in the world? Navigating through faith conversations with non-Christians is hard enough, and you don’t want to make them even more difficult by putting yourself in the hot seat. So what’s the best strategy for Christians to use when defending the faith in a culture that is so hostile […]

Kirk Cameron, Q&A, and Are People Born Gay?

Kirk Cameron, Q&A, and Are People Born Gay?

Why is it more culturally acceptable to have Drag Queen story hour at a public library than it is to read faith-based books that introduce children to Christian values such as kindness, love, and self-control? Libraries have become the new battleground for the culture war with its secular indoctrination of kids and its censorship of […]

Deconstructing the Barbie Movie | with the Women of CIA 2023

Deconstructing the Barbie Movie | with the Women of CIA 2023

The Barbie movie is a certified box office hit, but in between the pink sparkles and choreographed dance numbers what message does it send to viewers? Many Christians and conservatives are concerned that the film is another source of woke propaganda and indoctrination. Are they right? Or is it just a feel-good comedy that has […]

What Will You Say When Mormons Come to Your Door? | with Dr. Corey Miller

What Will You Say When Mormons Come to Your Door? | with Dr. Corey Miller

When Mormon missionaries come knocking on your door, what will you say? In this week’s episode, we ask 7th generation Mormon, now Christian, Dr. Corey Miller, that question and many others. Corey currently serves as President and CEO of the Ratio Christi college campus ministry and joins Frank to discuss his new book, ‘Responding to the Mormon Missionary Message‘. Being raised as Mormons […]

Dave Rubin on Politics and Religion

Dave Rubin on Politics and Religion

What do we make of religion and politics in today’s ongoing culture war? In the words of Ben Shapiro, “Facts don’t care about your feelings.” But does the left-wing care about the facts? As the far left continues to lead primarily by feelings and emotions, many are shifting away from its current radical extremism and […]

The Holy Sexuality Project | with Dr. Christopher Yuan

The Holy Sexuality Project | with Dr. Christopher Yuan

Is unconditional love the same thing as unconditional approval? How do Christians navigate through tough conversations about sexuality with their teenagers? As more and more young people are falling into the trap of placing their identity in their sexuality and gender pronouns, it’s critical that parents and youth leaders be proactive in showing teenagers where their […]

Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho – Part 2 | with Dr. Titus Kennedy

Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho – Part 2 | with Dr. Titus Kennedy

What can radio-carbon dating tell us about the timing of the destruction of Jericho? And how much does the archaeology seem to correlate with the biblical narrative? In this midweek podcast episode, author and archaeologist, Dr. Titus Kennedy, returns to continue the discussion on the evidence for Jericho’s destruction and his new research article, The Bronze Age Destruction of Jericho, Archaeology, and the […]

Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho with Dr. Titus Kennedy

Examining the Evidence for the Destruction of Jericho with Dr. Titus Kennedy

Have there been any significant archaeological finds that support the biblical account of the fall of Jericho? Joshua 6 describes the details of the conquest, led by Joshua himself, that took place almost 40 years after the Exodus from Egypt. But what exactly have archaeologists been able to uncover during Jericho’s recent excavations within the […]

Can the State Compel You to Violate Your Conscience? Plus Q&A

Can the State Compel You to Violate Your Conscience? Plus Q&A

Does the government have the right to force Christians (or anyone else) to say or do things that violate their conscience and/or religious views? The Supreme Court recently ruled in the favor of a Christian graphic artist who the Court declared cannot be compelled to create designs with which she disagrees, including same-sex weddings. Was […]

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion? Plus More Q&A

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion? Plus More Q&A

Many people around the world accuse Christianity of being a white, imperialistic religion that enslaved people of color and set the stage for racism here in the United States. But is the behavior of “bad” Christians a legitimate reason to reject the truth of the Gospel message? In this special Fourth of July midweek podcast […]

Why Are You Afraid to Speak Against Immorality? Love Requires It!

Why Are You Afraid to Speak Against Immorality? Love Requires It!

Are you afraid to call out immoral behavior in the public square? If your values don’t align with what mainstream society deems “appropriate”, you risk being labeled as intolerant. But is it truly intolerant to warn people if they are putting themselves, other people, or even society at risk? In this week’s podcast, Frank will expose […]

The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey – Part 2

The Toxic War on Masculinity with Nancy Pearcey – Part 2

Is Christianity a misogynistic religion that beats down on women? Does the Bible advocate for “toxic masculinity”? Modern culture would like you to believe that. But is that truly the case? In this midweek episode, Christian apologist, scholar, and author, Nancy Pearcey, returns to continue the discussion about her new book, ‘The Toxic War on Masculinity: How […]

The Toxic War on Masculinity | with Nancy Pearcey – Part 1

The Toxic War on Masculinity | with Nancy Pearcey – Part 1

Is masculinity a bad thing? In popular culture, it seems that it has become socially acceptable to attack men simply for being men! The media has even gone as far as categorizing all forms of male headship and authority in the home as oppressive, tyrannical, and patriarchal. Has the Church contributed to the demonization of all things […]

7 Reasons Why Baptism Is NOT Required for Salvation

7 Reasons Why Baptism Is NOT Required for Salvation

Did Peter declare that water baptism is a requirement for salvation? In the book of Acts, Peter seems to indicate that all believers must be baptized in order to be saved and yet, the writings of Paul and the teachings of Jesus seem to suggest otherwise. How do we resolve this apparent contradiction? In this […]

How to Culture-Proof the Next Generation | with Dr. Jeff Myers

How to Culture-Proof the Next Generation | with Dr. Jeff Myers

This generation of young adults is totally committed to the idea that they are their own authority. Is there a way to help them understand the biblical worldview and also prepare them to defend it against other counterfeit worldviews? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank interviews his friend and current president of Summit Ministries, Dr. Jeff Myers, to discuss this unique […]

Are Miracles Impossible Because They Violate Natural Laws?

Are Miracles Impossible Because They Violate Natural Laws?

Are miracles possible? Many academics have ruled miracles out completely, claiming that miracles are a violation of the laws of nature. But is that conclusion reasonable? In this week’s podcast episode, Frank provides reasonable arguments to defend the possibility of miracles. There is a popular philosophical assumption among scholars such as Bart Ehrman and David Hume that supernatural intervention […]

What Does It REALLY Mean to Love Your Neighbor? Plus Q&A

What Does It REALLY Mean to Love Your Neighbor? Plus Q&A

How can you witness to someone who is apathetic about Christianity? Those who are apathetic to Christianity often have an “I don’t know, and I don’t care” attitude. What’s the best approach to engage in conversation with them without being a nuisance? In this post-Memorial Day midweek podcast episode, Frank interacts with questions from listeners regarding the best Bible translation, […]

Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical (ENCORE) | with Tim Keller

Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Skeptical (ENCORE) | with Tim Keller

How can you help secular people make sense of God? Cultural, emotional, and volitional obstacles often stand in the way of belief for skeptics, even when they are presented with reasonable arguments. How can we address those obstacles to move the skeptic towards faith in Christ? In this special edition ENCORE podcast episode, Frank interviews world renowned pastor and […]

10+ Questions to Ask Your Woke Boss

10+ Questions to Ask Your Woke Boss

What happens when your job asks you to do something that conflicts with your religious beliefs? Do you just give in because it’s easier than rocking the boat? The same people who say they are fighting for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) often punish or intimidate those who commit the thought crime of disagreeing […]

The 5 Flaws of Transgender Ideology

The 5 Flaws of Transgender Ideology

How much truth can you tolerate? That may sound like a strange question, but people often have the tendency to suppress the truth when it doesn’t align with our own personal desires. Why? Because as Paul said in Romans Chapter 1, we want to go our own way! In this week’s podcast, Frank illustrates exactly what this looks like by reflecting on a […]

Is Telling the Truth Transphobic? + Q&A

Is Telling the Truth Transphobic? + Q&A

You want controversy? We’ve got it! In this midweek podcast episode, Phoenix Hayes joins Frank to discuss the expanded third edition of his book, ‘Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism’. The transgender movement has seemingly swept the Western world by storm, and the ripple effect has resulted in the ostracizing of conservative values, the crippling of women’s sports, and the […]

We Will Not Be Silenced | with Dr. Erwin Lutzer

We Will Not Be Silenced | with Dr. Erwin Lutzer

What’s behind the current ‘unraveling of America’? And how should we respond? We’re living in unprecedented times when Christians can either choose to stoop to the pressures of cultural demands or stand for the truth of Christ. Which one will you choose? This week, our friend Dr. Erwin Lutzer joins Frank to discuss the inspiration behind his two latest books titled ‘We […]

Who is Nefarious? | with Steve Deace

Who is Nefarious? | with Steve Deace

There certainly has been something nefarious going on with the making of the movie ‘Nefarious‘. Sicknesses, accidents, technical difficulties, and much more disrupted the production of the new film (reminiscent of C.S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters) released on April 14th. Were these accidents all the result of mere coincidences? Or was true spiritual warfare at play? […]

Can You Explain the 5 M’s? – Part 2

Can You Explain the 5 M’s? – Part 2

What worldview can best explain the major aspects of reality? And why do they even exist in the first place? What’s the purpose and meaning behind it all? Grab your notebook and join Frank on this midweek podcast episode as he continues to go through the 5 M’s that any worldview needs to explain if […]

Can You Explain the 5 M’s? – Part 1

Can You Explain the 5 M’s? – Part 1

Have you ever wondered why reality is the way that it is? And what worldview can best explain it? Some of the greatest thinkers in modern and ancient history have pondered the order and beauty of the universe, only to conclude that an “unmoved mover” or “cosmic lawgiver” is the BEST explanation for its existence. […]

Shocking Egyptian Evidence for the Exodus Plagues

Shocking Egyptian Evidence for the Exodus Plagues

Is there evidence for the Exodus plagues that comes from Egypt? Shockingly, there is — at least there seems to be. In this midweek podcast episode, Frank examines the amazing parallels between the biblical Exodus and an ancient artifact known as the Ipuwer Papyrus. It’s hard to believe, but as you’ll learn, the Ipuwer Papyrus, […]

Why Do Some Christians Die Too Young? Plus More Q&A

Why Do Some Christians Die Too Young? Plus More Q&A

Why does God take some believers “before their time” and put us through so much pain and suffering during our time on earth? Shouldn’t He reward us for good behavior? In this midweek podcast episode, Frank addresses this and several other listener questions including how to talk to politicians about abortion, Jeremiah 29:11 vs. God’s […]

The Common Sense Crusade | with Calvin Robinson

The Common Sense Crusade | with Calvin Robinson

In today’s world, popularity trumps truth. Many Christians are hiding under their desks and many pastors are hiding behind the lectern in fear of being cancelled. They’re not interested in actually engaging the culture or standing up for the Word of God–they just want to tickle ears and give people what they want to hear. […]

Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection?

Is There Scientific Evidence for the Resurrection?

Science is often viewed as the standard to determine all truth, which begs the question, does science even have the ability to do that? During last week’s episode, Frank walked us through the S.U.R.E. acronym, a simple way to remember four scientific arguments that prove the universe had a beginning and came into existence out […]

How Can We Be S.U.R.E. That God Exists?

How Can We Be S.U.R.E. That God Exists?

What’s more likely? That no one created something from nothing, or that someone created something from nothing? If you ask an atheist or an agnostic this question, the answer may shock you. According to Aristotle, “nothing is what rocks dream about.” And yet nearly all scientists agree that the universe came into existence from just […]

The Case for Criticizing False Teachers – Plus Q&A

The Case for Criticizing False Teachers – Plus Q&A

Every writer of the New Testament warned against false teachers. Even so, it seems that most people today are under the impression that it is a bigger sin to warn people of false teaching than to actually be a false teacher! How did this happen? In this midweek episode of the ‘I Don’t Have Enough […]

Are You a Wise Apologist (or Just a Wise Guy)?

Are You a Wise Apologist (or Just a Wise Guy)?

There comes a time in every Christian’s life when their faith will be challenged. Apologetics has become a resource for many Christians who have the desire to learn how to defend the faith with confidence. Oftentimes that confidence can morph into contention when people lose sight of the reason why they studied apologetics in the […]

Does Religion Ruin Everything? Plus More Q&A

Does Religion Ruin Everything? Plus More Q&A

What do abortion, the Old Covenant, Catholic priests, the Manhattan Declaration, and so-called evil done in the name of Christianity all have in common? Today’s midweek podcast episode! Be sure to tune in as Frank continues the conversation from last week and tackles a wide range of questions from our listening audience. To view the […]

He Gets Us. Why Don’t We Get Him? Plus Q&A

He Gets Us. Why Don’t We Get Him? Plus Q&A

Is it wrong to criticize other Christians when their beliefs and actions don’t line up with the Word of God? Many people think so. Just ask our friend Natasha Crain, who received a sack full of virtual hate mail for her recent blog post, which logically pointed out several issues and concerns with the $100 million […]

Are You Defending THE Faith or YOUR Faith? (Part 2)

Are You Defending THE Faith or YOUR Faith? (Part 2)

Is redefining Christianity to fit the current trends and fashions a modern phenomenon or a tale as old as time? Join Frank on this midweek podcast episode as he continues to go through C.S. Lewis’ essay, ‘Christian Apologetics’ which can be found in the book, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics. WARNING: You […]

Are You Defending THE Faith or YOUR Faith? (Part 1)

Are You Defending THE Faith or YOUR Faith? (Part 1)

What happens when “Christians” deny a core doctrine of Christianity? It seems that many people in our culture today are creating their own versions of the Christian faith based on their personal preferences and don’t care whether something is true or not. For them, it boils down to one simple question: “Is this going to […]

Is the Bible Written To Us or For Us?

Is the Bible Written To Us or For Us?

The Bible is God’s Word. It contains history, entertaining stories, poetry, philosophy, and personal letters. However, the Bible is not just a list of wise sayings that can be pulled out as if from a fortune cookie. It is a unified work and must be carefully read and studied in context. So, the million-dollar question […]

How Old is the Universe?

How Old is the Universe?

How old is the universe? All Christians agree that “God created the heavens and the earth,” but WHEN? Join Frank in this special midweek podcast episode as he unpacks the age-old question that everyone won’t stop talking about! To view the entire VIDEO PODCAST, be sure to join our CrossExamined private community. It’s the perfect place […]

Should You Interpret the Bible Literally?

Should You Interpret the Bible Literally?

Should we interpret the Bible literally? One of our recent shows has stirred up a hornet’s nest with regard to that question! Just HOW do we interpret the Bible? Can something be true, but not expressed literally? And if that’s the case, why would God make things so difficult for us to figure out? On this week’s […]

Love People with the Truth, Even If They Hate You For It

Love People with the Truth, Even If They Hate You For It

George Orwell once said, “In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Those seem like prophetic words as we watched two major news events unfold this past week. The first–Ivan Provorov, the Philadelphia Flyers hockey player who cited his religious beliefs for skipping an NHL-sponsored LGBTQ pride event. And second–Rebecca […]

Will You Stand UNSHAKEN? | with Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain

Will You Stand UNSHAKEN? | with Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain

Who or what are we worshiping? Are we bowing to the one true God, or to the god of the self? We’ve all witnessed the Western world change quite dramatically, especially during the past few years. It goes from faith “deconstruction” to woke ideology to radical gender theory. Anti-Christian ideas haven’t just crept into our […]

C.S. Lewis LIVE! (almost) | with Max McLean

C.S. Lewis LIVE! (almost) | with Max McLean

C.S. Lewis famously said, “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” And someone who can quote C.S. Lewis better than most people is the winsome and award-winning actor Max McLean who joins Frank on our midweek podcast today! Max is […]

A Good and True Story | with Paul Gould

A Good and True Story | with Paul Gould

Does Christianity hold the most satisfying answers to life’s BIGGEST questions? Questions like… What is the MEANING OF LIFE? What is TRUE HAPPINESS? What is BEAUTY? What is LOVE? WHO AM I? That’s exactly what philosopher and apologist, Paul Gould, explores in his new book–A Good and True Story: Eleven Clues to Understanding Our Universe […]

Why Does God Hide? | with Michael Jones and Eric Hernandez

Why Does God Hide? | with Michael Jones and Eric Hernandez

Why does God hide? If God loves us and truly desires that none should perish, why doesn’t He make His existence more obvious? Wouldn’t a loving God want us all to be saved? Divine hiddenness is a problem that puzzles many believers and non-believers, and in this midweek podcast episode, Christian philosophers + apologists Michael Jones and Eric […]

Is God a Vindictive Bully? | with Paul Copan

Is God a Vindictive Bully? | with Paul Copan

Is God a vindictive bully? Is the God of the Old Testament different than the God of the New Testament? Critics outside the church often accuse the Old Testament God of genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, and violence. But a rising tide of critics within the church claim that Moses and other “primitive,” violence-prone prophets were […]

The Apologetic and Intellectual Adventures of Douglas Groothuis

The Apologetic and Intellectual Adventures of Douglas Groothuis

People are hungry for hope. They want to understand our human condition–its origin, nature, purpose, and destiny. The Christian faith offers hope for individuals and the entire universe, grounded in absolute truth. But how can we effectively communicate to others that Christianity is true, especially the “deep thinkers” who believe becoming a Christian will lead […]

Stealing Standards from God

Stealing Standards from God

It’s that time of year again! You’re sitting around with family at the Christmas dinner table, and Uncle Joe insists on picking apart your Christian faith. What’s the best way to respond? Ignore him while you play with your mashed potatoes? Or do you try to refute his objections? You know you need to give […]

On Mission to End Sex Trafficking | with Victor Marx

On Mission to End Sex Trafficking | with Victor Marx

In this midweek podcast episode, Frank continues his conversation with high-risk humanitarian Victor Marx and takes listeners on a raw and unscripted journey through several of his latest missions to save women and children from the real-life horrors of sex trafficking. From a tiny village in Cambodia to a church parking lot in Colorado Springs, the manifestation […]

The Trauma to Triumph Story of Victor Marx

The Trauma to Triumph Story of Victor Marx

Is it really possible for a person to break the cycle of anger, abuse, addiction, divorce, and unforgiveness? Victor Marx is here to tell us that with the hope of Jesus Christ, you can! At the tender age of 5, Victor was molested and left in a commercial cooler to die. He endured a childhood marked with […]

Is it Wrong to Doubt? | with Travis Dickinson

Is it Wrong to Doubt? | with Travis Dickinson

Is it wrong to have doubts about your Christian faith? Many people assume that doubt is the opposite of faith and that wandering among the hard questions of faith will lead us further away from God. True believers, the assumption goes, never waver in their confidence in the fundamental truths of Christianity. Professor and philosopher Travis […]

Why Does Human Life Matter? | with Jeff Myers

Why Does Human Life Matter? | with Jeff Myers

What makes human life so valuable? What makes us different than everything else in God’s creation? If there is no God, what’s the purpose of life? Those are just some of the questions Frank and Dr. Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries tackle in this midweek podcast episode. Jeff also gives us some tips, strategies, and key questions […]

Truth Changes Everything | with Jeff Myers

Truth Changes Everything | with Jeff Myers

Is all hope lost? Have we finally reached the point of no return in America? From at least the time of the ancient Hebrews, people have believed that objective truth exists and can be discovered. Now the balance has tipped in the other direction, with more than half of all Americans claiming that truth is […]

7 Mistakes We Make About Christians and Politics

7 Mistakes We Make About Christians and Politics

Like all informed citizens, Christians should be involved in politics at some level. But how is that possible? What about the separation of church and state? What about evangelism? Won’t we turn people off to Jesus if we get political? And what is Christian nationalism? Is it a big movement and a real threat? In […]

4 Reasons Christians Should be Involved in Politics

4 Reasons Christians Should be Involved in Politics

Another election is upon us! Should Christians get involved, or should we just stay out of it? Is the church getting too political? Have we come to a place where only atheists are allowed to make laws? In this episode, Frank does a deep dive into four reasons why Christians need to be involved in […]

The College Scam | with Charlie Kirk – Plus Q&A

The College Scam | with Charlie Kirk – Plus Q&A

Should you send your kids to college? Should you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a potentially useless degree while your child gets indoctrinated by those who are hostile toward the Christian faith? That’s the BIG question a lot of parents face today. But thankfully, our friend Charlie Kirk is here to help! Charlie […]

Live Your Truth and Other Lies | with Alisa Childers

Live Your Truth and Other Lies | with Alisa Childers

We’ve all seen the memes that populate the internet: “live your truth”, “follow your heart”, and “authenticity is everything”. Sounds great, right?! Many come from mainstream authors and influencers with millions of followers. But what if these slogans are really just deceptions that unhinge us from reality and lead to our spiritual decline? In this […]

Where is the Real Mt. Sinai? | with Tim Mahoney

Where is the Real Mt. Sinai? | with Tim Mahoney

Is there any evidence for the Exodus? Where is the real Mount Sinai? Our Bible maps and traditional Bible scholars think that the issue is settled, but does what they say match up with what we see? Investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney has been searching for the true location of Mount Sinai for over 20 years. […]

15 Mistakes We Make Judging God’s Morality – Part 1

15 Mistakes We Make Judging God’s Morality – Part 1

Is God nothing but a bully, a murderer, and a temperamental father? A quick scan of the Bible might alert us to some passages that on the surface seem a little unsettling. As a result, atheists and skeptics say that God is immoral because of some of the odd and disturbing things the Bible says. […]

10 Days in the Holy Land – Plus Q&A

10 Days in the Holy Land – Plus Q&A

What’s one way to know we can trust the Bible? Take a trip to Israel! Frank just returned from his first trip to the Holy Land since 2018 and shares the amazing sites his group visited with famous archaeologist, Eli Shukron. These incredible historical sites that confirm the Bible is true include the Dead Sea, […]

Letter to the American Church | with Eric Metaxas

Letter to the American Church | with Eric Metaxas

Would you have stood up against slavery in the 1860s? Or against Nazi Germany in the 1930s? What about your pastor? It seems the Church today is more interested in being politically correct than speaking out in defense of the truth. But can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a […]

Has the Big Bang Been Disproven? | with Stephen C. Meyer

Has the Big Bang Been Disproven? | with Stephen C. Meyer

Do recent scientific discoveries make belief in God unnecessary or implausible? A recent survey, cited by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute, shows that recent scientific theories about the alleged “unguided” evolution of life have led more people to reject belief in God than any other common objection, such as suffering, disease, or death. But […]

Why relativists are dogmatic fundamentalists

Why relativists are dogmatic fundamentalists

How do you reason with people who don’t want to reason? Is it even possible? How do you respond when those you love say that reason and evidence are just power plays to support your “oppressive” position? You know, the position they don’t agree with but can’t articulate WHY? In this special podcast episode, Frank […]

A Rebel’s Manifesto | with Sean McDowell

A Rebel’s Manifesto | with Sean McDowell

Do you ever feel like you’re on complete information overload? Don’t know where to turn for help while dealing with all the bad ideas that are being thrown at you from social media? Should we be concerned when a big-name actor like Tom Holland, who seems to “have it all”, says he needs to step […]

Darkroom Faith | with Mary Jo Sharp

Darkroom Faith | with Mary Jo Sharp

Many people take antidepressants because they have been led to believe their depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. But a recent study suggests that “there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity.” So, if a chemical imbalance isn’t the problem, why does it […]

Why Believe? | with Dr. Neil Shenvi

Why Believe? | with Dr. Neil Shenvi

Why believe in Christianity? Why believe that God exists? Aren’t there reasons NOT to believe in God? Reasons like: Evolution Evil Divine hiddenness For centuries, skeptics have disputed the claims of Christianity―such as the belief in an eternal God and the resurrection of Jesus Christ―arguing that they simply cannot be accepted by reasonable individuals. Furthermore, […]

Is God Immoral when He Kills People? Plus Q&A | with Frank Turek

Is God Immoral when He Kills People? Plus Q&A | with Frank Turek

If God made humans in His image, does that also mean we have the right to “play God” whenever we want? Many atheists and pro-choice advocates criticize God’s morality when He (ironically) “plays” God by taking life prematurely in the Old Testament. But they don’t bat an eye when advocating for abortion and call it […]

How to Answer Arguments for Abortion | with Frank Turek

How to Answer Arguments for Abortion | with Frank Turek

Have you ever found yourself at a loss for words when confronted by a zealous pro-choice advocate? Or maybe when a friend or co-worker started sharing their thoughts and opinions on abortion you couldn’t think of the right thing to say, so instead of speaking up you just kept silent? Now more than ever we […]

There is No Right To a Dead Baby | with Frank Turek

There is No Right To a Dead Baby | with Frank Turek

After 49 years and 63 million dead, the Supreme Court finally overturned Roe v. Wade. Do you have a constitutional right to a dead baby? Finally, the Supreme Court has answered properly… NO. However, despite this good news, there is still much work to do, as now the decision goes back to the individual states. […]

The Babylon Bee vs. Postmodernism | with Kyle Mann

The Babylon Bee vs. Postmodernism | with Kyle Mann

Are you ready to laugh and think your way through a timely update of a classic tale? Kyle Mann, editor-in-chief of The Babylon Bee, joins Frank to discuss his new book, The Postmodern Pilgrim’s Progress (co-authored with Joel Berry). Part novel and part “sci-fi fantasy allegory”, The Postmodern Pilgrim’s Progress is a modern-day version of John Bunyan’s classic book and […]

Can We Create a Turning Point? | with Charlie Kirk

Can We Create a Turning Point? | with Charlie Kirk

Frank has been speaking at 15-20 college campuses per year since 2007. The reason he goes there is because the college campus is probably the most anti-Christian piece of real estate in the United States of America. When we conduct a session on campus—it takes our team and a Christian host group on campus to […]

Is There Hope in a Godless Society? | with Todd Herman

Is There Hope in a Godless Society? | with Todd Herman

As the world continues to get darker, is there hope in a Godless society? What does it mean when a feminist liberal icon like Naomi Wolf starts talking about spiritual warfare and says “it’s time for intellectuals to talk about God“? Is the world starting to get so dark that even atheists and those on […]

Nihilism and Mass Shootings

Nihilism and Mass Shootings

Dr. Stephen C. Meyer of the Discovery Institute joins Frank to discuss the worldview contributing to the increase in shootings over the last couple of decades. What is nihilism? What do these incidents tell us about the spiritual and moral condition of our nation? All people, from atheist to Christian, are rightfully horrified by these […]

The Top 20 Discoveries About Jesus Outside the Bible

The Top 20 Discoveries About Jesus Outside the Bible

What do we know about Jesus and the story of Jesus from outside the Bible? Much more than you might think! Archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy joins Frank to reveal the Top 20 discoveries about Jesus from outside the Bible. Here they are: The place and nature of his birth. The murderous nature of Herod. The […]

Does Political Power Contradict the Cross? Plus Q&A

Does Political Power Contradict the Cross? Plus Q&A

Some Christians are saying that since Christ saved the world through weakness by agreeing to go on the cross, Christians should not use power in politics or culture wars. Christianity Today leader Russell Moore recently wrote a column titled, “THE CROSS CONTRADICTS OUR CULTURE WARS: The victory of Christ was won by crucifixion, not societal […]

Why Has the World Gone Mad? C.S. Lewis & Paul Tell Us

Why Has the World Gone Mad? C.S. Lewis & Paul Tell Us

What explains the super extreme—even mad—positions we’ve seen people take publicly in recent years? For example, how did we go from abortion being “safe, legal, and rare” to “shout your abortion” and laws even allowing the murder of babies 28 days AFTER they are born? How did we go from “believe every woman” to “what’s […]

Infantile Rage vs. Human Nature | with Dr. David Berlinski

Infantile Rage vs. Human Nature | with Dr. David Berlinski

Dr. David Berlinski has never met a controversy he didn’t want to engage with. In this bonus episode, the provocative Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and self-described secular Jew, joins Frank to discuss how human nature intersects with gender issues, truth, and evolution. You’ll enjoy Dr. Berlinski’s eloquence and insights as he addresses the […]

Jack Hibbs vs. Infanticide

Jack Hibbs vs. Infanticide

Can you believe that California is about to pass a law that would allow people to literally murder their children up to 28 days AFTER birth? We are not making this up! See AB 2223. Pastor Jack Hibbs, of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, joins Frank to reveal this unbelievably evil bill and to let us know […]

Is the Resurrection Unbelievable?

Is the Resurrection Unbelievable?

Can we really believe Jesus rose from the dead? If the Resurrection of Jesus didn’t really happen, then Christianity is false (as even the Apostle Paul admitted in 1 Cor. 15). On the other hand, if it really did happen 1,989 years ago (give or take a few years), then the essentials of the Christian […]

The Best NEW Ideas from the Best Apologists

The Best NEW Ideas from the Best Apologists

Want to hear the latest and greatest news from the best of the best in the world of apologetics? Join us for a very special podcast episode from the 2022 National Conference on Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary where Frank teams up with four special guests: Gary Habermas, Alisa Childers, J. Warner Wallace, and […]

Castrate Children? The President says “yes”!

Castrate Children? The President says “yes”!

President Biden said this week that all trans people are made in the image of God. He’s absolutely right. Everyone is. But the President then ignored the end of the verse: “God made them male and female”. The President then went on to affirm “gender-affirming care” FOR CHILDREN that includes hormones, puberty blockers, chemical castration […]

The Bible Story You Are In

The Bible Story You Are In

What do you think about when you hear the word “God”? Too many of us have false knowledge about God. We think God loves us more if we obey Him and less if we don’t. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, there is a story in the Bible— a story you are […]

Silencing of the Lambs | with Dr. Michael Brown

Silencing of the Lambs | with Dr. Michael Brown

Are you FOR a free and respectful debate about controversial issues? Are you FOR the freedom to have your own political opinions without fear of losing your job? Are you FOR respecting people and their positions rather than calling them names or censoring them? Are you FOR the freedom to speak the truth to love […]

Be a Monster or a Hero? John Cooper of Skillet

Be a Monster or a Hero? John Cooper of Skillet

Do you have to have a degree in theology, philosophy, or apologetics in order to speak powerfully and accurately about how the church is being influenced by the culture? If you think so—if you think that all of this should be left to the professionals, to some kind of expert class or clergy—then you haven’t […]

Should we expose false teachers?

Should we expose false teachers?

There are some people in the Christian church that say we ought not to expose false teachers or publicly name names. Rather, we should just focus on preaching the gospel. Question: Suppose your pastor got up one Sunday and told the congregation that they’d just found out that someone in the church had been exposing […]

How to Help Doubters

How to Help Doubters

We have heard many stories of Christians deconstructing and deconverting their faith. So, what’s the best way to help doubters, and how can we engage seekers? In this show, Sean McDowell fills in for Frank Turek and is joined by Preston Ulmer, author of The Doubter’s Club. Together, they address these issues: – How can […]

The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis

The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis

The most influential apologist of the 20th century was once a hardened atheist. How did C.S. Lewis convert to become such a force for Christianity? Max McLean, writer and star of the brilliant new movie, “The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis” joins Frank for a fascinating discussion that answers that question […]

If God, Why Evil?

If God, Why Evil?

If God is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He stop evil? Maybe it’s because an all-good and all-powerful God doesn’t actually exist! That’s what some atheists will claim. In this show, Frank addresses that claim and these questions: Does evil disprove God? If not, what is God’s purpose for evil? Why does God allow evil […]

4 Questions to Show that Christianity is True

4 Questions to Show that Christianity is True

With so many people skeptical about God and the Bible, how can you actually show Christianity is true? In this podcast, Frank will show you how by summarizing the case he normally gives in his “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist” presentation. The 4 questions that must be answered are these: Does […]

10 Reasons Why Socialism Fails

10 Reasons Why Socialism Fails

What is socialism and why doesn’t it work? In this special podcast, Frank shows that socialism doesn’t work because it ignores economics 101 in ten ways. It ignores basic truths about: Private Property (it drives economics) Rule of Law (necessary for a robust economy) Free Enterprise (increases value) Competition (motivates innovation & quality) Self Interest […]

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Love is Not a Feeling

Valentine’s Day Special: Why Love is Not a Feeling

In this special show done on Valentine’s day, Frank unpacks the difference between “being in love” and loving someone. Too many people think that once the feeling of “being in love” is gone that the relationship is over and they need to find someone else. But if we blindly followed our fleeting feelings we would […]

Faithfully Different and 4 False Beliefs

Faithfully Different and 4 False Beliefs

What are four major false beliefs that many people in our culture believe and are now creeping into the church? Beliefs that are so pervasive, you might not even recognize that you believe them! Natasha Crain joins Frank to reveal those four false beliefs and to unpack her very practical new book, 𝙁𝙖𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝘿𝙞𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩: 𝙍𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 […]

9 Things That Science Will Never Explain

9 Things That Science Will Never Explain

With all our technological advances, won’t science one day answer all of our questions and give us all of our knowledge? Saying God did something doesn’t get us anywhere. That’s God of the gaps reasoning! We just have to give science more time to figure everything out. After all, we get all our knowledge from […]

It’s Biology, not Bigotry

It’s Biology, not Bigotry

Do you think a school teacher should be able to recruit your daughter to become sterile without your consent? That’s happening in America today, as are many more disturbing developments. Frank was stunned when he read a recent speech by Abigail Shrier, author of ‘Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters’. The speech, which […]

Jesus and Elon Musk

Jesus and Elon Musk

Can you get an interview with the richest man in the world and then talk about Jesus? Our friends at the Babylon Bee did—the hilarious Christian news satire site. Elon Musk, who is a fan of the Bee, sat for a wide-ranging interview last month that lasted nearly two hours. How did that happen? How […]

The Top Ten Questions to Ask Skeptical Friends

The Top Ten Questions to Ask Skeptical Friends

How do you get a spiritual conversation started? Can you do it without appearing awkward? Should your goal be to bring someone to the foot of the cross in every conversation you have? Join Frank as he reveals the Top Ten questions that will help you have effective evangelism conversations with friends and even people […]


How the Chain of Custody Affirms the Biblical Jesus

We don’t possess the original New Testament papyrus scrolls. They deteriorate too quickly to have survived this long. So how do we know that the manuscripts we have now are accurate representations of the originals? Is it reasonable to believe that they have been corrupted and embellished to falsely say that Jesus rose from the […]

Who is your authority?

Who is your authority?

As we enter 2022, how do you make decisions about the biggest issues in life? Who or what is your authority? What doctrines are you following? Everyone believes in certain doctrines—truths about reality. Even atheists. These doctrines govern not only what we think but what we do, how we act. Paul wrote to his disciple, […]

Why Grace is the True Meaning of Christmas

Why Grace is the True Meaning of Christmas

What is the true meaning of Christmas? As Christians, we know it has little to do with trees, presents, and reindeer. But what is it really about? Why is there a Christmas at all? Frank goes to an unlikely place to highlight why Christmas exists — the book of Galatians. There, the Apostle Paul fights […]

Finding God’s Will for Your Life

Finding God’s Will for Your Life

How do you find God’s will for your life? God sends you hints and nudges so you know what school to go to, what job to take, and who to marry. After all, God’s sheep “hear his voice”, we are “led by the Spirit”, and God gives us “peace” when we discover his will through […]

Chesterton’s Gateway

Chesterton’s Gateway

About a century ago the editor of the London Times asked his readers to write in to answer the question, “What’s wrong with the world?” G.K. Chesterton wrote back two words: “I am.” Chesterton was a Christian writer, poet, illustrator, and debater who went on to write more than 80 books and thousands of essays. […]

Eternal Hell for Temporal Sins?

Eternal Hell for Temporal Sins?

How is it just for God to punish people for eternity when they’ve only committed temporal sins? Isn’t that overkill? Is Hell just temporary? Is it loving for God to “send” people to Hell? Frank answers those questions and others on this sensitive topic. Plus, he dives into some of the objections leveled at the […]

Bullies and Saints | with Dr. John Dickson

Bullies and Saints | with Dr. John Dickson

Atheist Christopher Hitchens once wrote, “religion poisons everything”, and he included the Christian religion in that assessment. When you look at the behavior of some claiming to be Christians over the centuries— when you look at church history— you realize that Hitchens was right in many ways. The history of Christianity has been a mixed […]

Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox

Cosmic Chemistry | with John Lennox

One of the greatest myths regarding God and science is that science has somehow disproven God. The exact opposite is actually closer to the truth. If science has disproven anything, it has disproven atheism. How can that be? The Great Dr. John Lennox, Professor at Oxford University, joins Frank to offer answers by discussing his new book Cosmic Chemistry.  They […]

Should You Criticize Moral or Religious Beliefs?

Should You Criticize Moral or Religious Beliefs?

Is it wrong to criticize someone’s moral or religious beliefs? Many people think so. Frank takes this assertion head on and reveals that it is self-defeating, impractical, and unbiblical. For example, those who claim we can’t judge anyone’s moral beliefs are judging themselves and asserting a moral belief. If we can’t criticize someone’s moral beliefs […]

Is Atheism Dead? | with Eric Metaxas

Is Atheism Dead? | with Eric Metaxas

Best-selling author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer, Luther, Amazing Grace, Miracles) joins Frank to reveal highlights of his new book Is Atheism Dead? Eric covers the discoveries pointing to God from science and archaeology, and he does so by telling the stories leading to these momentous discoveries. It’s a delightful read, and it shows how much the script has […]

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality

Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality

The top apologetics book over the past two years on Amazon has been Hillary Morgan Ferrer’s Mama Bear Apologetics (yes, I think it’s sold even more than Mere Christianity). Well, Hillary is back with an equally great new book called Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality. And she writes about hard issues in a fun and memorable way. For […]

The Case for Heaven with Lee Strobel

The Case for Heaven with Lee Strobel

Is there really an afterlife? Is there any evidence outside the Bible that we live on after death? What will Heaven be like? The great Lee Strobel is back on the show with another wonderful “case” book, this one is called The Case for Heaven. Frank asks Lee several intriguing questions that are answered in his new […]

Are You a Moody Christian?

Are You a Moody Christian?

Are you a Moody Christian? Do you rely on your feelings about Christianity or the evidence for Christianity? Should you have certain feelings that confirm you are saved? Frank answers those questions and offers some practical insights from C.S. Lewis on not only how to develop your relationship with Christ but how to develop your […]

What is faith? And why everyone has it!

What is faith? And why everyone has it!

• What is faith? • Is faith blind? • Doesn’t the Bible say that faith is the conviction of things not seen? • What is the difference between “belief that” and “belief in”? • Did Jesus use evidence to prove who he was? • What is the relationship between faith and reason? • Is there […]

Person of Interest | with J. Warner Wallace

Person of Interest | with J. Warner Wallace

Detective Wallace is back to show us through his new book, Person of Interest, the monumental and unparalleled impact Jesus of Nazareth has had on the entire world.  But this isn’t a softball interview.  Frank plays devil’s advocate with Jim to see how he responds to some tough objection’s skeptics might levy against some of his […]

Do You Trust Science?

Do You Trust Science?

Do you trust experts? Do you trust science? Why do we get conflicting advice from experts and scientists? Frank investigates those questions by citing the bogus papers Dr. Peter Boghossian published in academic journals which exposes that experts, like the rest of us, are susceptible to biases, social pressure, ideological blindness, and groupthink. Be especially […]

Is There Really a Tree of Life?

Is There Really a Tree of Life?

When evolutionist Richard Dawkins was asked for the most powerful evidence for evolution, he cited the tree of life. We see it in all the textbooks— all living things are ancestrally related in a tree of life. But what is the evidence for that tree of life? Is there any counter-evidence to it? Dr. Stephen […]

Why is everything political?

Why is everything political?

Why is everything political? How much should the Christian be involved politically? The truth is, like many other endeavors, we can be involved too much or too little. Frank pulls insightful points from a WWII C.S. Lewis sermon to encourage us to do our civic duty while reminding us where our ultimate loyalties should lie. […]

A Short History of Islam

A Short History of Islam

Frank brings Bill Federer back to take us on a fascinating historical ride from the founding of Islam right up to the present day. Along the way Frank and Bill (mostly Bill!) provide insights into questions like: Why don’t our leaders understand the beliefs of groups such as the Taliban? How did Islam begin? Who […]

A Short History of Tyranny

A Short History of Tyranny

How do you take power from the people and consolidate it in a dictator or government? There are known tactics to do this, and they have been demonstrated since the time of Plato. Historian Bill Federer joins Frank and identifies these tactics. He then takes us on a fascinating ride through history to show us […]

Proving Jesus without the Bible

Proving Jesus without the Bible

Suppose none of the New Testament survived to this day. Would we know anything about Jesus and his teachings? Yes, much of what we know today about Jesus and his teachings we would know even without any of the New Testament documents. How? Cold-Case Homicide Detective J. Warner Wallace joins Frank to show you how. […]

What’s the Solution to the Identity Crisis?

What’s the Solution to the Identity Crisis?

Why are people denying that there are differences between men and women? Why are people struggling with their identity? What’s the solution to all this? Join Frank as he addresses these questions and others. Along the way he points out how transgender ideology presupposes fixed genders: how living “my truth” is self-defeating; and why “following […]

A Scientific Way to Show that God Exists

A Scientific Way to Show that God Exists

What do you say when someone says, “What evidence do you have that God exists?” Frank believes the answer to that question is a philosophical principle that is the ground of all science: the law of causality. Every effect has a cause. So what effects point back to God? That’s what Frank unpacks in this […]

Has God Failed You?

Has God Failed You?

What kind of God would allow evil and suffering to good people? Didn’t God promise that your faith could move mountains? Then why haven’t your prayers been answered? And isn’t the Bible a bigoted and outdated book (just look at the transgender issue)? To address those questions, Dr. Michael Brown joins Frank and cites insights […]

What if MY truth contradicts YOUR truth?

What if MY truth contradicts YOUR truth?

Where do rights come from? Why are people claiming, “I have a right to live MY truth”? And why are they insisting that you have to live their truth? What can you say to such people? How can you show them that their truth might not be the truth? How can you love them the […]

More Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

More Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

Dr. Chip Bennett rejoins Frank for another fascinating and revealing look into the hidden themes of the Bible (if you haven’t heard the first show in this series, go back two weeks and listen to “Hidden Themes in the Bible”). This time Dr. Bennett further unpacks how we should interpret the Bible to discover some […]

Religious Freedom: Behind the Scenes at the State Department

Religious Freedom: Behind the Scenes at the State Department

Christianity and other faiths are under attack around the world.  What is our government doing about it?  Pam Pryor was a high-ranking official within the United States State Department during the Trump Administration and joins Frank to reveal what goes on behind the scenes at State to support religious freedom around the world.  Pam shares […]

Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

Hidden Themes in the Bible with Dr. Chip Bennett

Have you ever had an “ah-ha” moment reading a Bible passage that you’ve read many times before? Have you ever noticed a pattern or a theme in the Bible that you didn’t see until someone showed it to you? Is the Bible a plain, one-dimensional text or a much richer revelation— a tapestry woven together […]

Is the Christian Left Hijacking the Church?

Is the Christian Left Hijacking the Church?

Pastor and author Lucas Miles joins Frank to discuss his new book, The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church.   Why has the church gone left?  Is the culture influencing the church rather than the church influencing the culture?  How should Christians respond to the following claims? Jesus accepts everyone. Jesus would never […]

More Reasons You Can’t Make the New Testament Up

More Reasons You Can’t Make the New Testament Up

How do we know the New Testament writers actually told the truth?  Could the New Testament story be invented?   Building on two previous shows, Frank gives five reasons why it takes more “faith” to believe that the New Testament writers invented the story. 1) non-Christian sources, 2) historical crosshairs and eyewitness details, 3) embarrassing […]

What’s in a name? Evidence!

What’s in a name? Evidence!

How do we know that the writers of the Gospels and Acts were eyewitnesses?  One way we can tell is through a study of names in the New Testament.  It may sound boring, but it’s actually fascinating. Dr. Richard Bauckham has done most of the work for us, and his conclusions are actually changing New […]

Woke Soldiers?

Woke Soldiers?

Is the US Military going woke? Is it getting too political?  If it is, why should Christians care? Some say that the Pentagon’s “Countering Extremist Working Group” is targeting conservatives, and maybe even Christians in the military, painting everyone as a right-wing extremist.  The head of this task force has let his leftist political leanings […]

Cancelling Cancel Culture

Cancelling Cancel Culture

What comes to your mind when you hear “cancel culture”? Words that come to mind are rash, hostile, judgmental, unforgiving, graceless, and subjective. Join Frank as he unpacks some problems with cancel culture and answers this important question: How are Christians supposed to respond when pressured to agree with ideologies that are unbiblical and harmful? […]

Freedom Requires Restraint

Freedom Requires Restraint

What does it really mean to be free? Does it mean that you’re free of all restraints? If it does— as many in our culture seem to think— then exercising that kind of freedom will lead to your demise. Can you really create your own reality, independent of the facts? You’ll be amazed at what […]

Unbelievable? With Justin Brierley

Unbelievable? With Justin Brierley

Justin Brierley, host of the wildly successful debate podcast from the UK called Unbelievable? joins Frank to reveal why he’s still a Christian after hearing atheist arguments for the last 15 years.  Justin moderates debates and discussions between Christians and atheists or people of other faiths (Frank has been on the program twice).   Justin and […]

Cancelling the Myth: Sharing the Gospel Online is Not Effective

Cancelling the Myth: Sharing the Gospel Online is Not Effective

Jorge Gil, Executive Director of, guest hosts this week’s episode of the I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist podcast. Jorge dives into the challenges of the digital mission field during his interview with Jon McCray, founder of the incredibly successful YouTube channel, Whaddo You Meme?? Does the internet only have room for the me-centric “Christian influencer” […]

The Key to Your Life in One Verse

The Key to Your Life in One Verse

John Stonestreet, President of the joins Frank to unpack one verse in the Bible that will determine the fate of your life.  To the extent that you can control your life, this one verse says it all (and it’s NOT John 3:16— in fact, it’s not even in the New Testament).  This is a […]

Your God is Too Small

Your God is Too Small

Well, this is going to be provocative. Frank says that your God is too small if you can’t understand why Jesus is the only way. Your God is too small if you can’t imagine that God would disagree with you on certain moral matters. Your God is too small if you can’t understand why God […]

Jesus a Racist?

Jesus a Racist?

A “woke” pastor recently released a popular TikTok video charging Jesus with racism.  After all, in Mark 7 Jesus appears to call a Canaanite woman a “dog.”  On the face of it, that appears to be at least slander, if not racism.  What do we make of this?  Frank addresses that question as well as: […]

Return of the God Hypothesis PART 2 with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Return of the God Hypothesis PART 2 with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Dr. Stephen Meyer joins Frank for part 2 of the three major discoveries that comprise his excellent new book, Return of the God Hypothesis.  They discuss the evidence for The beginning of the universe The fine-tuning of the universe The information found in living things All of which points to an intelligent being.  Who is […]

Return of the God Hypothesis with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Return of the God Hypothesis with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Is science and religion at war? If so, why were the founders of modern science all theists, most Christians? Why did God as a cause fall out of favor for a while but is now returning? What about God of the gaps? Dr. Stephen Meyer joins Frank to discuss some major findings expressed in his […]

You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!

You Can’t Make this Stuff Up!

How can we know that the New Testament writers are telling the truth?  Frank presents three lines of evidence to show that they didn’t make up the NT story:   It has EMBARRASSING DETAILS that would not have been invented by those trying to pass off a lie as the truth.   There is EMBEDDED […]

Can You Believe Something You’ve Never Seen?

Can You Believe Something You’ve Never Seen?

Many people say that they can’t believe in miracles because they’ve never seen one.  Is that a good reason to disbelieve in the miraculous?  Frank points out that you believe in a lot of things that you’ve never seen, and that miracles are exactly the kind of phenomenon that occurs rarely.  If they occurred more… […]

Murder Without a Cause?

Murder Without a Cause?

Did former football star O.J. Simpson actually murder two people back in 1994?  The evidence appears overwhelming that he did.  Frank goes through that evidence and then relates it to the question of God’s existence. What is the probability that this evidence would exist if OJ was NOT the murderer? Likewise, what is the probability […]

Progressive Christianity: Coming to a Church Near You

Progressive Christianity: Coming to a Church Near You

A self-described “progressive” Christian church in Nashville, TN made headlines last week with a meme claiming the Bible is not the word of God, not infallible, and not inerrant. Years ago, this was an evangelical church in the heart of the Bible belt, but over time, the slow and subtle shift toward liberalism and postmodernism […]

The Ravi Zacharias scandal and the truth of Christianity

The Ravi Zacharias scandal and the truth of Christianity

The report is out, and it is devastating.  Many of the facts have come from the victims themselves and have been verified by looking at Ravi’s own smartphones, which included text messages, emails, and pictures.  For several years Ravi Zacharias had been living a double life; on one hand as a respected Christian apologist, evangelist, […]

Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?

Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence?

If you believe in the Resurrection or the biblical miracles, skeptics will often dismiss your beliefs by saying that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”.   Is that claim true?  What does “extraordinary” mean?  Do skeptics and atheists apply that standard to their own beliefs?  In this show, Frank lays out some of the evidence for […]

Racism Doesn’t Explain Everything

Racism Doesn’t Explain Everything

Why are women paid less on average than men for the same job? Is it sexism? Why do certain ethnic groups have worse outcomes than others?  Is it racism?  Why did Alberto Salazar beat Frank Turek by 43 minutes in the 1981 New York City Marathon?  Was it discrimination?  How do you discover the causes […]

Tactics for People who Won’t Listen

Tactics for People who Won’t Listen

Greg Koukl, the author of the great book Tactics (the 10th Anniversary edition), joins Frank to discuss tactical ways you can have conversations with people who won’t listen— people who claim that they reject the use of reason.  In fact, if you use reason, that’s just a cover for your racism!   They also discuss the […]



Proverbs 18:17 says, “The one who states his case first seems right until the other comes and examines him.”   Yet, there’s an expectation that you’re supposed to have an informed opinion on an event the second a story breaks.  And if you don’t say something, you’ll be accused of not caring:  Silence is violence!  Silence is […]

“Immortal: How Death Drives Us” with Clay Jones

“Immortal: How Death Drives Us” with Clay Jones

Are you happy or sad about current events?  Don’t get too happy or sad because the things of this world are temporary.  The state is temporary, but you are eternal. Solomon said that God has put eternity on our hearts.  But unless we accept God’s gracious offer of Heaven, we will try to find substitutes […]

The Roots of Riots

The Roots of Riots

Why was there a riot at the Capitol by Trump Supporters?  Why have there been riots across America this year by Leftists?  What are the roots of these riots?  Frank exposes the underlying problem in our country that has led to violence.  There is plenty of blame to go around, including the church. There is […]

Using Beauty to Deceive

Using Beauty to Deceive

If you want to deceive someone to believe a falsehood, dress up the falsehood to look beautiful or at least more attractive.  This deception occurs every day in our culture, and sometimes the church when people use language as a beautiful cover for sin.  In this show, Frank looks at how people do this by […]

Of Infinite Importance

Of Infinite Importance

How many of the objections did you hear about Christianity strike at the heart of Christianity? In other words, if you couldn’t answer them would that mean that Christianity is false?  Frank has discovered that the answer is no.   Christianity is still true even if such objections or questions remain unaddressed.  In this show, […]

Critical Theory with Dr. Neil Shenvi

Critical Theory with Dr. Neil Shenvi

Why are people being canceled for recognizing clear biological facts?  Why are all white people being declared racist regardless of their behavior?  Why are people being ordered to repent for sins they never personally committed?  Dr. Neil Shenvi explains that these and other shocking phenomena in our culture are the results of a growing view […]

“Chasing Love” by Sean McDowell

“Chasing Love” by Sean McDowell

Almost everyone is in love with love. But what is love and how does it relate to sex? Dr. Sean McDowell joins Frank to offer insights from his new book 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚: 𝙎𝙚𝙭, 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝘾𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚. Frank and Sean discuss everything from the purpose of life to the purpose of sex, […]

“How (Not) to Read the Bible” with Dan Kimball

“How (Not) to Read the Bible” with Dan Kimball

A popular meme says that reading the Bible is the fastest way to become an atheist! On the face of it, the Bible does seem to have some verses that are pro-slavery, pro-violence, anti-women, and anti-science. Leaving aside the fact that atheists have no objective moral standard by which to judge anything wrong, these verses […]


No one can be Happy without this

Unhappy?  It’s impossible to be happy unless you are thankful.  Frank uses the book of Romans and common sense to show why. Along the way, Frank addresses the politically incorrect passages in Romans 1 and asks questions to people who disagree with Paul and Jesus. Frank also addresses the following questions listeners have:  Why isn’t […]


Live Not by Lies with Rod Dreher

For years, émigrés from the former Soviet bloc have been telling New York Times best-selling author, Rod Dreher they see telltale signs of “soft” totalitarianism cropping up in America. In his new book, Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents, Dreher amplifies the alarm sounded by these brave men. “America is sleepwalking into soft totalitarianism. If we ignore the […]


Challenging Conversations with Jason Jimenez

Are you afraid to have conversations about controversial issues?   Some are even controversial in the church!  Then join Frank as he welcomes Jason Jimenez, author of the new book Challenging Conversations.  The book gives practical advice on how to have productive conversations on 9 issues:  Depression and mental illness, addiction, pornography, pre-marital sex, divorce and remarriage, […]


The Election and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

How should Christians react to an election that they think may be fraudulent, regardless of who they support?  How should we treat those who disagree with us politically?  Despite the political upheaval, what will, thankfully, never change in the Christian’s life?  Frank addresses those questions and then offers a short primer on economics which shows […]


Should Christians be one-issue voters? with Scott Klusendorf

The creator of VeggieTales, Phil Vischer, just put out a video causing some Christians to doubt the importance of voting for pro-life candidates.   Frank wrote a response to the video that you can access at  On this show, pro-life author and trainer, Scott Klusendorf, joins Frank to discuss the flaws in Mr. Vischer’s video and […]


The Price of Panic, with Dr. Jay Richards

What have we learned from the COVID pandemic and our response to it?  Does the data show that the lockdown worked?  What was the total human cost of the lockdown?   What steps did the media take to disseminate “panic porn”?  Why were the models so wrong?  Why do we have conflicting scientific opinions? How many […]


Another Gospel with Alisa Childers

There is a far deeper problem than atheism infecting the church. Alisa Childers, a Christian singer with ZOEgirl, almost got infected herself. She was challenged to renounce the true gospel and adopt another gospel—that of progressive Christianity. She joins Frank to tell her story and discuss her fabulous new book “Another Gospel,” which is part […]


Every Black Life Matters

What is critical race theory? What does BLM stand for as an organization? Can Christians support it? Frank interviews Neil Mammen and Kevin McGary, co-founders of Here are some of the questions they discuss:   What is critical race theory? What is intersectionality? How many races are they? Are there still systematic injustices in American […]

Why is our Country Split?

Why is our Country Split?

Why can’t two men running for President debate respectfully?  Maybe it’s because our entire culture—which includes you and me—can’t debate respectfully.  Why can’t we?  Way back in 1978, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian dissident, and author who spent eight years in a Russian Gulag, gave a prophetic speech at Harvard’s graduation.  It could have been written today because Solzhenitsyn […]


Reaching Gen Z with Dr. Sean McDowell

Are you having trouble reaching your children—elementary school through college—with the truth of Christianity?  If so, maybe it’s because you haven’t considered what really motivates Gen Z.  Dr. Sean McDowell joins Frank to discuss How to Reach and Equip Gen Z, which is also the title of Sean’s brand new online course starting this week (go to and click […]

Evangelicals, Trump and the Election with Dr. Michael Brown

Evangelicals, Trump and the Election with Dr. Michael Brown

Evangelicals today are deeply divided over Donald Trump. Some see him as a savior figure, anointed by God to protect the church and make America great again. Others see him more like the antichrist, doing great harm to the nation and bringing embarrassment to the church.  Who’s right?  Might they both have good points?  What […]

Last Call:  Addressing the Problem of Suicide

Last Call: Addressing the Problem of Suicide

On August 1, 2007, Pastor John Mark Caton of Cottonwood Creek Church in Allen, Texas, got a phone call from his brother.  It was his last call.  His brother took his life the next day.  Dr. Caton joins Frank to discuss this very difficult topic.  They address these among other questions: What can we do […]

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Does the Bible Condone Slavery?

Passages in the Old Testament mention buying “slaves” or servants.  One even states “If a man sells his daughter as a female slave (Ex. 21:7) ….”  What?  Buying and selling slaves?  Selling your daughter?  This is crazy and obviously immoral!   But are we understanding the passages correctly?  Are people really considered property in the […]

The Strongest Argument for God

The Strongest Argument for God

There is an argument for God that works even if the universe is eternal, even if macroevolution is true, even if a person believes that science is the supreme source of knowledge. It’s an argument that is as old as Aristotle, yet few talk about it today. Tricia Scribner, co-editor of the new book, Answering […]

Does Abortion Trump Everything Else?

Does Abortion Trump Everything Else?

Does Abortion Trump Everything Else? Have you heard people say that you’re just a one-issue voter? You’re pro-life on abortion but you need to be pro-life until natural death.  You need a more biblically balanced view and address other issues that are just as important, such as racism, poverty, and healthcare.  Dr. Ron Sider, a […]

Too Good to be False with Tom Gilson

Too Good to be False with Tom Gilson

Are you skeptical that anyone could present fresh insights about Jesus after two thousand years?  Tom Gilson has done just that in his new book, Too Good to Be False: How Jesus’ Incomparable Character Reveals His Reality.  Tom does this by highlighting what Jesus didn’t say and do, which is almost as shocking as what Jesus did say and […]

Those that have never heard? And a COVID Update

Those that have never heard? And a COVID Update

Frank shares a passionate reaction to the death of Mike Adams and then tackles the COVID situation, including the idea that churches and schools should reopen. If you can only school remotely, Frank recommends the online classes at he’s teaching this Fall. Frank also gives robust answers to the following listener questions: Why did God allow […]

The Mike Adams I Knew and Loved

The Mike Adams I Knew and Loved

Our friend Dr. Mike Adams has died.  He was a UNC Wilmington Criminology Professor, a Summit Professor, a columnist, and author, a Free Speech and Pro-life Warrior, a fellow instructor with Frank and J. Warner Wallace on our Fearless Faith seminar, and most importantly, a born again Christian.   Authorities are ruling it a suicide.  Is that really […]

2084 with Dr. John Lennox

2084 with Dr. John Lennox

“Summoning a Demon” is how Tesla CEO Elon Musk referred to Artificial Intelligence.  Is he right?  Artificial Intelligence is here, and more is coming.  Will it bring us utopia or dystopia?  Should we be enthralled or afraid?  What are the ethics of AI?  Will AI machines ever become conscious?  What does the Bible have to say […]

Are you a Selective Moralizer?

Are you a Selective Moralizer?

What makes you think that your moral views are correct?  If you were a white person in the Southern U.S. in 1840, what would you think of slavery?  If you lived anywhere in the U.S. in 1840, what would you think of abortion?  How about homosexual behavior and same-sex marriage? Are you just a product of […]

What I Learned from My Father’s Death

What I Learned from My Father’s Death

In this very personal podcast, Frank reveals the lessons he’s learned from his Father’s recent death. He also reflects on C.S. Lewis’s argument from desire, and how Christianity makes the best sense of our intuitions. If you want to send us a question for the show, please email us at Subscribe on iTunes: rate and […]

What does sex mean?

What does sex mean?

What does sex mean according to the Supreme Court?  Frank identifies and expounds upon 5 Casualties in the Court’s LGBTQ Sex Ruling: We the People Women LGBTQ People 96% of the Population Religious Freedom Frank reveals the sixth casualty as well, one for which the original civil rights law was made. He then offers some […]

Defund the Police?

Defund the Police?

Defund the police is one of the demands of the Black Lives Matter movement.  Is that the right solution to racism in the police force?  Should we defund all doctors if some commit malpractice? What does BLM believe?  How do they compare with the teaching of Christ?  Can you believe that black lives matter yet […]

The Cure for Racism

The Cure for Racism

Frank and J. Warner Wallace address the racism issue head-on by answering: How can two white guys talk about this, especially when one is a cop? How has the debate about racism changed in the social media age? How has the use of data increased our polarization? Regardless of quarrels over data, what is true […]

Principles to Keep in Mind When Evaluating COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories

Principles to Keep in Mind When Evaluating COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories

J. Warner Wallace guest hosts for Dr. Frank Turek and describes several principles to help evaluate COVID-19 Conspiracy theories based on his casework as a cold-case detective. Subscribe on iTunes: Rate and review! Thanks!!! Subscribe on Google Play: Subscribe on Spotify: Subscribe on Stitcher:

Talking with Your Kids about Jesus with Natasha Crain

Talking with Your Kids about Jesus with Natasha Crain

Jesus of Nazareth is not only the most influential human being in history but God incarnate.  Do you know how to talk with your kids about Him?  You will after you hear this podcast because author and apologist Natasha Crain is Frank’s guest.  Natasha and Frank discuss: Is Jesus God? If Jesus is God, how […]

Does Love Require Approval?

Does Love Require Approval?

The culture says, “To love me you must approve of what I do.”  Is that true?  Does love require approval? Many so-called Christians are claiming the answer is yes— that we must approve of what people want to do in order to love them.  Frank shows why that’s false and would make real love impossible.   […]

Philosophy is more Certain than Science

Philosophy is more Certain than Science

How can philosophy be more certain than science?  How can morality be more certain than science?  That goes against the common wisdom.  Join Frank as he uses COVID 19, as an illustration, to show we know philosophy and morality at least as well if not better than we know scientific truths.  Since science is built […]

Conservatives on Campus with Charlie Kirk

Conservatives on Campus with Charlie Kirk

Why should Christians be interested in politics? What political principles should they advocate? Is anyone teaching the principles of political freedom, free markets and limited government on high school and college campuses? Charlie Kirk is the founder and president of TurningPoint USA, which has about 2,000 clubs on high school and college campuses. He joins […]

The Most Influential Life in History

The Most Influential Life in History

Who was the most influential person in history?  It was a person who never led an army, never held office, never wrote a book, never traveled more than 200 miles from where he was born.  Yet today, he’s the center of humanity.  How so?  Because Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead.  If there was […]

Dr. Dan and Hope

Dr. Dan and Hope

Frank gets an update on coronavirus from Dr. Daniel Eichenberger, MD. What is he seeing in the hospitals? How are his patients doing? Why are the predictions so wildly different from model to model? (Because there are so many assumptions for which we don’t have good data. This provides another illustration of why science doesn’t […]

Evil is a powerful argument FOR God

Evil is a powerful argument FOR God

Many are asking the questions, “If there is a good God, why does he allow viruses?  Why doesn’t he stop evil?”  In fact, some are claiming that evil proves that God doesn’t exist. But Frank lays out the case that evil is a powerful argument FOR God.  He cites twenty assumptions that people make when […]

Dr. Dan Treats a Coronavirus Patient

Dr. Dan Treats a Coronavirus Patient

Dr. Dan Eichenberger, MD, is back to shoot more sanity into a sensationalized situation.  As Christians, we are commanded to obey what our government wants us to do in this situation.  But that doesn’t mean we have to buy into the fear caused by a media that is hyping this entire coronavirus issue.  The media […]

Is it time to run and hide?

Is it time to run and hide?

Is it time to run and hide?  Should you cut yourself off from other people because of the coronavirus?  Is the level of concern reasonable or overblown? Dr. Dan Eichenberger, MD, is Frank’s guest, and he gives a shot of sanity into our sensationalized environment.  Among the questions he and Frank investigate: What is unique […]

Evidence for the Exodus

Evidence for the Exodus

How many times have you heard that there is no evidence for the exodus, particularly no evidence from Egypt?  That claim is demonstrably false!  Archaeologist Dr. Titus Kennedy joins Frank along with Dr. Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute to review a list of eight findings, most from Egypt, that corroborate the Bible’s account of the exodus.  In […]

Killing in the name of God?

Killing in the name of God?

If God told you to kill someone, what would you do?  Wouldn’t you seek a psychiatrist?  Why did Abraham almost go through with killing his son Isaac?  How did Abraham know God told him and not a demon?  How does the violence in the Old Testament differ from that in the Qur’an?  And does God […]

Does logic apply to God?  And other questions

Does logic apply to God? And other questions

Can we put God in a box of our own logic?  Aren’t His ways higher than our ways?  Did God invent logic?  Did human beings invent it? Frank goes deep into those questions to the foundation of reality.  He also takes a fresh look at an often-misinterpreted passage in Isaiah 55 about God’s ways being […]

Questions to ask my LGBTQ friends

Questions to ask my LGBTQ friends

A 14-year-old young lady wrote to Frank a question about reaching out to her bisexual friend.  How can she do that effectively?  This is a sensitive and emotional issue in our culture today, and many people are ready to pounce on you with several objections (and names) if you express the biblical view of sexuality.  […]

Cosmic Child Abuse? Answering Moral Objections to the Atonement

Cosmic Child Abuse? Answering Moral Objections to the Atonement

For two thousand years, Christians have understood the death of Jesus to be substitutionary—a sacrifice that paid for our sins. From the earliest creeds to the teaching of the New Testament to the writings of the Church Fathers to today, this has been a core belief of Christianity throughout its history. But in modern times, […]

Life is Like Football

Life is Like Football

Is Christianity a crutch that just makes people feel better? Is Christianity too binary? Too exclusive? Does God want to condemn most of his beautiful creation to a fiery Hell? What if Christianity doesn’t work for you? Doesn’t resonate with you? Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has left Christianity because he believes it is […]

Judaism 101 with Dr. Michael Brown

Judaism 101 with Dr. Michael Brown

Here is our list of questions (we might not get to them all, but we will try to give people an overview of what Jews believe today and how we can best reach them for Jesus). What were the major sects of Judaism in the first century? Pharisees Sadducees Essenes Zealots Others Where did they […]

How to Respond to People who Mock Christianity

How to Respond to People who Mock Christianity

How would you answer these questions? How do you know what is important in the Bible? How can I find out if someone is a Christian without sounding confrontational? How can I deal with coworkers who mock Christianity? Does design lose its meaning if you’re saying everything is designed? What do you say to people […]

Did Jesus Really Claim to Be God?

Did Jesus Really Claim to Be God?

Sometimes you’ll hear Muslim apologists and other skeptics of Christianity ask, “Where does Jesus say, ‘I am God, worship me’”?  You won’t find Jesus using those words anywhere in the New Testament documents.  Instead, we read Jesus kept calling Himself “The Son of Man.”  On the face of it, that sounds more human than divine.  […]

The Elephant in the Room isn’t Trump

The Elephant in the Room isn’t Trump

A couple of listeners wrote emails to express their disagreement with some of what Frank said in the show “Why Did Evangelicals Vote for Trump?” In this show Frank responds by investigating Jesus’s rebuke of the Pharisees (the politicians of Israel) in Matthew 23:23 and then by asking three questions: What is the purpose of […]

What is the Bible all About?

What is the Bible all About?

What is the Bible all about?  Sometimes we get too close to it and can’t see the big picture. Join Frank as he takes you on a grand overview of the Bible using the acronym CRIME:  Creation, Rebellion, Intervention, Mission, Eternity.  This will help you see how the Bible fits together to tell one overarching […]

Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel

Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel

Are you dreading those awkward family dinners this Christmas season?  Unsure about how to tactfully bring up the real reason for Christmas?  Join Frank as he reveals the Top Ten Ways to Advance the Gospel, not only at Holiday dinners but at any event.   These are some very practical ideas and can be used at […]

Money, Greed and God with Dr. Jay Richards

Money, Greed and God with Dr. Jay Richards

Many people seem confused about what socialism is and whether or not it would be better than America’s capitalistic system.  If there’s one book you should read on this—in fact, it’s one of the best books on economics you’ll read anywhere—is the new edition of Money, Greed and God: The Christian Case for Free Enterprise […]

Why did Evangelicals Vote for Trump?

Why did Evangelicals Vote for Trump?

Frank attended two meetings with candidate Donald Trump in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. The first meeting in Trump Tower is the subject of the new article in RollingStone Magazine in which Frank is quoted twice. This podcast is Frank’s response to that article, particularly the article’s audacious assertion that Donald Trump […]

New Tactics with Greg Koukl

New Tactics with Greg Koukl

There are many places you can learn evidence for Christianity.  There are very few places you can learn easy ways to share that evidence.   Greg Koukl’s classic book Tactics is simply the best place to go to learn how to share the hope you have within you.  Now, ten years after the first edition, Greg […]

Is Chick-fil-A Chicken? And your questions

Is Chick-fil-A Chicken? And your questions

Jesus said that you can’t serve both God and money.   It looks like Chick-fil-A may be sacrificing God for money.  Under pressure from LGBTQ activists, they’ve decided to stop supporting the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  They say they want to focus their charitable giving “in areas of education, homelessness, and hunger.” […]

Guilty by Reason of Insanity with David Limbaugh

Guilty by Reason of Insanity with David Limbaugh

How do you get informed as to what is going on in our crazy political discourse right now? I can’t keep up with it all. I not only can’t keep up with it all, but I also forget what happened politically last week, and last month, and last year. I need someone to document it […]

The Devil’s Delusion with Dr. David Berlinski

The Devil’s Delusion with Dr. David Berlinski

Frank interviews one of his favorite authors, the provocative and articulate Dr. David Berlinski. Dr. David Berlinski is an author, thinker, professor, and self-described secular Jew, who with wit and elegance dismantles the assumptions and assertions of Darwinists and other atheistic materialists in his interviews and his books. Berlinski has his Ph.D. from Princeton University, […]

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 3)

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 3)

Frank continues his detailed response to a retired attorney who objects to the moral argument.  People often find this the most personally relevant argument for God, and that’s perhaps why atheists often object to it the most.  However, Frank points out, their objections are often due to misunderstandings or misapplication of evolutionary theory to morality.  […]

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 2)

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 2)

How good is the moral argument?  A retired attorney wrote Frank asserting that we don’t need God for objective morality.  Some of his challenges can be summarized in the following questions: Does the moral argument depend on everyone agreeing on right and wrong? Can human beings construct an objective moral standard independent of God? Couldn’t […]

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 1)

Major Moral Argument Mistakes (Part 1)

How good is the moral argument?  A retired attorney wrote Frank asserting that we don’t need God for objective morality.  Some of his challenges can be summarized in the following questions: Does the moral argument depend on everyone agreeing on right and wrong? Can human beings construct an objective moral standard independent of God? Couldn’t […]

Do atheists just lack a belief in God?

Do atheists just lack a belief in God?

In recent presentations at Fresno State and the University of Arizona, atheists insisted that they just “lack a belief in God”, while at the same time rejecting God because they think He is immoral.  How should we respond to this? Is “lacking a belief in God” the proper and helpful definition of atheism? What questions […]

What is “Social Justice”? with J. Warner Wallace

What is “Social Justice”? with J. Warner Wallace

J. Warner Wallace guest hosts the show this week and answers a listener email about the nature of “social justice”. What is the definition of this term and how do people typically interpret it? Is social justice commanded in the Jewish and Christian scriptures? Is there a difference between “social justice” and “biblical justice”? If […]

Theistic Evolution? with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Theistic Evolution? with Dr. Stephen Meyer

Some Christians are trying to get the church to accept evolution by putting the word “theistic” in front of it. Is that wise? Is evolution true?  Join Frank and his guest Dr. Stephen Meyer (one of the best people on the planet to discuss this), as they investigate several important questions such as: Theistic evolution:  What […]

Why are there so many denominations?

Why are there so many denominations?

Skeptics are quick to claim that there are thousands of Christian denominations.  Is that really true?  If the Bible is true and clear, why is are there so many denominations?   Join Frank as he addresses these four questions: Are just Christians divided? How serious are denominational disagreements? What causes divisions? Is God clear enough?  […]

What’s an easy way to do evangelism? With Dr. Rice Broocks

What’s an easy way to do evangelism? With Dr. Rice Broocks

About 70% of young people leave the church after they leave home, and only 3% of churches grow through evangelism.   Why aren’t we sharing the world’s most important truth?   One reason is that we simply don’t know how to share the truth without sounding like a religious nut.  It’s awkward in our culture.   But there’s […]

What Makes Something Right or Wrong?

What Makes Something Right or Wrong?

Is it just human opinion? Are values just subjective preferences or is there a really objective standard of rightness, goodness, and justice beyond us? This show delves into questions on morality and others you’ve emailed to Frank such as: What moral standard are political parties using when they address the conflict between so-called LGBTQ rights […]

Sex and Your Commanding Officer

Sex and Your Commanding Officer

Who is your commanding officer? Is it Jesus or someone else? Is it Jesus or yourself? Is it Jesus or the culture? If you say it’s Jesus, well Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my commands.” Yet we see people in the church today not only failing to keep his commands but […]

Jezebel’s War with America

Jezebel’s War with America

Jezebel was the most wicked woman in the Bible, a powerful seductress who killed the prophets led Israel into idolatry and immorality, and emasculated men. She was seductive and determined to snuff out the voices coming against her because these voices were calling out for repentance. In 21st century America, Jezebel is not a person, […]

Leaving Christianity for new truth?

Leaving Christianity for new truth?

Are people leaving Christianity for a “new” truth? Does science keep piercing the truth of every religion? Is the Bible full of contradictions? Does God send 4 billion people to hell? Is it really true that no one talks about these things? Join Frank and he responds to these issues raised by Marty Sampsons, the […]

Is it arrogant to say you’re right? And many other questions

Is it arrogant to say you’re right? And many other questions

Is it arrogant to say you’re right? And many other questions. So you think you’re right and everyone else is wrong! You’re arrogant! Is that true? Frank answers many of the questions you’ve emailed to including: Is love possible if atheism is true? Unless you observe it directly, do you have to have faith […]

Leaving Christianity For Sex?

Leaving Christianity For Sex?

Pastor and author Joshua Harris recently announced that he has divorced his wife and left Christianity. He also has denounced Christian sexual morality. What can we learn from this? Here are some of the questions Frank addresses: · What reasons did he give? Did he cite evidence that Christianity is false? · By leaving Christianity […]

Can Science Explain Everything? Featuring Dr. John Lennox

Can Science Explain Everything? Featuring Dr. John Lennox

Can science explain everything? Is science an unstoppable force in human development?  Will it provide for all of our needs? How can a scientist believe in God? Are Christians committing the God of the Gaps fallacy when we say the universe, and certain designs in the universe, point to a being like God? Is Christianity […]

Dr. Norman Geisler’s Greatest Hits

Dr. Norman Geisler’s Greatest Hits

Join Frank as he describes more than 50 important truths that his mentor, Dr. Norman Geisler, taught him over the years.  All of these insights— some of them were profound quips— will help you defend the faith and make you a better disciple. You better get ready to listen intently because there is more than […]

Unseen Realm Part 2

Unseen Realm Part 2

How many spiritual beings are there? How can we discern what comes from God and what comes from dark forces? How do we explain two Yahwehs in the Old Testament? Join Frank for Part 2 as he interviews Dr. Michael Heiser about his book Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. (Listen to […]

The Unseen Realm

The Unseen Realm

Join Frank as he interviews Dr. Michael Heiser about his book Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible. But beware: your view of the Bible may be rocked as a result of this interview! This is only Part 1. Part 2 is next week. Check out Dr. Heiser at and on his […]

Mama Bear Apologetics

Mama Bear Apologetics

If you get between a mama bear and her cubs, you’ll be in big trouble. Frank interviews Hillary Morgan Ferrer, who joined up with other mama bears, to show you how you can protect your cubs from the trouble generated by the false ideas that are celebrated in our culture. These include: Self-Help Culture: the […]

Is morality bad for business?

Is morality bad for business?

According to 180 CEOs, it is… at least the morality based on God’s Good nature. They claim that abortion bans go “against our values and [are] bad for business.” They claim abortion bans are a ban on “equality.” What do they mean by equality? What do they mean by bad? What standard are they using […]

The New Absolutes

The New Absolutes

What is happening to our culture’s moral values? Is it really radical relativism: everyone gets to decide what is right in his own eyes? Join Frank to find out that there’s actually a new set of absolutes that our culture is adopting. And these new absolutes are often polar opposites of those grounded in God’s […]

Navigating a Post-Truth Culture

Navigating a Post-Truth Culture

We live in a post-truth culture, but how did we get here? In this episode, Dr. Ray Ciervo fills in for Frank and answer that and many other questions related to this extremely relevant topic. He shares some great insights on how to reach those who have bought into this whole idea, and how to […]

The Equality Act isn’t About Equality

The Equality Act isn’t About Equality

What is the one topic today that pastors and Christians seem most scared to discuss? They are virtually silent, yet this topic threatens to make certain aspects of following Christ illegal in the United States. There is NOTHING “equal” about the “Equality Act!” It is LGBTQ+ supremacy over heterosexuality, and we don’t shy away from […]

So the Next Generation will Know

So the Next Generation will Know

Whether you’re a Christian parent, youth leader, or educator who works with Generation Z, you got to listen to this interview. As powerful ideas in our increasingly secular culture shape more of this generation, trusted leaders must share what they know about Jesus in ways that will reach them. Frank interview J. Warner Wallace and […]

Pastor leaves the faith?

Pastor leaves the faith?

After 40 years, ‘megachurch’ pastor slams Christianity and quits… This is part of the headline of an article in the Christian Post about former pastor Dave Gass who recently renounce his faith publicly on social media. Frank takes a look at the reasons Mr. Gass gives for rejecting the faith to see if they are […]

Is Progressive Christianity really “Good News”?

Is Progressive Christianity really “Good News”?

The emergent (and dangerous) phenomenon of “Progressive Christianity” is coming to a church near you. Our guest host Alisa Childers is not only an expert in the topic, but she has experienced it first hand. We’re going to list a few symptoms of a progressive church here, but you will have to listen to this […]

Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Part II

Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Part II

For Christianity, the resurrection is the central event. No resurrection equals no Christianity. That’s why Frank decided to invest two complete episodes of the Cross Examined official podcast to focus on the most important event in the history of the universe. Here’s part two! If you want to send us a question for the show, […]

Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Part I

Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead? Part I

For Christianity, the resurrection is the central event. No resurrection equals no Christianity. That’s why Frank decided to invest two complete episodes of the Cross Examined official podcast to focus on the most important event in the history of the universe. Here’s part one! If you want to send us a question for the show, […]

Why Oppose Evil? It’s a Sign of the End Times!

Why Oppose Evil? It’s a Sign of the End Times!

What do you say to a fellow Christian when they say things like “why do you fight the progression of evil in our society if it’s, is just a sign of the end times”? During this episode of the Cross Examined Official Podcast, Frank gives a biblical answer to this type of attitude as he […]

Unplanned and the Abortion Debate with Dr. Mike S. Adams

Unplanned and the Abortion Debate with Dr. Mike S. Adams

In this episode, Frank talks about the movie Unplanned, based on the dramatic true story of a former Planned Parenthood leader who, after participating in an actual abortion procedure for the first time, walked down the street to join the Coalition for Life. He also interviews the great Dr. Mike S. Adams about his debate […]

Collusion against the Truth

Collusion against the Truth

If the evidence is so good for Christianity, why don’t more people follow Christ? There are three possible factors for it and Frank discuss each one of them in this episode of the Cross Examined Official Podcast. We’ll see what motivates people to come to conclusions that are completely opposite to the facts. Keep us […]

Is the Quran the Word of God? w/ Dr. David Wood

Is the Quran the Word of God? w/ Dr. David Wood

Dr. David Wood joins Frank during this episode of the Cross Examined Official Podcast. They tackled the question: Is the Quran the Word of God? David talks about how he became an expert on Islam and how that’s related to his friendship to the late Nabeel Qureshi. Islam is the fastest growing (enforced) religion in […]

10 Things Every Christian Should Know For College

10 Things Every Christian Should Know For College

In this episode, Frank interviews author Austin Gentry about his book titled: 10 Things Every Christian Should Know For College: A Student’s Guide on Doubt, Community, & Identity. This book stands at the intersection of the Christian faith and the college life. 10 Things Every Christian Should Know For College is a replete guide for […]

Is the Bible all you need?

Is the Bible all you need?

Frank responds to an email from a person who actually believes the earth is flat and the sun goes around the earth based on his “interpretation” of the scriptures. During this episode, Frank lovingly refutes this position and shares some great tools to interpret the Bible properly. He points out that you need to know […]

Should God have done it differently?

Should God have done it differently?

Should God have done things differently? Many people say things like “I can’t believe in God because if he really existed things would be a lot different” or “the bible is too complicated and contradictory, and God hides from us, so he probably doesn’t even exist.” Or the classic “God’s design is too imperfect, so […]

Hate Crimes, Transgenderism, and other big questions

Hate Crimes, Transgenderism, and other big questions

Some very interesting things have happened in the last few days, including Jussie Smollet “hate crime” hoax and a panel hosted by the Heritage Foundation where four feminist activists argued that sex IS fundamentally BIOLOGICAL, and not socially constructed. That’s an interesting development coming from the same LGBTQ community. Frank doesn’t waste any time and […]

The Clash of Christianity and Culture

The Clash of Christianity and Culture

Detective and apologist J. Warner Wallace hosts this episode of the Cross Examined Official Podcast. During this episode he discusses the following topics: How Media Consumption Threatens the Future of Christianity (It’s Not What You Think). Why Young Ex-Christians Are Ex-Christians, According to the Latest Research. Three Reasons Why All Americans Should Want Their Politicians […]

Objections to the Resurrection with Gary Habermas

Objections to the Resurrection with Gary Habermas

Frank raises some significant objections to the resurrection of Christ, but his guest is none other than the foremost expert in the topic, Dr. Gary Habermas. Listen to Gary’s answer to the following questions: • Anything is more possible than a resurrection • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence • Hallucinations! • Don’t all religions have […]

How old is the universe and other big questions?

How old is the universe and other big questions?

How old is the universe? Is it illogical for God to Create out of nothing? Did the law of cause and effect apply to the beginning of the universe? Frank answers more questions from YOU, our amazing audience. Want your questions answered during our podcast. Email Frank at Keep Frank busy by sending your […]

The Trinity in the Old Testament

The Trinity in the Old Testament

It is often assumed that the doctrine of the Trinity – the idea that there is one being of God that is comprised of three eternal and co-equal divine persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) – is something that is revealed only in the New Testament. While it is certainly true that the expression of […]

The Right to all Other Rights

The Right to all Other Rights

If you don’t have this right, you don’t have any other rights… thank God you are alive and able to read this podcast description which means you are enjoying the right to life. Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands are denied that right every year and millions have been murder in the womb due to the human […]

Why Everyone Believes in Borders

Why Everyone Believes in Borders

Do you have locks on your doors? How about on your car? Got a fence so your kids can play safely? The truth is everyone believes in secure borders. In fact, life would be impossible without them. As long as human nature is what it is—bent toward evil—borders will be necessary. Frank skillfully discuss this […]

Does Religion Really Matter in America?

Does Religion Really Matter in America?

  The latest Gallup poll shows a continuing decline of religious influence in America. A dramatic shift has taken place in America related to the way we view religious beliefs. Hidden in the data from the Gallup research lies a clue to the reason for this change in public opinion. Why do fewer Americans think […]

True for you but not for me? Plus More Q&A!

True for you but not for me? Plus More Q&A!

  Frank continues to answer questions from you, our amazing audience! He got the following question via email “Yesterday, I had a discussion with a friend who is a postmodernist. He believes in the statement, “it’s true for you, but not for me.” I pulled up the CrossExamined app and showed him the example of […]

Are Christmas Traditions Really Christian?

Are Christmas Traditions Really Christian?

Now, this is an episode you CANNOT miss! A Christmas episode about Christmas traditions with the brilliant William J. Federer. Frank and Bill talk about, Santa Claus (the real one), why the use of Xmas instead of Christmas, why celebrating Christ birth on December 25th, the Christmas tree and many more great insights. Then he […]

Why is there evidence for anything?

Why is there evidence for anything?

Frank is back answering your questions after three weeks of great interviews on the Cross Examined Official Podcast. Many people claim that there’s no evidence for God… but “Why is there evidence for anything?” Frank unpacks this and answers a couple more questions he got from you, our great audience, via email. He talks about […]

Who were the Neanderthals?

Who were the Neanderthals?

  Frank interviews Dr. Fazale Rana the vice president of research and apologetics at Reason to Believe, a brilliant biochemist on the question “Who were the Neanderthals?.” They also talk about common descent, homology, DNA and the “God of the gaps objection. Don’t miss this fascinating program loaded with insightful scientific details.  

The Most Destructive Idea

The Most Destructive Idea

PODCAST Rigid adherence to scientism—as opposed to a healthy respect for science—is all too prevalent in our world today. Rather than leading to a deeper understanding of our universe, this worldview actually undermines real science and marginalizes morality and religion. In this interview, celebrated philosopher J. P. Moreland exposes the self-defeating nature of scientism and […]

Everything is Connected

Everything is Connected

Join Frank on a fascinating survey of history from 1453 to the Pilgrims to Thanksgiving with none other than historian Bill Federer. This episode for the CrossExamined podcast is packed with surprising historical data. Don’t miss it! Visit Bill’s website here:

Exclusion in the Name of Inclusion

Exclusion in the Name of Inclusion

Decades ago the free speech movement was born in the campus of UC Berkeley. Today the story is the complete opposite. Only a few weeks ago a student senator by the name of Isabella Chow abstained from a vote supporting “transgender rights” and even though she gave a well-reasoned explanation now more than 1,000 people […]

How to defend Christianity in a soundbite world

How to defend Christianity in a soundbite world

The task of defending the truth of Christianity today is becoming increasingly difficult, especially since now technology allows us to “extract” a phrase or two and interpret it any way we want. Whether is in social media, radio or video, it’s never been easier to take things out of context. How can we successfully defend […]

Uncovering Jerusalem with Archaeologist Eli Shukron

Uncovering Jerusalem with Archaeologist Eli Shukron

Frank sits down in his studio with the famous archaeologist Eli Shukron. They talk about Eli’s story and his amazing archaeological discoveries. These discoveries not only authenticate the historical accuracy of the various biblical accounts related to these artifacts and locations but also illuminate the stories we find in the Scriptures. Don’t miss this insightful […]

Christians and Donald Trump

Christians and Donald Trump

A controversial topic with a controversial author about a controversial figure. Frank interviews Dr. Michael Brown about his new book: Donald Trump is Not my Saviour. As a Christian, how can you support a president whose present actions and personal history you utterly disagree with? Radio host, Biblical scholar, and social activist, Dr. Michael Brown, […]

Are you believing tradition or scripture?

Are you believing tradition or scripture?

An interview with the real Indiana Jones, Bob Cornuke about his new book titled “Tradition: Exploring the Roots of Church Traditions.” Bob examines various man-made church traditions which have, far too often, strayed from clear Scriptural mandates. Don’t miss this controversial podcast episode. Is definitely one of those episodes worth listening more than once.

Jesus Is Risen

Jesus Is Risen

Originally confined to a small circle of believers centered in Jerusalem, Christianity’s stunning transformation into the world’s most popular faith is one of history’s greatest, most miraculous stories. Frank interviews #1 bestselling author David Limbaugh about his new book Jesus Is Risen, where he provides a riveting account of the birth of Christianity. Using the Book […]

Is it wrong to impose religious beliefs in politics?

Is it wrong to impose religious beliefs in politics?

Frank thoroughly examines a comment by Rachel Bird posted on the New York Times comments section of Tim Keller’s latest article. He dissects the comment and answers the following question: Is it wrong to impose religious beliefs in politics? Here’s the comment by Rachel: “As a strong believer in the separation of Church and State, […]

Doubting Toward Faith

Doubting Toward Faith

Let’s face it—we all have doubts, and those doubts can lead to confusion and hopelessness. Contrary to popular belief, doubt is not the opposite of faith. Rather, doubts call for an important decision—will you give in to unbelief, or will you continue the journey toward faith? Frank interviews his friend the “One Minute Apologist” Dr. […]

Problems with Progressive Christianity

Problems with Progressive Christianity

From Christian recording artist to daring defender of the faith, Alisa Childers shares her experience with the “Progressive Christianity” movement. She shares with Frank why she wants to raise awareness about this dangerous and toxic view of Christianity. In this podcast they discuss: What is “Progressive Christianity”? What are the signs your church might be […]

The UnAborted Truth

The UnAborted Truth

Frank interviews one of the most controversial and brilliant defenders of freedom of speech and the right to life, Dr. Mike S. Adams. This fearless UNCW professor defends truth amidst tons of opposition wherever he goes. Make sure you listen to this podcast. In this interview they touch in Mike’s background story and then they […]

Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed

Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed

Once upon a time there was a version of our faith that was practically . . . irresistible. But that was then. Today we preach, teach, write, and communicate as if nothing has changed.  As if “The Bible says it,” still settles it. It’s time to hit pause on much of what we’re doing and […]

Why are there so many denominations?

Why are there so many denominations?

There’s a lot of confusion both inside and outside Christian circles regarding the multitude of Christian denominations. Some even use that fact as an argument against Christianity. How should we answer when someone asks We often hear people asking the following question: Why are there so many denominations? Frank answer that question and more in […]

My Debate with Dr. Michael Shermer

My Debate with Dr. Michael Shermer

Does belief in God make sense of the world? Or does reality itself point to God’s absence? Is God real or is he a product of human minds? These were some of the questions we discuss during my debate with Dr. Michael Shermer in San Jose California this past Friday, August 24th, 2018. Debate title: […]

How do we know God exists? Is the Old Testament binding?

How do we know God exists? Is the Old Testament binding?

Some say there’s no evidence for God, we can’t see him, we can’t use any type of scientific test to prove he exists, so how can we know this? Frank answer that question and then dives deep to answer questions related to the differences between the Old and the New Testament, Evil, the Canaanite Genocide […]

Predestination vs Free Will

Predestination vs Free Will

Have you been sending your questions to so Frank can answer them on this podcast? If not, why not? Here’s this week’s main question: How can we have freedom of the will if God is completely sovereign?    

Sharing the Good News with Mormons

Sharing the Good News with Mormons

Someone you know is a Mormon—a family member, a coworker, a friend, or a neighbor—and you long to present the truth about Jesus and what God’s Word teaches. But where do you start? How can you convey what’s on your heart in a way that will be well received? Well, there’s a new book by […]

The Big Questions in Life: Part IV

The Big Questions in Life: Part IV

Frank closes our current “Big Questions in Life” series answering some really tough questions. In this last installment of our 4 part series, Frank discusses the following questions: What is the source of objective moral obligations? Where does evil come from? Why do we have free will? What is the purpose or meaning of life? […]

The Big Questions in Life: Part III

The Big Questions in Life: Part III

After a quick break (previous episode) from our current “Big Questions in Life” series, Frank is back with another great installment. In this podcast, he discusses the following questions: Why can our minds discover truths about the external world? What is the source of the laws of logic and mathematics? Why is there such a […]

Why Is The Supreme Court Important To Christians?

Why Is The Supreme Court Important To Christians?

After the big announcement by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy of his retirement many questions arise. Frank tackles some of the following questions in this podcast: How does the Supreme Court affect you as a Christian? What are the implications if a conservative justice is appointed to the Supreme Court? What about Roe vs. Wade, […]

The Big Questions in Life: Part II

The Big Questions in Life: Part II

Frank reflects on the life of Charles Krauthammer who just recently passed away then retakes the topic of his last podcast that focused on the question “What worldview best explains the biggest questions in life?” He deals with some of the most important questions we need to answer. Questions such as: Why is the universe […]

The Big Questions In Life

The Big Questions In Life

What worldview best explains the biggest questions in life? In this podcast, Frank deals with some of the most important questions we need to answer. Questions such as: Why does anything exist? Why is there a universe? Does God exist? What kind of God? If there is no God, why is there something rather than […]

Fired for Opposing Pride?

Fired for Opposing Pride?

Why is pride a sin? Frank gives an insightful answer to this question and analyzes the recent controversy that started when members of a gym said a special workout in support of “Pride Week” was canceled by gym owners that led to an executive at CrossFit was fired for a tweet on his personal account. […]

Does Geography Determine Faith?

Does Geography Determine Faith?

One of the most popular objections against religion (Christianity in particular) is that we believe in Christianity because we were born in a Christian nation not because it’s true. Frank debunks this objection while sharing a very insightful email he received from a university student about this very topic. Bonus: Frank also refutes the popular […]

Near Death Experiences w/ Dr. Gary Habermas

Near Death Experiences w/ Dr. Gary Habermas

Near Death Experiences: Are they real? Is there any way to verify that they are real? What’s the implication that NDEs have on Christianity if they are real? Do they prove or disprove Christianity or Naturalism Are they evidence of the afterlife? Frank interviews Dr. Gary Habermas, who’s done extensive research on the topic. A […]

Why Don’t Miracles Happen More Often?

Why Don’t Miracles Happen More Often?

Frank continues his series on Miracles by examining the very difficult question: Why Don’t Miracles Happen More Often? He opens this podcast talking about his dear friend and fellow apologist Nabeel Qureshi who converted from Islam to Christianity and was one of the most effective defenders of the Christian Faith, yet he died from stomach […]

The Creator & The Cosmos with Dr. Hugh Ross

The Creator & The Cosmos with Dr. Hugh Ross

Whether you are skeptical of God’s existence or seeking scientific support for your faith, This interview with Astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross about his updated book will enable you to see how the heavens do declare the glory of God (Ps. 19:1). Dr. Ross explains recent scientific measurements of the universe that clearly point to its […]

Archeology in Israel

Archeology in Israel

Every year Frank goes to Israel with a small group, and they meet with famous Archaeologist Eli Shukron. They travel across Israel visiting amazing sites full of evidence that confirms Biblical Truth. In this podcast, Frank shares his experience and gives profound insights that he gathered during his latest Israel Tour.    

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 2]

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 2]

Part 2: Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume’s argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have experienced miracles. Frank interviews New Testament scholar Craig Keener not only about the […]

The Case for Miracles w/ Lee Strobel

The Case for Miracles w/ Lee Strobel

Miracles are more common than we think. In this interview, Strobel shares astounding accounts of healings and other phenomena that simply cannot be explained away by naturalistic causes. He speaks about his phenomenal new book “The Case for Miracles.” But he does not only talk about “miracles” Lee also tackles the tough question “What about […]

Jesus In Archeology with Dr. Craig Evans

Jesus In Archeology with Dr. Craig Evans

How does Archaeology relate to the New Testament and the life of Jesus? What is the value of “material culture” (i.e., archaeological evidence) for interpreting Jesus and the Gospels? Have many people mentioned in the bible been confirmed as historical figures due to new archaeological discoveries? Dr. Craig A. Evans answers these and many other […]

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 1]

Miracles with Dr. Craig Keener [Part 1]

Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume’s argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have experienced miracles. Frank interviews New Testament scholar Craig Keener not only about the reliability of […]

Failed Arguments Against Miracles

Failed Arguments Against Miracles

If miracles are not possible, then Christianity cannot be true. Many across the centuries have tried to bring arguments against miracles. Maybe the most famous advocate against the possibility of miracles is David Hume. Almost three hundred years after his death, Hume’s argument is still being taught in philosophy courses around the world today. In […]

Miracles: Do They Occur?

Miracles: Do They Occur?

What are miracles? Do They Occur? What about the miracles in Biblical times? Dr. Frank Turek discusses the six different categories of unusual events and whether miracles occur today. This is a fundamental truth of our Christian Faith, make sure you know how to engage in conversation about with topic.  

How to Doubt your Doubts w/ Michael Patton

How to Doubt your Doubts w/ Michael Patton

Frank interviews Credo Courses founder and theologian Michael Patton. They discuss an article written by Patton where the infamous Richard Dawkins left a personal comment. This interview focus on the topic of doubt. We all have doubts, so what’s the best way to deal with them? Learn more about the courses here:  

Who is Gen Z? w/ Jonathan Morrow

Who is Gen Z? w/ Jonathan Morrow

Frank remembers the life and legacy of the great Billy Graham followed by a fundamental conversation with Jonathan Morrow from the Impact 360 Institute about the latest findings on Gen Z. Find out who they are and what they believe about truth, Christianity, and reality in general. How can we reach them knowing that only […]

Answering More Atheist Questions

Answering More Atheist Questions

After traveling for several weeks and presenting the truth of Christianity on five different college campuses, Frank answers some of the questions raised by Atheist during those presentations in this Podcast. He also talks about the most recent school shooting and the press slamming Vice President Mike Pence about his religious beliefs.    

Do God’s Commands Change?

Do God’s Commands Change?

After several presentations in different universities across the U.S. Frank unpacks some of the most commonly asked questions by his audience during the Q&A section of his I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist presentations. He also answers some questions from his live audience during the last segment of the show.

The Left vs. Free Speech

The Left vs. Free Speech

Frank analyzes the debate between Jordan Peterson vs. Cathy Newman. They discuss topics such as gender, equality, pay gap and more. The crystal clear thinking and eloquence shown by Prof. Peterson puts the spotlight on the Left’s position to subvert free speech. This is a podcast you definitely want to listen and relisten. Watch the […]

Is Jesus the Real Messiah? with Dr. Michael L. Brown

Is Jesus the Real Messiah? with Dr. Michael L. Brown

Dr. Michael Brown and Frank answer the following Jewish Objections to Jesus: • Isn’t the Messiah supposed to build the third temple? Jesus didn’t do that. • The Messiah is supposed to gather all the Jews back to the land of Israel and usher in peace. Jesus didn’t do that. • Doesn’t the NT take […]

Zombie Science with Dr. Jonathan Wells

Zombie Science with Dr. Jonathan Wells

In 2000, biologist Jonathan Wells took the science world by storm with Icons of Evolution, a book showing how biology textbooks routinely promote Darwinism using bogus evidence— in Zombie Science, Wells asks a simple question: If the icons of evolution were just innocent textbook errors, why do so many of them still persist? Science has […]

The Historical Reliability of the Gospels with Dr. Craig Blomberg

The Historical Reliability of the Gospels with Dr. Craig Blomberg

The reliability of the Gospels is under attack. Skeptics seek to undermine the story of Jesus Christ by saying we cannot really trust the Gospel. “They were not written by eye-witnesses,” “They contradict each other,” “They have historical errors.” Those who have not studied this subject may be caught off-guard and begin to lose the […]

Five Proofs of the Existence of God with Dr. Ed Feser

Five Proofs of the Existence of God with Dr. Ed Feser

A fantastic interview with prolific writer and professor of philosophy, Dr. Edward Feser. Called by National Review “one of the best contemporary writers on philosophy.” Feser gives a brief exposition and defense in this podcast of five of the historically most important (but in recent years largely neglected) philosophical proofs of God’s existence: the Aristotelian, […]

If Satan was a Professor

If Satan was a Professor

Frank highlights the morally vacuous courses at major universities. A new wave of identity politics is infecting higher education, playing directly into the hands of leftist administrators, professors, and students seeking to reach a new low in their victim olympics. The result is a disregard for personal responsibility or individual freedom. Don’t miss this podcast […]

Exposing More Contradictions

Exposing More Contradictions

In this brief podcast, Frank tackles some of the inconsistencies of adhering to a worldview that claims we can choose our own gender. He also educates those who claim that one can be “racist” against Islam (Muslims). Listen also to Exposing Atheists Contradictions (Part 1)

Exposing Atheist Contradictions

Exposing Atheist Contradictions

Frank exposes several contradictions that are unavoidable if one holds to a materialistic, atheistic worldview. There seems to be a mismatch between their beliefs and reality, and we should point this out. Learn more about this by reading “Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case”

Evidence That Demands a Verdict with Sean McDowell, Ph.D.

Evidence That Demands a Verdict with Sean McDowell, Ph.D.

Frank interviews the co-author of the modern apologetics classic that started it all and is now completely revised and updated—the truth of the Bible doesn’t change, but its critics do. With the original Evidence That Demands a Verdict, bestselling author Josh McDowell gave Christian readers the answers they needed to defend their faith against the […]

Questions about Mass Shootings w/ J. Warner Wallace

Questions about Mass Shootings w/ J. Warner Wallace

In the wake of the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church mass shooting in Texas, many questions arise, and our national conversation about gun violence intensifies. We grieve with these families and cannot ignore the evil done by the perpetrator. Detective J. Warner Wallace answers some questions about mass shootings and how we should handle the […]

Talking with Your Kids about God w/ Natasha Crain

Talking with Your Kids about God w/ Natasha Crain

Christian parenting is hard work–and it’s getting harder. Parents have a deep desire to pass on their faith but fear that today’s increasingly skeptical and hostile world will eventually lead their kids to reject the truth of Christianity. That leaves many parents feeling overwhelmed–uncertain of what they can do to help their children, given the […]

The Secret Battle of Ideas About God with Dr. Jeff Myers

The Secret Battle of Ideas About God with Dr. Jeff Myers

A virus has been spreading across America. Chances are you’ve already been infected without even realizing it. The virus is made up of dangerous ideas—worldviews that don’t reflect Jesus and biblical living. According to a recent Barna study, less than one in five practicing Christians have a biblical worldview. Idea viruses—stemming from secularism, Marxism, postmodernism, […]


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