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Who is Gen Z? w/ Jonathan Morrow

Frank remembers the life and legacy of the great Billy Graham followed by a fundamental conversation with Jonathan Morrow from the Impact 360 Institute about the latest findings on Gen Z. Find out who they are and what they believe about truth, Christianity, and...

3 Syllogistic Arguments For Jesus’ Deity

By Evan Minton The Bible teaches in a variety of ways that Jesus Christ is God incarnate. In some places, The Bible couldn't possibly be more explicit, and it boggles the mind how anyone who takes scripture as the inspired word of God could avoid any conclusion other...

The Image Of God, Mental Faculties, And The Sanctity Of Life

By Evan Minton Genesis 1 teaches that human beings are created in God's image, in His likeness. Much debate and speculation over the years have occurred over what exactly that means. It obviously cannot mean that we look like God if for no other reason than that...

Bart Ehrman & the God of Christmas

By Tim Stratton  One of the most well-known New Testament scholars to graduate from Moody Bible Institute is Bart Ehrman. He has a powerful influence on many young minds today as he is a professor at the University of North Carolina and has written many bestsellers...

Simple Tools to Test Truth Claims

By Brian G. Chilton We live in a day called the information age. This is a time when we are inundated with information. Some information is based on truth, whereas other truth claims are flawed. While it is not a popular assumption to hold: Not every opinion is...

A Response To The “You’re Not Pro-Life Unless” Movement

By Michael Sherrard  Pro-life friends, I need some help. The “you’re not really pro-life unless _____” (pick any social issue to fill in the blank) is a very popular position currently amongst pro-lifers. I’m having a hard time getting my head around this stance. What...

Would Jesus Participate in Politics?

By Luke Nix Introduction "Would Jesus participate in politics?" This has been a common question posed among followers of Jesus Christ since he was asked about paying taxes to Caesar. It came across my Facebook feed a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd take some time to...

Answering More Atheist Questions

After traveling for several weeks and presenting the truth of Christianity on five different college campuses, Frank answers some of the questions raised by Atheist during those presentations in this Podcast. He also talks about the most recent school shooting and the...

Is The Universe A Computer Simulation?

Por Evan Minton Some atheists, in an attempt to avoid the conclusion that The Big Bang origin of our universe was caused by a spaceless, timeless, immaterial, uncaused, powerful, supernatural Being (i.e God), have posited that perhaps our universe and everything in it...

¿Es el universo una simulación computarizada?

Por Evan Minton Algunos ateos, en un intento de evitar la conclusión de que el origen del Big Bang de nuestro universo fue causado por un ser sin espacio, intemporal, inmaterial, sin causa, poderoso, sobrenatural (es decir, Dios), han postulado que tal vez nuestro...

How To Become a Better Apologetics Communicator

Timothy Fox So you want to be an apologetics writer or speaker. Or maybe you already are one. How can you be a better communicator? Here are five quick pointers: Watch Your Language No, I don’t mean profanity. I mean your vocabulary. If you’re like me, you’re immersed...

The Omnipotence of God

By Tim Stratton One of my primary goals is to help others comprehend God accurately. I have previously written about the attribute of God’s perfect love for all people (See The Omnibenevolence of God). I spend much time on this specific attribute because so many...

Do God’s Commands Change?

After several presentations in different universities across the U.S. Frank unpacks some of the most commonly asked questions by his audience during the Q&A section of his I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist presentations. He also answers some questions...

¿Quién escribió el libro de Apocalipsis?

Por Brian Chilton Cuando era adolescente, recuerdo haber estado un poco asustado con el libro de Apocalipsis. El olor del limpiador facial para el acné llenó la habitación mientras me zambullía en misteriosas representaciones de ángeles de cuatro caras, bestias del...

Will There Only Be 144,000 People in Heaven?

By Brian G. Chilton At our church, we recently began a new series of messages on heaven. After the service, I received a wonderful question from one of our members, Allison Mathews. Allison said that she had heard that only 144,000 people would be in heaven, and...

¿Quién escribió el libro de Judas?

Por Brian Chilton En los últimos meses, hemos estado examinando a los autores y la información de los antecedentes para los libros del Nuevo Testamento. Para este artículo, examinaremos un pequeño libro hacia el final del Nuevo Testamento conocido como Judas. ¿Qué...

About us is a non-profit ministry started in 2006 that conducts dynamic I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist seminars on college campuses, churches, and high schools.

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